Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  


Vol. 2 Nom.2



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The basic stages of development of system of financing of public health services in Russia. E.G. Katanova (Leading inspector Accounting chamber of the Russian Federation)

Abstract. The characteristic of the basic stages and models of financing of public health services in Russia is given. Sources of financing of public health services now are shown.

Keywords: the state expenditure, financing, public health services

The bibliographic list:

1. The finance / G.B. Polyak. - М. Unity: 2008, Pp. 317-319.

2. V.G. Ignatov Economy of social sphere. М.: 2005. Pp. 248-249.


Economic methods of prevention and counteraction of corruption in education system. N. Turcanu (Dr. of sciences, prof., the dean of faculty of Economic engineering and business of Technical university of Moldova)

Abstract. Approaches to prevention and counteraction of corruption in an education system are certain. The plan of prevention and counteraction of corruption in an education system with accent on economic methods is offered.

Keywords: corruption, education.


State regulation of investment activity: questions of the theory. E.Y. Antonova (Leading expert Accounting chamber of the Russian Federation)

Abstract. Substantive provisions of state regulation of investment activity are designated. Preconditions, forms and methods of regulation of investment activity in the Russian Federation are considered.

Keywords: investments, state regulation.


Theoretical bases of an estimation of a population life level and quality. S.G. Boev (Cand.Econ.Sci., senior lecturer KGSHA), V.N. Simonenkov (competitor KGSHA)

Abstract. In article the general questions of an estimation of a life population quality level are considered. Also offers on stabilization of a scale of Russian population living (increase of a payment, the further development of business, improvement of population housing maintenance) are given. 

Keywords: population living standard, population life quality.


Professional illnesses of managers. V.M. Shepel (Doctor of philosophy, the professor, the honored worker of a science of the Russian Federation, the academic of The Russian Academy of Natural  Sciences, the president of Leagues of professional image makers)

Abstract. In article for the first time in the literature on management typical emotional pathologies of those who are engaged in professionally administrative activity are described. A particular interest represent named illnesses and measures on minimization of their pathogenic influence on health of managers.

Keywords: manager, industrial diseases, emotional pathologies, self-management, life management

The bibliographic list:

1. Shepel V.M. Administrative anthropology. Human competence of the manager. M. the House of pedagogics. 2000.

2. Shepel V.M. As to live long and joyfully. M. Antikva. 2006.


Structure of a tourist product. G.A. Bunich (Doctor of Economics, The professor of the Russian university of cooperation)

Abstract. In article the structure of a tourist product from the various points of view (consumer perception of a tourist product, from a position of region, from a position of tourist agency) is in a complex considered. Generalizing structure of a tourist product is given.

Keywords: tourist product, tourism

The bibliographic list:

1. Birzakov M.B. Introduction in tourism. - SPb: Gerd's publishing house, 2002. - 320 p.

2. Kabushkin N.I. Menedzhment of tourism. - Minsk.: BGEU, 1999. - 644 p.

3. Zorin I.V., Kvartalnov B.A. Encyclopedia of tourism. - М.: The Finance and statistics, 2000. - 368 p.

4. Harris Godfri, Katz Kenneth M. Stimulation of the international tourism in XXI century. - The finance and statistics, 2000. - 240 p.


Feature of interaction of small and large business in Russian economy.A.O. Gubin (The post-graduate student of the Moscow financial-legal academy

Abstract. Opportunities and the objective reasons of interaction of small and large business on the basis of the analysis of their advantages and lacks are certain. Questions of creation in the Russian Federation innovative sector of the small business mediating economic interests of the large enterprises are considered.

Keywords: small business, large business

The bibliographic list:

1. Medvedeva D.A.'s performance at session of Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation // the Political newspaper "The president". - 2008.- 1. p. 9.

2. Glazkova L. The state corporations: a new basic of economy // the Russian Federation today. - 2008.- 9

3. Granson S. The New Times journal about creation of state corporations. - 10.10.2007.

4. Zhukov V.I. Century of development of a civilization // the Society and economy.-1996.- 9/10. p. 4.

5. Ivanov N. Human capital and globalization // Economic and the international attitudes. - 2004.- 9.

6. Dezina I. Whether small high technology business is necessary to Russia? // the Person and work. - 2005.- 3. - p. 53.

7. Evalenko M. Regional refraction of the general problems of development of small business in Russia // the Russian economic magazine. - 2003.- 2. - p. 60.

8. Small enterprises in cluster system. Foreign experience. // Analytics of small business.

9. Porfireva O.B. Strategy of modern economy. Industrial districts in Italy. Clusters. // Economic. - 2007.- 5.

10. Mihneva S.G. Intellectualization of economy: innovative manufacture and the human capital // Innovations. - 2003.- 1. - p. 76.

11. Okatov S. The state corporation: through thorns in nano. Nanotehnologes. // The Expert Urals.- 23 (286). - 18.06.2007.

12. Simanovich V.L, Operational planning of sales of production in real time // Economy. The finance. Management. - 2006.- 2. - p. 39.

13. Smirnov S. Support of the Russian business. // Questions of economy. - 1999.- 2. - p. 32.

14. Denisova D., Sumlenniy S. Dear our personnel // the Expert. - 2007.- 33(574).

15. Toksanova A.N. Principles and methods of the state support of small business // the Bulletin of Association of economists of Kazakhstan. - 2004.- 3. - p. 58.


The analysis of models of development of small and average industrial business in Russia and abroad. N.E. Egorova (Doctor of Economics, the professor, The main scientific employee Central economic-mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy  of Science), A.V. Gorlov (scientific employee Central economic-mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy  of Science)

Abstract. In article the condition of small and average industrial business in some economically advanced the countries is analyzed; the basic models of its)development are considered. Statistical data on small and average industrial enterprises are resulted. Article is executed at support of grant РГНФ 08-02-00122а.

Keywords: small business, average business

The bibliographic list:

1. Alter R. IPI for an investment in MSP and forces MSP in the countries with transitive economy. / Foreign direct investments in the small and average enterprises and by means of the small and average enterprises in the countries with transitive economy. – М: Infomart, 1996.

2. Biryukov A. Development unsociable persons of small and average business – the economy locomotive (experience of Taiwan)// Economy questions, 2004, № 9.

3. Buhvald Е., Vilensky A. Development and small-scale business support (experience of Hungary and lessons for Russia) // Economy questions, 2002, № 7.

4. Baytmen M. Small business of Kazakhstan and a role of industrial chains. / Small-scale business in the CIS and the Eastern Europe: difficulties of growth (sulfurs. – second half 90th) . Vyp. 3. – М: RNISiNP, 1997.

5. Baytmen M. The structural reorganisation in the industries and development of small business on places: a variant of a "directed" regional policy. / Small-scale business in the CIS and the Eastern Europe: difficulties of growth (sulfurs. – second half 90th). Вып. 3. – М: RNISiNP, 1997.

6. Grajfer V. I, Danilenko M. A. Small and average business in a petroleum industry of Russia. – М: “Dzhet the Press To”, 2000.

7. Gruler V. Creation of the small and average enterprises in the new earths Germany. / Small-scale business in the CIS and the Eastern Europe: difficulties of growth (sulfurs. – second half 90th). Вып. 3. – М: RNISiNP, 1997.

8. Egorova N.E. Modelling of a small-scale business in the conditions of formation of market relations / Bulletin RGNF, 1998, № 1.

9. Zemplinerova A. Small enterprises in Czechia and direct foreign investments. / Small-scale business in the CIS and the Eastern Europe: difficulties of growth (sulfurs. – the second polo-fault of 90th) . Vyp. 3. – М:RNISiNP, 1997.

10. Small business in Russia 2007. / Rosstat. – M. 2008.

11. The comparative analysis of systems and tools of support of MP in 5 countries. – NN, 2006.

12. Story D. Role of the small and average enterprises in the international investments. / Small-scale business in the CIS and the Eastern Europe: difficulties of growth (sulfurs. – second half 90th). Вып. 3. – М: RNISiNP, 1997.

13. Fan Chunjun. The state support in sphere of the small and average enterprises in China // Economy questions, 2002, № 7.

14. Jan Sjuan. Factors and strategy of development of small industrial business (on an example of Russia and China). М: Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007.

15. Schmiemann M. Enterprises by size class – overview of SMEs in the EU. // Industry, trade and services. Eurostat. 31/2008.

16. The Small Business Economy 2006. A Report to the President. United States Government Printing Office. Washington: 2007.

17. White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan 2005. Structural Change in Japanese Society and the Dynamism of Small and Medium Enterprises. Tokyo: JSBRI, 2005.


Ways of perfection of the state support of small businesses in Russian Federation. S.V. Tinkov (the lecturer of the Moscow financial-legal academy), V.V. Tinkov (independent expert)

Abstract. The introduction of Russia into the World trading organization can lead to significant change of external and internal economic conditions of managing for the national enterprises. These changes are especially actual for sector of small business. Now small business in Russia is developed insufficiently. As one of the reasons authors have defined a problem of imperfection of the state support of small business. In given clause authors give the offer on perfection of the state support of small business and expansion of a spectrum of organizational-legal forms of small enterprises.

Keywords: small business, the state support, organizational-legal form.



A place of Sweden in world market. V.I. Beloglazova (The senior teacher of the Swedish language of chair of German language of Institute of foreign languages of the State university of management)

Abstract. Development of economy of Sweden in conditions of globalization is considered. The characteristic of the basic branches of economy of Sweden is given. Tendencies of development of the Russian-Swedish economic attitudes are revealed.

Keywords: Sweden, the international economic attitudes, the European Union

The bibliographic list:

1. The Swedish Institute «Sweden in the European Union», 2001-2008 (an access Mode:

2. The Swedish Institute «Telecommunications and an information technology in Sweden», 2001 – 2008 (an access Mode:

3. Juhan Shjuk Export of services – the third part of a total internal product of Sweden, March, 2006 (an access Mode:

4. Helen Album the Swedish firm the Ericsson receives the large order from China. April 2008. 

5. ИКЕА – All about shops. 2008 


Ecology and agrarian civilization. V.A. Chevichelov (Doctor of Economics, the professor, The member-correspondent. The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the chief of inspection Accounting chamber of the Russian Federation)

Abstract. In article ground resources of Russia are in a complex considered. The factors limiting ground productivity are revealed. It is shown, that the ecological factor in the decision of a ground problem leaves on the foreground alongside with economic. Offers on ecologyzation are given to economic activities within the framework of new technological and an agrarian policy. Components of the active agrarian policy recommended to application in Russia are determined.

Keywords: ecology, ground resources, agrarian policy, productivity of ground.


Factors of dynamics of labour productivity in an agriculture. O.S. Fomin (Cand.Econ.Sci., the senior lecturer KGSHA), R.A. Ershov (the lecturer KGSHA)

Abstract. In article major factors of dynamics of labour productivity in an agriculture are considered on the basis of materials of Kursk region. The greatest attention is given to a demographic factor.

Keywords: labour productivity, agricultural production, Kursk region

The bibliographic list:

1. Chernyakov B.A. American farming: the XXI-st century. – М, 2002. – 400p.

2. Shirenbek H. Enterprise economy. – SPb., 2005. – 848 p.

3. Iskakov B.I. The concept of chain reactions in a demography and economy. / B.I. Iskakov, A.B. Iskakov, A.A. Gavrilov // Economy andentrepreneurship, 2007. – № 1. – pp. 5-21.