14.08.2017 Journal 2016 impact factor = 0,487.
16.04.2016 Journal 2015 impact factor = 0,620.
07.12.2015 Journal 2014 impact factor = 0,638.
11.01.2013 The Russian chapter of EASE was formed at the end of 2012 after meetings in Moscow between representatives of the Russian scientific journals: Journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship, Journal of International Scientific Researches,Journal of Reputiology.
30.08.2012 Journal 2011 impact factor = 0,205.
17.01.2011 The commission of experts of Editorial advice of journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" has summed up selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in 2011, and has decided to award: 1 place Tchernyshev Д.А. About practice of work of collective hotels in the conditions of an economic crisis//Aspects of a modern science. – 2011. - № 1. - p. 12–19. Huako H.S., Petrov D.V.direction of development of economic mutual relations of Russia and Europe // Economy and Entrepreneurship. – 2011. - № 4. - p. 23–27 3 place Polozova A.N., Kornienko A.E., Gorkovenko E.V. Estimation as the tool of motivation of administrative activity in controling system // Economy and Entrepreneurship. – 2011. - № 6. - p. 186–188.
10.01.2012 The journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" congratulates authors and colleagues on New Year and wishes the further creative successes!
03.12.2010 The journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" carries out selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in any mass-media in 2011. Interested persons can participate to direct the application in the free form on the address of edition. The general requirements to works: 1. Work (scientific article) should be published in mass-media in 2010. 2. Work can be looked in the Internet, or she should be sent on the address of edition. 3. Subjects of work - economic. 4. Volume, quantity of co-authors, etc. - without restrictions.
30.08.2011 Journal 2010 impact factor = 0,068.
Editors of the journal International scientific researches participated in the International Conference ICIB 2011, held May 19-22 in Thessaloniki (Greece). 28.02.2011 The commission of experts of Editorial advice of journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" has summed up selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in 2010, and has decided to award:
The diploma of 1 degree Martynov A.V. Century results of system transformation in Russia: from a socialist revolution by a postsocialist epoch // Journal "Reputiology". - 2010. - № 5. – 15-32. The diploma of 2 degrees Sheptunov M.V. The modeling of the interaction of the market with the sector of the production-consumption on the base of the macroeconomic queuing network // International scientific researches. - 2010. - № 1-2. - С. 63-68. The diploma of 3 degrees
Berezovsky O.G. Procedure of audit of calculations with suppliers and contractors // Journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship". - 2010. - № 2. – 50-56.
25.02.2011 Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation decided to include the journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" in the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals, which shouldbe published in major scientific results of dissertations for academic degrees of doctorand candidate of sciences.
14.01.2011 Journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" have joined number of subscribers to the electronic version the St.-Petersburg state university, Tomsk state university, St.-Petersburg academy of management and economy, Vladivostok state university of economy and service, Udmurt state university and other leading high schools of Russia.
22.12.2010 The journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" congratulates authors and colleagues on coming New Year and wishes the further creative successes!
03.12.2010 The journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" carries out selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in any mass-media in 2010. Interested persons can participate to direct the application in the free form on the address of edition. The general requirements to works: 1. Work (scientific article) should be published in mass-media in 2010. 2. Work can be looked in the Internet, or she should be sent on the address of edition. 3. Subjects of work - economic. 4. Volume, quantity of co-authors, etc. - without restrictions.
29.10.2010 The new book of the journal scientifically-advisory council chairman Doctors of Philosophy, professor, academician V.M. Shepel "Mentality of the manager. Administrative thinking". Moscow, 2010. 352 p. was published To get the book without intermediaries it is possible through journal edition. The information on the order here.
14.09.2010 The European association of science editors (EASE) has published "Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English". The Editor-in-chief of journal "Economy and entrepreneurship" Dr. Sergey Gorin has taken part in transfer of Guidelines into Russian. Recommendations are accessible in a pdf format here.
14.07.2010 Moscow State University has joined number of subscribers to the electronic version of journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship".
15.06.2010 The Center of scientific articles transfers is created.
25.05.2010 The international English-speaking blog "International Economy" http://www.internationaleconomy.info is organised. Authors and readers are invited.
19.05.2010 In a rating of the Russian scientific library under the Impact-factor (an index of citing) journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" borrows - 3 place in section "Other branches of economy"; - 11 place in section "Organization and management"; - 29 place among 500 journals in section "Economy. Economic sciences" (Impact-factor at 2009 is equal 0,194).
22.03.2010 Journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" have been added to Ulrich's.
24.02.2010 The commission of experts of Editorial advice of journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" has summed up selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in 2009, and has decided to award:
The diploma of 1 degree
Koval O.V, Kobjakov А.В. In search of the lost value // Magazine "However". -2009.- № 11. pp. - 10-15. The diploma of 2 degrees Liu Fuxiang, Zhao Xin A study of employment supply and demand of graduates of Chinese universities // International scientific researches. - 2009. - № 1. - pp. 18-25. The diploma of 3 degrees
Gavrilov A.A. Technique of a rating estimation of the microfinancial organisations // Journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship". - 2009.- № 4. - pp. 39-46.
10.01.2010 Аcademy of public administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus has joined number of subscribers to the electronic version of journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship".
28.12.2009 The journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship carries out selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in any mass-media in 2009. Interested persons can participate to direct the application in the free form on the address of edition. The general requirements to works: 1. Work (scientific article) should be published in mass-media in 2009. 2. Work can be looked in the Internet, or she should be sent on the address of edition. 3. Subjects of work - economic. 4. Volume, quantity of co-authors, etc. - without restrictions.
01.12.2009 On demand of Parliamentary library journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship"materials are transferred the State Parliament administration of the Russian Federation for use by preparation of parliamentary hearings to a theme "Legislative maintenance of creation and conducting uniform state information resources".
21.09.2009 On September, 16-19th current year the European association of science editors (EASE) has spent in Pisa (Italy) X General assembly and conference "Integrity in science communication". Representatives of journal "Economy andentrepreneurship" have taken part in assembly and conference work.
18.06.2009 In a rating of the Russian scientific library under the Impact-factor (an index of citing) journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" borrows 21 place among more than 400 journals in section "Economy. Economic sciences" (Impact-factor on 18.06.2009 is equal 0,143).
01.04.2009 The Financial academy at the Government of the Russian Federation
24.02.2009 The commission of experts of Editorial advice of journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" has summed up selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in 2008, and has decided to award:
The diploma of 1 degree
Egorova N.Е, Syun Yan, Bakhtizin A.R., Gorlov A.A. Methods of the analysis of development of small industrial business as growth factor of economy (on an example of Russia and China) // Audit and the financial analysis, 2008.- № 6. - With. 93-107. The diploma of 2 degrees
Purmel M.I. Reputation of the organization as a social phenomenon //Reputiology, 2008.- №1. With. 21-28.
The diploma of 3 degrees
Shlepin V.V. Development of innovations - the factor of growth of economy // Innovative development of economy of Russia: national problems and world tendencies: the International conference; Moscow, the Moscow State University of name М.В. Lomonosov, Economic faculty, on April, 23-25rd 2008 г.: the Collection of clauses: In 2 volumes: Volume 1 / Under ред. V.P.Kolesov, L.A.Tutova.-, МАКС Пресс, 2008. - With. 510 - 514.
31.12.2008 The journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" congratulates authors and colleagues on coming New Year and wishes the further creative successes!
28.12.2008 The journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship carries out selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in any mass-media in 2008. Interested persons can participate to direct the application in the free form on the address of edition. The general requirements to works: 1. Work (scientific article) should be published in mass-media in 2008. 2. Work can be looked in the Internet, or she should be sent on the address of edition. 3. Subjects of work - economic. 4. Volume, quantity of co-authors, etc. - without restrictions.
30.10.2008 Edition of Journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship (S.V. Gorin) with 2009 joins the European association of scientific editors (EASE). EASE - the most authoritative international association in sphere of scientific periodicals with headquarters in London. EASE unites leading scientific journals more than from 50 countries and establishes high requirements for the members that provides carrying out of uniform policy of constant improvement of quality of scientific publications.
28.10.2008 Journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship became accessible on a subscription (including all the left numbers) in Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. The Information transferred in Scientific electronic library, is a basis for calculation of the Russian index of scientific citing. The Russian index of scientific citing (РИНЦ) is created by Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU within the limits of the project initiated by Federal agency on a science and innovations. In "РИНЦ" the most authoritative Russian scientific magazines join. "РИНЦ" It is the mechanism, allowing to estimate a level of the scientific edition on the basis of formal and objective criteria. For transition press here.
30.09.2008 The president of League of professional image makers professor V.M. Shepel opens in International Journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship a heading «the Trade the image maker» and suggests to send materials for the publication in journal from experience of creation of corporate image of the enterprises of small and average business. The best materials will be marked by diplomas of League of professional image makers and International Journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship".
31.05.2008 On May, 29-31 current year Reputation Institute (USA) has lead in Beijing XI International conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness. The editor-in-chief of journal S.V. Gorin has taken part in work of conference and has acquainted colleagues with activity of Research group reputatiology.
19.05.2008 In the Central house of scientists of the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow, Prechistenka, 16) summarizing IV International competition Image - Derectoriya-2008has taken place. In a nomination « the Project of year in image to a science» the student of competition is recognized the head of Research group reputatiology as S.V. Gorin for a complex of scientific publications in the field of reputation. Edition of journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship congratulates colleagues on a high public estimation of their activity and wishes the further creative successes.
17.04.2008 On April, 16-17, 2008 the Ministries of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation has lead in Moscow, in hotel Golden Ring, the third International Forum "LINE": «Development of external and internal communications in sphere IT and communications». Within the framework of the business program of the Forum section sessions, «round tables» and masters-classes have taken place some, and also have passed special actions. The research group of reputatiology has taken part in work of a round table "Image - Reputation-Brand - Capitalization".
10.04.2008 Edition of journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship begins the project of support of student's scientific works. The best student's scientific works (articles, reviews) will be published on a regular basis in journal. Requirements to works are placed in section "Contacts". More detailed information it is possible to receive on e-mail editions. We invite to cooperation of students and supervisors of studies.
18.02.2008 The commission of experts of Editorial advice of journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship has summed up selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in 2007, and has decided to award:
The diploma of 1 degree
Babaev B.D., Berendeeva A.B., Smirnov A.JU. Integration a resource in social and economic development region (by the example of the Ivanovo region) // the Economist. - 2007. - № 1. - pp. 72-79.
Tinkov S.V., Gorlov A.A. New the organizational - legal form for the small industrial enterprises // the Russian Entrepreneurship. - 2007. - № 10/2. - pp. 12-16.
The diploma of 2 degrees
Grankin V.F., Bordukov G.I. Factor of a crisis condition of a dairy subcomplex of Kursk region // Economy and Entrepreneurship. - 2007. - № 1. - pp. 64-68.
The diploma of 3 degrees
Shlepin V.V. Problem of regional reproduction of a fixed capital // Сб. ИвГУ., 2007.
29.12.2007 The journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship congratulates authors and colleagues on coming New Year and wishes the further creative successes!
21.12.2007 The general requirements to works: 1. Work (scientific article) should be published in mass-media in 2007. 2. Work can be looked in the Internet, or she should be sent on the address of edition. 3. Subjects of work - economic. 4. Volume, quantity of co-authors, etc. - without restrictions.
18.12.2007 The journal of Economy and Entrepreneurship carries out selection of the best scientific works in the field of the economy, published in any mass-media in 2007. Interested persons can participate to direct the application in the free form on the address of edition.
10.12.2007 The site of journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship" has opened.
01.09.2007 Birthday of journal "Economy and Entrepreneurship".
"The more scientific journals is issued, the there is a progress in science more slowly." Sixth law Parkinson (Murphy's Laws)