Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  



Chevichelov V.A. Doctor of Economics, the professor, the academic of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia 


Andreev A.V. the doctor of jurisprudence, the professor, the deserved lawyer of the Russian Federation, the professor of the Russian academy of justice, Moscow, Russia

Babaeva Z.Sh. Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor, Dagestan state university, Makhachkala, Russia

Bitzenis Aristidis P. PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Macedonia, Department of International and European Studies, Thessaloniki, Greece

Bunich G.A. Doctor of Economics, the professor of the Russian university of cooperation, Moscow, Russia

Cichelli  Angelo Full Professor of "Commodity Science" of the University "G. D'Annunzio", Chieti-Pescara, Italy

Voeykov M.I. Doctor of Economics, the professor, Managing sector of Institute of economy  of the Russian Academy of Science,  Moscow, Russia

Voronov A.A. Doctor of Economics, the professor, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, St, Peterburg, Russia

Gerasimov A.N. Doctor of Economics, Assistance Professor, Stavropol state agriculture university, Stavropol, Russia

Gorin S.V. Dr.Econ.Sci., the editor-in-chief, the Member of European Association of Science Editors, Moscow, Russia 

Grakhov V.P. the Doctor of Economics, professor, the head of the department of "PGS", the Izhevsk state technical university of M. T. Kalashnikov, Izhevsk, Russia

Egorova N.E. Doctor of Economics, the professor, The main scientific employee Central economic-mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy  of Science, Moscow, Russia

Zhukov B.M. Doctor of Economics, professor, Southern institute of management, Krasnodar, Russia

Karpunina E.V. deputy chief editor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Ryazan, Russia

Klochko E.N.  Doctor of Economics, professor of chair of management, Southern institute of management, Krasnodar, Russia

Mingaleva Zh.A. Doctor of Economics, professor, Perm national research polytechnical university,  Perm, Russia

Oveshnikova L.V. Doctor of Economics, professor, Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Palamarchuk О.Т. Doctor of Philology, the rector of the Kuban social and economic institute, Krasnodar, Russia

Polozova A.N. Doctor of Economics, professor, Institute of management, marketing and finance, Voronezh, Russia

Rozdolskaya I.V. Doctor of Economics, the professor, The member-correspondent of The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the head of faculty of management  and marketing of the Belgorod university consumers' cooperative society, Belgorod, Russia

Ryabova T.F. Doctor of Economics, the professor of the Moscow state university of technologies and managements, Moscow, Russia

Ryzhov I.V. Doctor of Economics, professor, Military university of the Ministry of Defence Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Semyashkin G.M. Doctor of economics, professor, rector Advanced Training Institute, Siktivnar, Russia

Sukharev O.S. Doctor of Economics, professor, Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Schultz Majken PhD, The professor of Copenhagen business-school, Copenhagen, Denmark







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