Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  


Vol. 2 Nom. 1


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Normative method of financing as the basic financial and economic mechanism of reforming of an education system. E.G. Katanova (Leading inspector Accounting chamber of the Russian Federation)

Abstract. In article the basic account powers of federal, regional and municipal budgets in financing formation are considered. Principles of calculation of specifications are shown. Procedure of realization of a principle normative financings is described. Most often arising problems are noted at calculation of specifications and realization of a principle of normative financing at a regional and municipal level.

Keywords: Normative method of financing, formation, the State expenditure, normative financing.

The bibliographic list:

1. The law of the Russian Federation from July, 10th, 1992 N 3266-1"About formation"

2. The federal law from October, 6th, 2003 131-ФЗ "About the general principles of the organization of local self-management in the Russian Federation".

3. The federal law from October, 06th, 1999? 184-ФЗ "About the general principles of the organization legislative (representation) and agencies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation".

4. A modelling technique of introduction normative financings of realization of the state guarantees of the rights of citizens on reception of the popular and free-of-charge general education. // the Appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education and a science of the Russian Federation from September, 13th, 2006? АФ-213/03.

5. Design procedure of specifications of budgetary financing on realization of state standard of the general education in a comprehensive school, liceum, grammar schools and a comprehensive school with the profound studying separate subjects of the Samara area, approved by the Governmental order of the Samara area from December, 20th, 2004 № 85.

6. The description of realization by the Ivanovo area of a direction "Transition on normative financing of general educational establishments " // the Complex project of modernization of formation of the Ivanovo area //

7. The description of realization by Novosibirsk area of a direction"Transition on normative financing of general educational establishments" // the Complex project of modernization of formation of Novosibirsk area //

8. Introduction normative подушевого financings of general educational establishments //  A.I. Adamskogo. Institute of problems educational. Eureka. M. 2006. p. 12?

9. Economy of municipal sector. // Under red. A.V.Pikulkina.  M. 2007. p. 379.



Infrastructure of support of small business in region. A.B. Berendeeva (Cand.Econ.Sci., the senior lecturer of the Ivanovo state university), A.V. Prjaslov (The competitor of the Ivanovo state university)

Abstract. The characteristic branch structure of small enterprises is given. The approach to realization of regional policy in the field of support and development of small business is considered. The infrastructure of support of small business in the Ivanovo area is described. The estimation of the program of development and the state support of small business in the Ivanovo area for 2007-2009 is given.

Keywords: small business, infrastructure, dotation region, the state support of small business.

The bibliographic list:

1. Development of small business in regions of Russia: by results of the all-Russian research "Conditions and factors of development of small business in regions Russian Federations", lead in 2005 // the Society and economy. 2005. № 10/11. p. 293.

2. A site of the All-Russia center of studying of public opinion cHash=bfbebd0221print=1 (on February, 12th, 2008).

3. Sharovym / Small business of the Ivanovo area: the Information portal (on February, 18th, 2008) .

4. Samohvalov A. Federalism, the market and the social and economic policy of the state // the Free idea-XXI. 2005.№ 7. p. 85.

5. About development of small and average business in the Russian Federation: the Federal law from July, 24th, 2007? 209-ФЗ // the Russian newspaper. On July, 2007.31th.

6. Aparina N., Kurbatova M. Interaction of regional administration and business during use of resources of region // Questions of economy. 2003. № 11.

7. Evalenko M. Regional refraction of the general problems of development of small business in Russia // the Russian economic magazine. 2003.№ 2.

8. Zhuzhgina I.A., Vinogradova A.V. Factors of competitiveness and their estimation subjects of small business // EКО. 2007.№ 7.

9. Kovalev V.A., Krotov P.P. Regional's moles authority and business: problems of interaction // Sociological researches. 2004.№ 7.

10. Kulakovskiy R. Authority and business: Social dialogue in regional management // Problems of the theory and practice of management. 2004.№ 6.

11. Simchera V.M. Rating of business activity, enterprise confidence and investment appeal of regions of Russia // Questions of statistics. 2005. № 6.

12. Chirikova A., Shishkin S. Authority and business on a floor of social policy: a regional projection // the Society and economy. 2006.№ 1.

13. Small business of the Ivanovo area: the Information portal  (on February, 12th, 2008).

14. News agency "The Alliance of Media" id=771455 (on February, 18th, 2008).

15. The government of the Ivanovo area: an official site (on February, 18th, 2008)

16. Investments of the Ivanovo area: an information portal the newspaper of the business information.  (on February, 12th, 2008) .

18. The Ivanovo area in 2006: The statistical collection
/ Territorial body of Federal service of the state statistics on the Ivanovo area. Ivanovo, 2007. p. 447.

19. Orehovskiy P. Small and average business in Russia // the Society and economy. 2005. № 12. pp. 78-80.

20. The concept of social and economic development of the Ivanovo area till 2020. Ivanovo, 2007. p. 24. 



Financing of investment activity of the enterprises of a sailing charter. V.A. Chevychelov ((Doctor of Economics, the professor, The member-correspondent. The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the chief of inspection Accounting chamber of the Russian Federation), E.J. Antonova(Leading expert Accounting chamber of the Russian Federation))

Abstract. Authors allocate factors which influence volume and intensity of the investments directed on updating and development of a fixed capital of a sailing charter. It is drawn a conclusion on necessity of use of levers of the state economic, financial and budgetary policy which stimulate inflow of investment resources to transport branch.

Keywords: investment activity, investments, a sailing charter.



Role of the non-numerical data in planning at the enterprise. N.I. Beguchev (Cand.Econ.Sci., the senior lecturer of the Moscow financial-legal academy), M.V. Fimin (The post-graduate student of the Moscow financial-legal academy)

Abstract. In work on the basis of the theory of indistinct sets the problem of planning of economic parameters of activity of the enterprise is considered. The opportunity of application of the given approach is shown at forecasting distributed (balance) profit.

Keywords: planning at the enterprise, non-numerical data, indistinct sets, planning.

The bibliographic list:

1. Leonenkov A. Indistinct modelling in MATLAB environment and fuzzyTech. - SPB.: БХВ, 2003. - 736 p.

2. Deandra T. C. A process to estimate the value of a company based on operational performance metrics - an abstract of a dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, 2005.

3. Orlov A.I. The theory of decision-making. - М.: Publishing house"Examination", 2006.

4. Altunin A.E., Semuhin M.V. Model and algorithms of decision-making in indistinct conditions: the Monography. Tyumen: Publishing house of the Tyumen state university, 2000. - 352 p.



New legal field for small business. G.B. Bakaljagin

Abstract. In clause the analysis of the new law "About development of small and average business in the Russian Federation" is given. Opportunities and restrictions of sphere of application of the given law are shown. Concepts new to the Russian legislation are considered - "Average business"  and "The microenterprises". The basic directions of development of a state policy of support of small business are described.

Keywords: small business, average business, small business, the state support of small and average business.



System perfection of legislative regulation of Internet - trade. T.B. Doroboljuk (Cand.Econ.Sci., the chief of a department of Administration of Omsk), A.V. Nosov (The engineer of the Siberian auto-road academy)

Abstract. In clause opportunities of development the Internet-trade in regions of Russia are shown. Models of purchase of simple and complex object through the Internet in conditions of economic and legal restrictions are offered. Results of the analysis of models of purchase in conditions developing the Internet-trade are interpreted. At the analysis of models of purchase lacks of the current legislation and an existing infrastructure are revealed.

Keywords:Internet-trade, retail trade, perfection of the legislation.

The bibliographic list:

1. BPwin. Methods Guide. (BPwin4MG.pdf from BPwin 4.0) Computer Associates, 2000.



Why image of Europe grows dull? V.M. Shepel (Doctor of philosophy, the professor, the honored worker of a science of the Russian Federation, the academic of The Russian Academy of Natural  Sciences, the president of Leagues of professional image makers)

Abstract. In clause the reasons of change of image of the Europe are considered. The major factors defining the European image now are shown. Opportunities of improvement of image of the Europe are considered.

Keywords: Image of the Europe, imageology, change of image.

The bibliographic list:

1. Lenin V.I. "About the slogan the United States the Europe".

2. Krugman P.R., Obstfellda "The International economy. The theory and a policy".



Research of image of the organizations of consumers' cooperative society as factor of effective economic and social activity. I.V. Rozdolskaja (Doctor of Economics, the professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, managing faculty of the Belgorod state university of consumers' cooperative society), V.M. Brezhneva (Cand.Econ.Sci., the senior teacher of the Belgorod state university of consumers' cooperative society)

Abstract. In clause results of the analysis of image of consumer societies of Kursk area on the basis of an author's technique are reflected. The comparative estimation of groups of attributes of image from the personnel and consumers is lead. Parameters of an estimation of image of the cooperative organizations are revealed. In the conclusion the actual and desirable image of the cooperative organizations of Kursk area in comparison with image of the private businessman is considered.

Keywords: Image, reputation, consumers' cooperative society.

The bibliographic list:

1. Alyoshin I.V. Corporate image: strategic aspect // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 1998.- № 1. - p. 44.

2. Rozdolskaya I.V. Innovative culture - a strategic resource of the organizations of consumers' cooperative society // Bulletin BUPK. - 2003.- № 1. - pp. 90-92.

3. Teplova L.E., Ukolova L.V. Cooperative movement of Russia and foreign countries. М.: Вита-пресс, 2005. - 160 p.



Factors of production of the agricultural enterprises of Kursk region. L.A. Shatohina (The vice-president of committee of the finance of Administration of Kursk area)

Abstract. Change of the basic parameters of reproduction in an agriculture of Kursk area is considered. Influence of an intensification on воспроизводственный process in the agricultural enterprises of Kursk area in 2006 is certain.

Keywords: the production, the expanded reproduction, Kursk area, the agricultural enterprises.

The bibliographic list:

1. The Agriculture of Kursk area (2002-2006). The statistical collection. - Kursk, 2007. - 213 p.

2. Baklazenko G., Смирнова L. SPerfection of management by an agrarian complex // Agrarian and industrial complex: economy, management.  - 2006.-№ 2. - p. 17-21.

3. Afinogenova А., Krilatih E. Strategy of development of agrarian and industrial complex in view of innovative factors // Agrarian and industrial complex: economy, management. - 2005.- № 10. - pp. 4-11.

4. Zinchenko A. Production and social and economic transformations to an agriculture of Russia // Agrarian and industrial complex: economy, management. - 2006.- №  8. - pp. 7-10.



Model of the organizational - administrative mechanism of labour relations in development of small business in Russia. S.V. Tinkov (the lecturer of the Moscow financial-legal academy)

Abstract. In clause the organizational-administrative mechanism of development of labour attitudes at the small Russian enterprises is offered. The characteristic of basic elements of the offered mechanism is given.

Keywords: organizational-administrative mechanism, labour relations, small business.