Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  

Vol. 3 Nom.6

Vol. 3 Nom.6

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The economic mechanism of depopulation in the industrial countries and in Russia. A.G. Malygin

Abstract. In article the eco family continuation economic reason of depopulation is shown under capitalism. The economic mechanism of family continuation instinct suppression is described. Ways of counteraction are offered depopulation market mechanisms. Features of depopulation and counteraction to it in Russia are considered.

Keywords: demography, depopulation, economic mechanism, labour market, profit, market economy, reproduction of the person, family.


Implication of global crisis in position of the countries of world periphery, with the special review of the Balkans. Ljubisha Mitrovich

Abstract. In article the economic reason of modern world crisis is shown It is defined that the neoliberal concept of development leans mainly against monetary economic policy.  The sociological analysis of twenty years' balance of the Balkans is given. The conclusion is drawn that without change of global (neoliberal) strategy which dominates today in the world, is not present and there can not be a fast overcoming the crisis and improvement of the Balkan societies.

Keywords: crisis, globalization, transit, Balkans, periphery, social democratic alternative.


Russian economy: innovative development or raw preservation? A.V. Smirnov

Abstract. In article the reasons of a modern crisis state of Russian economy are analyzed. Factors and conditions of innovative development of economy are considered. Offers on activization of development of Russian economy in various spheres (government, agriculture, road building, bank activity, taxation, small-scale business, etc.) are given.

Keywords: economic development, Russian economy, economic crisis, economic policy, innovative development, government, middle class, monetary and credit policy, financial market, tax policy, agriculture, small-scale business.


Problems of carrying out performance audit in the Russian Federation and analysis of foreign performance audit methodology. U.A. Kireeva

Abstract. The paper is devoted to problems of carrying out performance audit in Russia. The author describes the reasons of occurrence of such kind of audit, a urgency of its application and operating official norms. In the paper there is a review of the authors who were deal with problems of performance audit, structure and the contents, stages of carrying out and difficulty of realization performance audit is given. Also in the paper there is the analysis of foreign techniques of carrying out performance audit from the point of view of its content, the goals and tasks and practical realization of process of audit is given. 

Keywords: performance audit, methodology of performance audit, structure of performance audit, the organization of performance audit.


Oil export of Russia: history and a current state. S.A. Goroshko

Abstract. The aspects of oil-exporting policy of Russia have been analyzed. It is shown that oil industry of tsar’s Russia and the Soviet Union before 1950s was oriented towards satisfaction of domestic demand. Since 1950s oil-export became the instrument of foreign policy of the USSR: the export of raw oil at low prices begins to the detriment of economic interests of the country. Modern Russia inherited row orientation of export must put the aim of oil-processing’s revival within the country and transition to export of oil products.

Keywords: oil-export, foreign policy, economic interests, row orientation.


Evolution of the idea of the business process reengineering. I.S. Nuzhnova

Abstract. Periods of the crisis in the national economy emphasize a need of organizations for management methods that help in restructuring business processes in case of decreasing demand and financial lack, minimize unavoidable losses and save key personal. Anti-crisis managers offer partial business process reengineering. But understanding of this offering by consulters and owners of businesses isn’t clear. In this situation a realization of reengineering would weaken the company in the critical period of time. The article explains reasons of the ambiguous definition of the business process reengineering, analyses its disadvantages and an effectiveness of using.

Keywords: reengineering, business process. reorganization, restructuring.


Problems of automobile branch enterprises expenses management. I.V. Voronin

Abstract. The article problems of management by expenses at the enterprises automobile branches are considered. Technical and economic tendencies in sphere of automobile industry are analyzed. The special attention is given questions of decrease in the cost price of production through management of alternative expenses.

Keywords: automobile branch, alternative expenses, cost price.


Features and prospects of application of method BSC in management business-processes of the enterprise. M.O. Gryaznova

Abstract. Given article is devoted to features and prospects of application of method BSC in management business-processes of the enterprise. Inarticle such questions as are considered: the concept business-process, features of management business-processes, techniques of management business-processes, is considered interrelation of cyclic model Shuchart-Daming (PDCA) and a method of strategic management BSC.

Keywords: business-process, cyclic model Shuchart-Daming (PDCA), method BSC, market, clients, finance, economy, infrastructure, self-inspection of the organization, balanced system of indicators.


Logic toolkit of management. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the material from the new book of professor V.M. Shepel prepared for the press is presented «Professional thinking of the manager». Components of logic toolkit of management (the anthropological logic, the virtual logic etc.) are in detail considered. Various cogitative algorithms of managers are offered.

Keywords: management, manager, mentality, cogitative algorithms, anthropological logic, virtual logic.


Prospects of commercial banks and microfinancial institutions interaction (on an example of credit co-operative societies). S.V. Ketsko

Abstract. In article is shown the mechanism of interaction of commercial banks and micro financial institutions. Characteristic dependences of micro financial institutions on commercial banks are allocated. Advanced mechanisms of interaction of large and average credit institutions with micro financial institutions are offered.

Keywords: micro financial institutes, credit cooperatives, commercial banks, financial crisis, small-scale business.


Economy modernisation is necessary for beginning with the updated outlook. V.S. Stepanov

Abstract. In article the economic crisis reasons in Russia are considered. Negative influence of transnational corporations on social and economic development of the country is shown. The conclusion is drawn that economy modernisation is necessary for beginning with the updated outlook.

Keywords: economic development, Russian economy, transnational corporations, economic crisis, government, middle class.