Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  


Vol. 3 Nom.4



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Crisis as transitive process of capitalist economy. V.I. Golubev

Abstract. In article original causes of an economic crisis which the author sees in discrepancy of a supply and demand in modern economy are considered. The destabilizing role of trading intermediaries and financial structures is shown. It is brought to a focus to possible social and economic consequences of crisis. Display of crisis on an example of automobile branch is analyzed. A number of measures on an output from modern crisis is offered.

Keywords: economic crisis, intermediaries, the price for oil, productive work, gamble, automobile branch


Food safety as a global problem of international commerce. I.V. Tchitalkina

Abstract. The article is devoted to activities of UN’s specialized organizations in a sphere of global problems of food safety solution. The author generalizes main results of FAO and WHO activities on sphere of Food safety. The analysis of ways of consumer's damage prevention used in international practice is represented by the author. The article assess a role of Codex Alimentarius in international commerce.

Keywords: global problems, food safety, foodstuffs, international trade, FAO, WHO, consumer rights protection


Sweden, the European Union and Russia: cooperation in conditions of an economic crisis. V.I. Beloglazova

Abstract. Organizational opportunities of the European Union under the decision of actual economic problems are shown. Are analyzed a role of Sweden in the European Union in conditions of a world economic crisis. Possible directions of economic cooperation of Russia with Sweden and the European Union as a whole are revealed.

Keywords: economic crisis, structure of the European Union, Sweden, questions of ecology, Northern gas main, problems of global warming


Share investment funds: problems and prospects of development in conditions of an economic crisis. V.А. Dyachenko

Abstract. In article principal causes of distribution of crisis on the market of share investment funds in Russia are certain. The technical analysis of activity of some PIFS is lead. Results of analytical researches in the field of the mechanism of functioning of the Russian share investment funds are presented. The author's recommendations directed on a conclusion of the market of collective investments from a decadent stage are given. Opportunities of creation of new categories of share investment funds are considered.

Keywords: market of collective investments, economic crisis, share investment fund, general fund of bank management, financial market


Technique of a rating estimation of the microfinancial organizations. A.A. Gavrilov

Abstract. In article the author's technique of a rating estimation of the Russian microfinancial organizations is resulted. In a technique parameters of social loyalty and financial parameters are used. Typical forms of the reporting of the microfinancial organizations are presented. Typical forms of the reporting of the microfinancial organizations, techniques necessary for realization are presented.

Keywords: microfinancial organization, rating estimation, small business, the reporting, financial parameters, social parameters


Оptimization of expenses of automobile services in crisis period. I.V. Voronin

Abstract. The article is analyzed a crisis situation in the market of automobile service. Opportunities of optimization of expenses of automobile services in modern conditions are shown. Economic relations of the insurance companies and banks with automobile services are reflected. The forecast of development of automobile services for the near future is given.

Keywords: monitoring of expenses, optimization of expenses, automobile service, insurance company, economic crisis


Cold  technologies as the tool of counteraction to consequences of a world economic crisis in Russia. A.G. Malygin

Abstract. In article graphic models of a financial condition of one enterprise and the branch consisting of set of the enterprises competing among themselves are considered. Models are used for demonstration of the mechanism of formation of an economic crisis of overproduction and bank crisis, in conditions when classical crisis of overproduction is blocked by the antimonopoly law. On the basis of the analysis of models it is shown, that in conditions of crisis the noncompetitive enterprises with greater industrial expenses are most vulnerable. Overwhelming number of the manufactures working on the western technologies, in view of rigidity of the Russian climate appear less competitive. Thereof the domestic economy sustains more significant losses from crisis, than economy of the countries with a soft climate. It is drawn a conclusion that by means of corresponding scientific and technical policy it is necessary to stimulate development highly effective cold technologies using unlimited resources of a free-of-charge cold. Historical examples of application national cold technologies in pre-revolutionary Russia are resulted, and also possible ways of an effective utilization of a cold in power, in chemical and an iron and steel industry, in mining and in an agricultural production are described.

Keywords: economic crisis, cold technologies, production efficiency, alternative energy sources, a cold climate, competitiveness, labour productivity


Technology of corporate image. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the material from the new book of professor V.M. Shepel «A trade the image maker» is presented . Parameters of corporate image are considered: design of territory and a building; ergonomics and an aesthetics of office accommodation; a condition the Internet-site; presence of a brand and advertising; a social resonance of public actions; presentableness of the personnel; presence  «Star Persons»; corporate culture.

Keywords: corporate image, the image maker, imageology


Choice of the organizational-legal form for small enterprises in conditions of crisis. S.V. Tinkiv, V.V. Tinkov

Abstract. In article the problem of a choice of the organizational-legal form in conditions of an economic crisis is in detail considered. Advantages and lacks of various forms for a small enterprise from the administrative point of view are shown. On the basis of the analysis of an economic role of small enterprises in national economy also it is abroad drawn a conclusion on imperfection of existing organizational-legal forms for use in small business. Also in clause concrete recommendations on expansion of the list of organizational-legal forms for business in Russia are given.

Keywords: small business, organizational-legal forms, economic crisis