Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  


Vol. 3 Nom.2


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Physical socioeconomy. Chain reactions in a demography and economy (part II). B.I. Iskakov, A.B. Iskakov

Abstract. The clause presents the results of investigations of many years by academician B. Iskakov, the results of the work being published since 1959. The problem, in Nobel format, is dimension and stimulation of scientific-technical and socioeconomic progress. According to the concept of “physical economics” and “physical socioeconomics” the authors suggest that dynamics of numbers and of structure of population should be considered as a controlled chain reaction. A wide range of probability premises made possible to deduced “the law of passionarnosty”, that is the law of quantitative distribution of people according to their activity. Demographic and socio-demographic consecutive developed models were worked out, which reflect of numbers and of structure of population and increase of gross domestic product (GDP). Variants of long-term prognoses of dynamics of population and GDP of Russian were made. The use of  factorial analysis and of method of the main components helped to bring out the most dangerous causes of depopulation in Russia. Recommendations in overcoming of depopulation and optimization of socio-economic development of the country are formulated.

Keywords: physical economics, physical socioeconomics, demography, depopulation, chain reactions, “passionarnost”, globalism, the Iskakov’s law, the law of S-form curve of increasing of population and economics, system  of national accounts (SNA), demographical national accounts, Nobel format of problems, criteria of maturity of science and arts, optimization of socioeconomic order, convergention, synthesis of advantages of socialism and capitalism, equation of socioeconomics condition, equations of quantitative socioeconomics.


Prospects of development of electronic forms of interaction of the state and business in Russia. M.G. Ermolaeva

Abstract. Necessity of expansion of functions of the electronic government, condition of use of a digital signature, modern condition and prospects of electronic auctions in sphere of state purchases in Russia - here those some questions which are considered in given article. The electronic form of interaction of business and the state is called not only to save expenses, but also to help with struggle against corruption that is illustrated in article by concrete examples. Last changes in the field of the Russian legislation on state purchases as a whole and their electronic form in particular are resulted and analysed. Conclusions are supported by an actual material from official sources.

Keywords: the electronic government, information society, digital signature, universal services of communication, electronic auction, electronic trading platforms, the Uniform trading platform, state purchases.


The ecology-economic approaches based on mathematical modeling of risk, minimizing economic expenses for safety of development of deposits of a shelf. L.I. Lobkovskiy, N.V. Solovjova, M.Y. Hudoshina

Abstract. Necessity proves in work to spend optimization of financing of intensive development of shelf deposits in view of arising problems variety. Use of the offered techniques will allow to satisfy to the compelled conditions of decrease in expenses for nature protection actions at preservation of a priority of ecological requirements. For the decision of ecological safety problems within the limits of optimum economic actions the analysis, an estimation and ecological risk management in view of possible decrease in economic expenses for maintenance of shelf is offered ecological safety.

Keywords: ecological risk, ecological safety, shelf, mathematical modeling.


The Time chain in Croatian companies. Đurđica Fučkan, Janko Tintor, Paola Šuman

Abstract. This research into approaches to planning and planning technologies of Croatian companies started with the underlying assumption that there is an interrelation between approaches to planning and planning technologies on the one hand, and the specific features of a company and its environment on the other. This interrelation entails two hypotheses: 1) any change in the specific features of a company and in the company's environment requires a change in approaches to planning and in planning technologies; 2) the success of planning can be evaluated on the basis of the achieved balance between the technologies and the conditions of doing business as seen in the relations between a company and its environment.

Keywords: planning technologies, Croatian companies


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3. Ashby, W.R. (1976): An Introduction to Cybernetics, 5th Ed.; London,

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8. Espejo, R. (1997): Giving Requisite Variety to Strategic Implementation processes, Theory and Practice, The LSE Strategy & Complexity Seminar,

9. Malik, F. Strategie des Managements komplexer Systeme, pp. 36-37;

10. Urlich, H./Probst, G.:Anleitung zum ganzheitliches Denken un Handeln,

11. Forrester, J. (1961): Industrial Dynamics; MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass; USA

12. Fučkan, Đ.( 2002) Konformistički i inovativni razvoj u uvjetima rasta kompleksnosti, Suvremeno poduzetništvo, broj 3, ožujak 2002, TEB, Zagreb

13. Gharajedaghi; (1999): Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity; Butterwirth/Heinemann, Boston,

14. Luhmann, N. (1984):Soziale Systeme, Grundriss einer algemeinen Theorie, Suhrkamp

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16. Malik, K.( 1984): Strategie des Managements komplekser Systeme, Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern und Stutgart

17. Minzberg, H.( 1994): The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, Prentice Hall

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20. Malik, K.( 1984): Strategie des Managements komplex  er Systeme, Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern und Stutgart

21. Minzberg, H.( 1994): The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, Prentice Hall

22. Tintor,J.( 2000) Poslovna analiza, koncepcija, metodologija, metode, HIBIS, d.o.o., Centar za ekonomski consulting, Zagreb

23. Urlich,H./ Probst, G.J.B.( 1988): Anleitung zum ganzheitlichen Denken und Handeln, Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern und Stutgart



Essence and types of social audit. T.V. Osipova

Abstract. In presented article is given determination of the notion "social audit", are described bases of the procedure of the undertaking social audit and stages of its undertaking. Offered author's typology social audit, are defined main problems. Appearing on way of the formation social audit in Russia and some way of their decision. In article is spoken about practicability of the introduction social audit in practical person of the Russian business.

Keywords: social audit, social responsibility, social auditor, types of social audit, nonfinancial reporting, social standards. 



The modern enterprise: transformation aspect. E.E. Irodova

Abstract. In article specificity of the present stage in development and adaptations of the Russian corporate business is considered. In particular, a lot of aspects, among which is staticized: the most significant directions of transformation of the companies; social policy and the social responsibility of business; concept of social investments and their specificity on an example of the Russian corporate business; an inconsistent role of the state in corporate system of Russia; the nature and the Russian specificity of corporate conflicts; raiders as institute business-environment.

Keywords: corporate business, transformations, social aspects, corporate conflicts



Whether we can introduce the American experience in our high economic education? Nicolae Turcanu

Abstract. Characteristic features of the organization of the high economic formation in the USA are considered. Questions of financing of high schools, the organizations of management, motivation of students and teachers are accented. Are drawn conclusions on opportunities of use of the American experience at the organization of the high economic formation.

Keywords: economic formation, state financing, motivation



Public rating of top-managers. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article  the material of the chapter «Technology of corporate image» from the new book of professor V.M.Shepel «A trade the imagemaker» is presented. Communication of the head publicity rating and appeal of commercial organization corporate image is shown. The basic kinds of public dialogue of top-managers (alive radio dialogue, radiodialogue, television radio dialogue) are considered. Various examples from personal practice image-consultation of the commercial organizations are resulted.

Keywords: rating, imagemaker, corporate image, top-manager, топ-management