Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  


Vol. 4 Nom.2

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Modernisation and competitiveness of economy: what should be a rouble exchange rate? A.V. Smirnov

Abstract. In article debatable questions of necessity of rouble devaluation are considered. Communication of a course policy and economy modernisation is investigated. The author's approach to monetary and credit policy perfection is offered. The conclusion is drawn that the inflation problem can be solved only by stimulation of domestic economy, instead of rouble strengthening.

Keywords: economy modernisation, competitiveness of economy, rate of exchange, inflation, government, devaluation, export, import, monetary weight, monetary and credit policy, economic growth, financial policy.


The dollar as a financial pyramid. S.A. Stroev

Abstract. In article are considered history and logic of formation of a virtual financial system, the mechanic of its functioning and possibility. Refusal of bank letting out bank notes of obligations to provide with their gold on a fixed rate has led to a cardinal mutation of essence of the market.The classical market generated by a division of labour, represents the mechanism of an equivalent exchange qualitatively different in consumer qualities, but products of work quantitatively equal at labour cost. The essence of change of its essence in a course virtual financial units consists that the bank structure making bank notes with the expenses aspiring to zero, creates the conditional equivalents of cost exchanged for products of work. Differently, the modern market represents a way of gratuitous and unlimited assignment of products of another's work by the economic subject, provided to itself monopoly of release of virtual bank notes. Article is a book fragment «Toolkit сapitalocracy» (S.A.Stroev, SPb, Publishing house of Polytechnical University, 2009).

Keywords: dollar, financial pyramid, сapitalocracy, virtualization of finance, operations with partial coverage.


Integration artful designs of economy. E.Yu. Somova

Abstract. Article is devoted to organizational and spatial forms economics (agglomerations, clusters, industrial districts, economic enclaves, social networks, innovative systems, points growth and others), examines the patterns of their place in the socio-economic area, namely: circumstances arise in the economic practice and theory, the conditions for their development. This article describes studied forms (description, dignity/disadvantages, distinctive) comparison with related forms. Theoretic accompanied by vivid life examples.

Keywords: economic links, spatial structure, progressive complexity, evolution, globalisation, economic clasters, agglomeration, logistical chain, industrial complex, social network, innovations.


«New technologies» - a component of long-term economic growth. R.M. Ryshkov

Abstract. In the conditions of growing limitation of traditional raw economy, transition to energy saving technologies and increase of a share of renewed energy sources is one of the first priorities perspective scientifically - the technical, innovative and ecological policy of Russia. Empirical supervision exponential growth of capacity of computers on which basis assumptions of the further innovative development of scientific and technical activity in the field of high technologies become is considered. As will mention aspect of creation, of the infrastructure rendering services of innovative character, with reference to region.

Keywords: technological development, economic growth, new technologies, innovations, industrial policy.


Procedure of audit of calculations with suppliers and contractors. O.G. Berezovsky

Abstract. In article the description of author's procedure of audit of calculations with suppliers and contractors is resulted. The described procedure provides all-round and qualitative carrying out of check of completeness and reliability of operations with suppliers and contractors both in book keeping and in the accounting reporting.

Keywords: audit, supplier, contractor, calculations, book keeping, tax account.


The account of uncertainty and distribution of responsibility for risk at strategic planning. M.O. Gryaznova, E.S. Kyznetsova

Abstract. Given article is devoted to division of the responsibility for risks by development of strategic decisions and strategy of development of the enterprise. Various economic, social and philosophical aspects risk-management in conditions of strategic management are considered. Comparison of sights of such leading scientists in the field of management as Thompson's Item and Lank's is spent. 

Keywords: risk, responsibility, risk as an economic category, distribution of risk. strategic management, risk-management.


Management methodology of market stability «small business enterprise» system. L.U. Filobokova

Abstract. The main question of “Small business enterprise” system stability determination is structual stability evolution estimation, under the influence of both inner and outer factors regarding to market business environment. Existing way to the nature of the market stability understanding differentiates control of meso and micro levels systems stability, specifying, first of all, regional aspects of stability regulation. But at the same time the market stability of “Small business enterprise” system is the general level of advantages concerning the way of open social and economic systems operation.

Keywords: small business enterprise, management methodology, market, regional economy, region, market stability, competitiveness.


The individual businessman as the form of own business organisation. N.V.Polubojarova

Abstract. In article the basic questions connected with activity of the individual businessman are considered: activity kinds; advantages and status lacks; responsibility; registration procedure; a choice of system of the taxation; voluntary liquidation.

Keywords: individual businessman, state registration of the individual businessman, accounting service, reporting of the businessman, taxation system, outsourcing, tax consultation, small-scale business service.


Item representation of communication management. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the material from the new book of professor V.M. Shepel «A trade the imagemaker» is presented. The maintenance and humanitarian sense of communication management is shown. The applied orientation of communication management is defined. Functions of communication management are investigated. Communications as object of communication management are considered. Communication process and an information technology are described. Prospects of development of communication management (technology dialogue, preservation and reproduction of historical memory, development of communication service, communication support of business, stimulation of scientific and technical progress, structural perfection of management) are shown.

Keywords: communication management, manager, mentality, information, management, imagemaker, communications, information technology, communication service, historical memory, scientific and technical progress, management perfection.


About contradictions of the state, noncommercial and commercial organizations. V.A. Ljashenko

Abstract. In article features of activity of the state, noncommercial and commercial organizations are considered. Organizational aspects of functioning of the organizations in the Russian Federation are investigated.

Keywords: organizations, commercial organizations, noncommercial organizations, state organizations, commercial activity.