Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  

Vol. 4 Nom.3

Vol. 4 Nom.3

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Physical economics – the science of prosperity. A.A. Kasyanov

Abstract. In article the basic questions of physical economy are considered. Economy evolution as sciences is described. The work role in economy and society development is shown. Offers on formation of subclasses of proprietors in modernRussia are given. The conclusion is drawn that the mankind future is concluded not in capitalist and not to socialist system, and in their best lines harmoniously connected by the convergence theory.

Keywords: economy, physical economy, energy, economic theory, political economy, labor, population density, cost.


Unequal incomes population and economic development. A.A. Alpatov

Abstract. Some issues of the interconnection of a differentiation incomes and economic development are regarded in this paper. On the author’s opinion such a big concentration of a company’s economical power only in ones hands leads to crisis. He suggests us to improve specification of the property rights in a company.

Keywords: unequal incomes population, contra-crisis approach, economic growth, total economic balance, gross domestic product, specification and distribution of the property rights.


The second level of money. V.S. Tikin 

Abstract. Money as the goods of the goods towers over the others. The position on the second floor is fixed by money through division of own functions and properties. Modern process of formation of new international currency confirms Aristotle's idea that money in economy appears as a result of negotiating process.

Keywords: money, essence, properties, functions, competition, image.


Sustainable development of the natural-resources region: rationale, underlying factors. L.A. Lemdyaeva

Abstract. The problem of increase of competitiveness of the Russian regions consists not only in expansion available and search of new niches in the national and world markets, but also in maintenance of effective structure of the market exchanges, not exhausting the natural, material and human capital of territories, thus for nature-resource regions other purposes and interactions are characteristic. The author's understanding of essence and classification of factors of a sustainable development of nature-resource region also is reflected in given article.

Keywords: nature-resource region, social system, ecological system, sustainable development, sustainable development factors.


Evaluating the effectiveness of executive authorities of Russian Federation subjects in the employment (example Chuvash Republic). J.S. Nikiforova

Abstract. In article it is shown that financial crisis has affected dynamics of employment of the population in Russia. State policy problems on a labor market are described. Priority problems of the Chuvash Republic in the field of employment are analyzed.

Keywords: government, subjects of the Russian Federation, population employment, Chuvash Republic, social and economic development, social policy.


Statistical analysis of factors for the development of small enterprises. N.E.Egorova, A.V. Gorlov

Abstract. A complex of socio-economic factors of an environment and its influence to the small industrial enterprises development are investigated in this article. The quantitative estimation of influence of various combinations of factors to output of the small firms is done by the statistical methods. The important methodical principles of correlate-regression methods and organization of information base are formulated for the applying considerate problem.

Keywords: small industrial enterprises, development indicators, socio-economic factors, correlate-regression analysis.


Measuring and estimation systems of company performance. A.S. Zharova

Abstract. Performance management is an extraordinary important factor of company survival. You are not able to manage things if you have no instruments to measure  them. This article is devoted to brief analysis of the term «performance indicators», required properties of performance indicators are cleared. Besides, there is a review of basic approaches to performance estimation. Fundamental principles of activity-based performance analysis are presented.

Keywords: performance, performance indicator, business-process.


Competitiveness of innovative higher school in the national market of educational services. Е.М. Korobova

Abstract. The decision of a problem of increase competitiveness of innovative higher schools in the conditions of constantly changing economy demands special attention to a problem of search of new competitive advantages and causes a research urgency as working out of methodical recommendations for improvement of management mechanisms by innovative higher school on the basis of a complex estimation of its potential. This work contains competitive advantages of innovative higher school in the national market of educational services. The conclusion is drawn on increase of competitiveness of an innovative higher school at the expense of carrying out a flexible administrative policy in the basic fields of activity of higher school by its management.

Keywords: innovative institute, competitiveness, the market of educational services.


Economic meaning of barter. N.M. Zavarikhin

Abstract. Barter as an attribute of economic relations appeared and started to be used at the earliest stages of development of human society. Following the appearance of money as a standard of value and means of payment, the share of barter transactions per se gradually started to decrease. Nevertheless, to this day, barter has not been transformed into a vestige of economic relations or at the very least a concept that is not used in the economic life of society. Practice shows thatthere is increasing demand for barter during economic crises, when economic entities are particularly short of means of payment. Barter has always been, and remains, widely used in international economic relations. At the same time, at present some serious obstacles stand in the way of the widespread use of barter, including, first and foremost, the absence of theoretically-substantiated views of lawyers in respect of the meaning of barter. The Russian Civil Code dedicates a separate chapter to barter. However, this chapter does not contain a definition of the term barter. Instead the chapter recommends the application of the rules governing sale and purchase agreements to a barter contract, unless this runs counter to the rules prescribed by the chapter and the essence of the specific barter. The essence, or meaning, of barter is, first and foremost, economic in nature and differs in principle ‘by default’ from the meaning of a sale and purchase agreement. This article focuses on the economic meaning of barter from the perspective of dialectic development, as well as the legal and tax conflicts arising from the lack of theoretically-substantiated views of lawyers and the tax specialists as to the economic meaning of barter.

Keywords: barter, international economic relations, economic crisis, labor, manufacture, exchange, distribution, consumption, money.


Analytical equipment manager. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the material from the new book of professor V.M. Shepel prepared for the press is presented «Administrative thinking of the manager». The methodology of administrative thinking is described. The logic toolkit is generated. Mentality parts of administrative thinking are offered.

Keywords: management, manager, management thinking, mentality, thinking algorithms, logic.


The integration as a key-factor of the development of milk production in the region. V.V. Gorin

Abstract. In this article the problems of the development of milk production in small enterprises of AIC are defined and the ways of their solving are determined on the basis of the formation of integrated structures. The strategy scenarios of the development of milk production in the region are examined. The advantages of claster as an organized form of vertical integration are discovered. The dependence of synergy effect on the integration level in the milk production in the region is shown.

Keywords: region, integration, cluster, synergy effect.