Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  

Vol. 4 Nom.5

Vol. 4 Nom.5



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Cyclic character of reproduction and crises. A.S. Neshitoj

Abstract. In article it is shown, what a system economic crisis - It is reproduction crisis. Cyclic character of reproduction is analysed. Cost movement at stages reproduction process is investigated.

Keywords: reproduction, economic crisis, reproduction crisis, economic growth, economic policy, models of economic growth, reproduction process, cost movement.


The North Caucasus: between the market and a clan. J.A. Lisovsky

Abstract. In article the economic and social situation in the North Caucasus is considered. At the situation analysis in the North Caucasus factors are investigated: geopolitical interests of Russia and the West countries; a role of local and central bureaucracy; the conflict of ethnoses and clans.

Keywords: North Caucasus, market, ethnoses, clans, economic and social situation, economic growth, economic policy, government, conflict of ethnoses, conflict of clans.


The innovation type of economic growth to Russia. O.S. Sukharev, A.I. Ryzhonkov

Abstract. The article  discussed period of evolution of economic policy to Russia from 1990 for 2000 years, models of economic growth, do regressions analysis for macroeconomic parameters  for stimulation innovative economic growth. Authors give empirical marks and recommendations for macroeconomic policy in Russia.

Keywords: economic growth, innovation, economic policy, models of economic growth.


Methodology of estimation of cost of the human capital in new humanistic economy. A.A. Gavrilov

Abstract. In article the author's technique of estimation of cost of the human capital is stated by an industrial method. The human capital in the given work is defined by number of the qualitative population: for its estimation in article are offered 6 conditional factors defining quality of the population, and also directly methodology of calculation. The settlement data about dynamics of number of the qualitative population and cost of the cumulative human capital of the Russian Federation for 2000-2008 is presented. Also it is offered target result indicator of new humanistic economy - cumulative total release, besides traditional release of the goods and services including volumes of the reproduced human capital.

Keywords: human capital, quality of the population, industrial method of human capital estimation, labour duration, cumulative total release of economy, regions of Russia.


Economic policies: early, later and timely action (example the textile cluster in region of Bulgaria). E.Y. Somova

Abstract. For example the Bulgarian textile cluster in the article being tested model sequential evolutionary development organizational forms of spatial economy, which is set up so that it does not cease to be relevant to a particular economic system in the process of its development, and develops it (dynamic approach), so use absolutely at any stage of development of the system. The model also allows you to predict the socio-economic development for the future, particularly for developing systems.

Keywords: cluster, dynamics, evolutionary approach, industrial policy, model Diamond.


In struggle with globalism the reality is important. V.S. Stepanov

Abstract. In article negative influence of globalisation on the Russian economy is analyzed. Destructive influence of import of out-of-date technologies is shown. Necessity of working out and realisation of concrete measures of struggle with глобализмом is proved.

Keywords: globalisation, globalism, anti globalism, technologies, modernisation of economy, innovation.


The market of audit services of the depressed region: the condition, basis of development strategy, management evaluation (on materials Kabardino-Balkarian Republic) L.U. Filobokova, S.A. Beshtokova

Abstract. Absence of complete conceptual workings out of theoretical and practical problems of development of depressive regions in the conditions of high risks of market functioning, necessity of formation of the effective mechanism of stabilization of conditions, attraction of investments into real sector define necessity of search of ways, ways and toolkit of resolution of problems, including by means of auditor activity.

Keywords: depressed region, auditor services, development strategy.



Kinds and stages of business liquidation. A.L. Chimeris

Abstract. In today's crisis time many owners of business for whatever reasons make the decision on liquidation of the firms. What kind of liquidation to choose how to carry out procedure according to the Russian legislation, what to do in the presence of debts - given article is devoted these questions.

Keywords: liquidation, firm, businessman, reorganisation, change of the founder, bankruptcy, activity liquidation, compulsory liquidation, voluntary liquidation, registering, economic crisis.



«An information case» of the manager. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the material from the new book of professor V.M. Shepel «Mentality of the manager. Administrative thinking» is presented. The maintenance is considered and the structure of the administrative information is described. Methods of gathering of the information and methods of judgement of the information are investigated.

Keywords: information case, management, manager, mentality, information, management, communications, information technology, communication service, scientific and technical progress, management perfection.



Post-Industrial entrepreneurship cycle: is the hypothesis  true? I.V. Zikunova

Abstract. Results of the postindustrial entrepreneurship cycle and its elements (organizational and innovational potential, entrepreneurial environment, social and economical effectiveness) verifying are presented. Appreciating is based on descriptive model parameters : period, cyclical phases, amplitude, vertical and horizontal asymmetry, asyncronity. Results can be use in the macroeconomic and regional entrepreneurship regulation.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, business-cycle, cyclical parameters, organizational potential, innovational potential, entrepreneurial environment, social and economical effectiveness.


To the question of development of system of support of the small-scale business in Uzbekistan. K.I. Kurpajanidi

 Abstract. Development of the small-scale business and private businesses - one of the most urgent problems in Uzbekistan. While the relative weight and importance of a small-scale business grow in economy, a share of these indicators more low than in the developed countries. One of the most important factors mentioning efficiency of functioning of a small-scale business, the state comprehensive (institutional) support of business is.

Keywords: small-scale business, private business, efficiency of an infrastructure, employment, system of support of business, infrastructure factors, small-scale business crediting, bank crediting, Uzbekistan.


Identification deviant behaviors of the personnel in enterprise structuresG.P. Starinov, N.N. Abramenko

Abstract. The concept delikt climate of the commercial organizations and his component - deliktive background of the internal environment is considered. Occurrence conditions delikt risks are shown. Identification directions delikt risks are defined.

Keywords: deliktive a background, deliktive a climate, delikt risks, deviant.