Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  

JEE Vol. 8 Nom. 2


Vol. 8 Nom. 2

(February 2014)



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Risk analysis of food safety risks along the food supply pasta chains in the European Union

Natalia M. Lashkevich (Master of Economics, PhD-candidate of the University G. d’Annunzio), Elke Pawelzik (Prof., Department of Crop Sciences, Georg-August-Goettingen University)

Theoretical and practical bases of an assessment of poverty in Russia

S. V. Bereznev (Doctor of Economics, professor of Branch Economy chair, Kuzbass state technical university of a name of T. F. Gorbachev), N. V. Kudrevatykh (associate professor "Finance and credit", Kuzbass state technical university of a name of T. F. Gorbachev Gorbachev)

Determining of health expenditures elasticity from health financing resources in Iran Health system

Murteza Najafi (Candidate for PhD degree, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies)

Comparative analysis of the main indicators of household economic activity of the Russian Federation and Ukraine

N.A. Zhuk (Postgraduate Student of Economic Cybernetics Department, Ivana Franko National University

of L`viv), V.V. Zdrok (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associated Professor, Professor of Economic Cybernetics Department, Ivana Franko National University of L`viv)

Municipal water supply of Ukraine: analysis of present state and prospects of public-private partnership

V.V. Stasiuk (graduate student of chair of the economic theory and international economy, Lutsk national technical university)

System of the state power property and quality human capital

B.V. Salikhov (Doctor of Economics, professor, professor of chair of economy and the international business, the Moscow state linguistic university, professor of the Moscow university of S.Yu. Witte), I.S. Salikhova (Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of economy, science and education Institute)

Theoretic-methodological approach to results measurement hierarchical management of the territorial social-economic systems of the country

E.E. Zhulanov (Candidate of economics, Associated Professor, head of the department of economy and organization of industrial production, Perm national research polytechnic university)

Innovation customs policy: concept, role and types

A.V. Miretin (Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, associate professor of innovative management, Institute of economy, control and right, Nizhny Novgorod state architectural and construction university)

Criteria of efficiency assessment of sovereign wealth funds management: the use and the results

E.A. Vasin (Postgraduate student of the Department of Public and Municipal finance, Financial University ​under the Government  of the Russian Federation​)

Water resources as the main development factor of agricultural in Sub-Saharan Africa

A.A. Savateev (graduate student, Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

The European Union innovation system: preconditions of its formation and development

B.V. Zaremskyi (postgraduate, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman)

The problem of the definition of budget spending effectiveness as a means of achieving strategic goals of the government in social-economic development

A.V. Remzhov (post-graduate, State University – Education-Science-Production Complex)

The main trends in the development of the machine building of Tyumen region

E.V. Nazmutdinova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associated Professor, Economics of commodity marketsDepartment, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University)

Moscow agglomeration: state and main tendencies of development

I.V. Volchkova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of Economics and urban management, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building), N.N. Minaev (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Economics and urban management, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building)

Analysis of management efficiency of economic systems

A.A. Kochetkov (chief specialist Upravleniya of quality management, Financial university in case of the Government of the Russian Federation)

Mechanisms of innovative management of an organization

A.N. Asanov  (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Head of the department of economy and management, Branch of non-state educational institution of higher professional education «Moscow psycho-social university» in the city of Murom of the Vladimir region)

The comparative analysis of basic provisions of the accounting of material and production stocks in the Russian standards of accounting and IFRS

L.L. Lychagina (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of Economics and urban management, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building)

Imperatives of quality control update the intellectual capital of the enterprise

B.A. Neimatova (doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, assistant Professor of the Moscow state University of design and technology)

Formation of insurance payments of the subjects of nature management

M.P. Glyzina (Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, Department of «Economics and management», Don State Technical University), S.Sh. Muradova (Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, Department of «Economics and management», Don State Technical University)

Economic aspects of the time factor in the planning of resource and commodity strategies firms

Yu.V. Merkulova (candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)

The features of use for technology of market’s planning in of modern enterprise

N.A. Ovcharenko (Doctor of Economics, professor of chair of economy and management, Krasnodar cooperative institute, branch in Krasnodar, the Russian university of cooperation)

Fractal nature of the organization of interaction of industrial enterprises and partners chaining creation and transmission of values

E.K. Katilov (Director of branch, Bransh «Media Markt SPB 1», OOO «Media-Markt-Saturn»)

Technique of the organization of management accounting of innovative processes in the agrarian and industrial complexes organizations

N.M. Fendrikova (Graduate student of chair of accounting, Kuban state agrarian university)

Diversification of business activities is the key to success in business

M.V. Kirilkin (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Chief Government Tax Inspector, St. Petersburg Interdistrict Inspectorate № 26 of the Federal Tax Service)

Modern competition: new conditions, new competitors and tactics

Yu.V. Taranukha (Doctor of economics, associate professor, Professor of chair of political economy Lomonosov Moscow State university)

The integrated modeling of resources of producers and consumers of the Iranian market of the electric power

Sakher H. Alimardan (Postdoctoral student, Institute of Economy of  Azerbaycan National Academy of  Sciences)

The Phenomenon of Economy Bubble: The Theory, Classification, and The Peculiarities of Economies

N.V. Kuznetsova (Doctor of Economics Science, Professor, professor  Department of World Economy, School of Economics and Management, Far Eastern Federal University, School of Economics and Management, Department of World Economy)