Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  

JEE Vol. 7 Nom. 12-1


Vol. 7 Nom. 12-1

(December 2013)



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The Government’s role in the development of the agricultural sector of Russia’s economy in the event of the international cooperation

A.S. Bobyleva (Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, professor of department  is «Finances and credit», Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A. Stolypin), L.I. Ivanova (candidate of economic sciences, professor, manager of department is "Finances and credit", Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A. Stolypin)

Institutional provision of social responsibility in Ukraine: state and prospects of development

M.Ye. Deich (Candidate of  State Management, Associated Professor, Associated Professor, Donetsk State University of Management)

Role of BRIC countries in world export of foreign direct investment: state policy

O.M. Timokhina (engineer, Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, competitor of chair of world economy, St. Petersburg State University)

Towards the role of international organizations in international technological exchange

M.S. Eliseev (Postgraduate student of Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, UNIDO National expert in the Russian Federation)

Theoretical aspects of public financial control and direction of its improvement in the Russian Federation

M.K. Chumakova (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of «Finance and Insurance», Dagestan State University)

Systems of International Financial Centres Development Rating

K.S. Poyedintseva (Lead specialist, Moscow city department of cultural heritage)

Problems of commercialization of innovations and low demand for technology in Russia in the transition to an innovative economy

Yu.V. Antonova (senior lecture, branch in Vyazma, Moscow state industrial university)

Problems of development of the leasing market in Azerbaijan

S.M. Huseynova  (Candidate for a degree of  "Marketing"  department, Azerbaijan State Economic University)

Maturity of a control system of reproduction human potential

M.P. Kurkina (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor managing chair of economy and management, Kursk state medical university)

Human capital as a main factor of forming and development of housing innovation-type economy

Ye.M. Geleverya (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Municipal Enterprises Economy, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Ekonomy in Kharkiv), T.A. Pushkar (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Municipal Enterprises Economy, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Ekonomy in Kharkiv), A.I. Bazetskaya (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Municipal Enterprises Economy, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Ekonomy in Kharkiv), A.V. Kovalevskaya (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Municipal Enterprises Economy, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Ekonomy in Kharkiv)

Innovative features of non-profit sector of the Russian economy

M.A. Ponomarev (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professorof  Economicsand Business  Department, South-Russian Institute, a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy & Public Administration)

Does the monetary policy ensure financial stability?

R.M. Shakhnovich (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Head of Economic Theory, Regional Problems and World Economy Department, Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation)

Features of development of an oil and gas complex in a context of economic safety of Russia

A.M. Chernetsov (Postgraduate student, State University of Management), L.N. Dobryshina (Doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of chair of macroeconomic and social and economic forecasting, State university of management)

Factors increasing the efficiency of heat-and-power engineering at the regional level

E.A. Zaikina (Specialist of  Operational Controlling Department, JSC «RusHydro»), A.G. Zubkova (Candidate of Economics, Professor, Professor of Economics and Industry Organization Department, Energy Efficiency Institute, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute)

The evaluation of the factors influencing the formation of the market conditions forest products of the APAC countries

I.M. Romanova (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of marketing, commerce and logistics, Far Eastern Federal University), A.N. Trotsenko (assistant of marketing, commerce and logistics, Far Eastern Federal University)

Features of financial security of socially significant expenses

V. G. Akishkin (candidate of medical sciences, doctoral candidate of "Economy and Business Management" chair, Astrakhan state technical university)

Stable international currency is paid currency

E.V. Rozhentsova (Candidate of Economics, Associate professor of the economic theory, branch in Perm, National research university "The Higher School of Economy")

International experience of strategic management of the nuclear industry

A.A. Veretennikova (Postgraduate student of economic department, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod)

Actual questions of improvement of quality appraisal services in Russia

M.A. Tkacheva (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate professor of Department of economics and project management, Rostov State University of Civil Engineering)

The effectiveness of state support of the agricultural sector in Ukraine

L.V. Kozak (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, National University of Ostroh Academy)

Projected trends in scientific and educational complex of the Russian Federation

M.S. Starikova (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor, Associated Professor, Deputy head of department of Marketing, Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University), S.M. Mikalut (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor, Associated Professor, Deputy head of department of Marketing, Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University), A.V. Andrianova (Postgraduate student, Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University), E.V. Merkelova (student, Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University)


Problems of structural and technological modernization of the Russian economy during the global financial crisis

D.N. Volodin (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the world economy and customs, North Caucasian State University, Branch in Pyatigorsk), V.P. Prizhigalinsky (Doctor of Economics,  Professor of finance, credit and insurance, Stavropol State Aqrarian University)

Domestic and foreign experience of the solution of ekologo-economic problems of use of secondary resources

O.V. Petko (Doctor of Economics, professor, professor of chair of economy, Murmansk state technical university), A.O. Zhuravleva (deputy director, JSC ROSA-1, competitor, Murmansk state technical university)

The Forex market: development and role in the economy of the Russian Federation in light of increasing integration process

A.M. Lyukshin (Postgraduate of department of the finance and prices, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)

Influence of consequences of globalization on forming of competitiveness of labour force is in Ukraine

A.M. Tverdomed (graduate student of chair of the economic theory and history of economic thought, National pedagogical university of L. S. of Dragomanov)

Mechanism of optimization of the government having a special purpose programs

I.P. Avilova (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of expertise and real estate management

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov), Ya.V. Syrkina (Assistant department of expertise and real estate management, Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov)

The national context of the Russian innovation policy

L.A. Krohmal (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the "Finance in Agribusiness" Department, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Far East State Agrarian University), A.M. Bilko (Senior lecture of the Economics and Management Department, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Far East State Agrarian University)

Globalization and its social-economical impacts in Azerbaijan

Mayis Gulaliyev (Ph.D,senior researcher, Institute of Economy of the National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan)

Management of secondary employment of students

N.B. Ushakova (Assistant, Department of Economics of commodity markets, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University)

Nanobioeconomy – a basis of eco-logical consciousness of society

V.V. Shishkin (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant professor,Saint-Petersburg State University), V.I. Shishkin (Ph.d, Professor, Professor of a Department of Diagnostic of functional systems, Saint-Petersburg State University), G.V. Kudryavtseva (Ph.d, Professor, Professor of a Department of Diagnostic of functional systems, Saint-Petersburg State University)

E-government in terms ofpost-industrial society theory

K.A. Nemets (Graduate student of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)

Assessment of a condition of the market of personal computers in the region – Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Africa for 2000-2002

D.S. Dolgushev (Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, associate professor of economy and management, Volga state academy of a water transport)

To the question of the diffusion of innovations  in the road sector of Russia

E.V. Podgornova (postgraduate of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)

Genesis of pension system: demographic aspect

S.S. Mikhaylova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, associate professor of chair Macroeconomics, Economic Information and Statistics Department, East Siberia State University of Technology and Management)

Ources of attracting investments into the real sector of the regional economy

M.A.Hamukova (Candidate of Economics, Rosselkhozakademiya's Kabardino-Balkarian NIISH)

Evaluation of publicpolicies and programs on adaptation to WTO conditions

I.V. Danilova (Doctor of Economics, Professor, professor of economic theory and international economics department, South Ural State University (National Research University))

Influence of innovation cycles on the socio-economic development and modernization of the national economy

Zh.A. Mingaleva (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)

Education – pledge of leading positions of the countries BRICS

A.Y. Ivanova (Graduate student,  Moscow University of Law and Finance)


Factors of investment activity of Russian regions

O.V. Kiseleva (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Ulyanovsk state University)

System process of formation regional кlister

F.E. Karayeva (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Associate professor, Kabardino-Balkarian state agrarian university of V. M. Kokov)

Assessment of stability of Samara region in the unstable economy conditions

A.N. Kara (Doctor of Economics, associated professor, director of the Instituteof Economics, professor of Economics and Management Department, Volga Region State University of Service)

Institutional Analysis of the banking system of the Republic of Mordovia

D.V. Krivosheev (post graduate student of the marketing chair, Ogarev Mordovia State University)

The analysis of the main indicators of economic and social situation of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation for the first half of the year 2013

Yu.V. Evdokimova (Candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate professor, Manager of SPO office, associate professor of finance, financial right, account and applied economy, Moscow state academy of business administration)

Economic conditions for the formation of regional meat cluster

D.N. Bukhalov (Senior Lecturer  of the Department of Marketing and Commerce in Agro Industrial Complex, Perm State Agricultural Academy)

Creating social responsibility of business at regional level (on the example of the Republic of Mordovia)

M.V. Bikeeva (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Associate professor of statistics, econometrics and information technologies in management, Mordovian state university of N. P. Ogaryov)

The estimated technique of the region innovative development

A.V. Zarkovich (post-graduate student, Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University), E.A. Stryabkova (Candidate of Econоmics, Аssociate professor, Professor, Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University)

Information tehnology in the public health of the region

N.I. Nigmedzianova (Head of sales and promotion, Infolink, competitor, Institute of economy, management and right)

Models of the effective agricultural organizations on conditions Moscow and Smolensk areas

A.B. Kayroliyeva (graduate student, the All-Russian scientific research institute of the organization of production, work and management in agriculture)

Domestic Investors Role in the Development of the Financial Market Infrastructure of Moscow as an International Financial Center

K.S. Poyedintseva (Lead specialist, Moscow city department of cultural heritage)

The use of BSC in the modernization of the regional strategic management on the example of the Krasnodar region

S.V. Sichkar (post-graduate student, Kuban State University of Technology)

The innovative orienanion of the development of the oil and gas sector in the region

M.A. Hamuradov (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor ofFinance and CreditDepartment of Economicsand Finance, Chechen State University)

Effective management of human capital of a small enterprise as a condition of the regional labor market stabilization of Primorsky Kray

T.N. Slobodchikova (Teacher of department to Theory and practices of management, Far-Eastern institute is a branch of the Russian academy of national economy and government service)

Measuring the value ofthe human capitalmethodof lifetimeearnings by the activity "Agriculture, hunting and forestry"in the Orenburg region

O.N. Argyneeva (Candidate of EconomicSciences,Аssociate professor, Head of the Department"Commerceand the organizationof economic activity", Orenburg State Agrarian University), S.V. Nenasheva (Teacher of "Commerce and the organizationof economic activity", Orenburg State Agrarian University)

Balance discrete model of passenger traffics in selitebny part of the city

A.V. Zatonsky (Doctor of Engineering, professor, head of the department of automation of technological processes, branch to Berezniki, the Perm national research polytechnical university), Yu.I.Volodina (Postgraduate student of chair of automation of technological processes, branch to Berezniki, Perm national research polytechnical university)

Regional experience in creating innovation infrastructure

V.N. Tkachenko (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Economics and Management Department, North-Caucasus Social Institute), I.N. Tkachenko (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associated Professor  of Economics and Management Department, North-Caucasus Social Institute)

Functionality of interaction of regional system and vertically – the integrated corporations

V.K. Solovyeva (lecture  of chair of finance and credit, undergraduate, Academy of marketing and social and information technologies)

Conceptual model of the regions credit rating (according to Udmurt Republic)

Ye.V. Grakhova (Lecturer, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University), V.P. Grakhov (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the sub department PGS, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University)

Research of migratory processes in the territory of municipalities of Primorsky Krai

S. N. Martyshenko (Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor of chair of Mathematics and modeling, Vladivostok state university of economy and service)

Analisis and evaluation of the implementation of the target program development of Agrarian and Industrial complex in the Kaluga region

N.N. Kulakova (Candidate of Economics, associate Professor of the Department of Management and marketing, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kaluga branch), I.N. Turchaeva (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Dean of economic faculty, Kaluga branch of the Russian state agrarian University - Moscow agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev), V.M. Golovach (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and statistics, Kaluga branch of the Russian state agrarian University - Moscow agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev)

Hotspot areas of the Selenge River Basin in Mongolia: the economic and environmental aspects

Erz.M. Zomonova (Candidate of Economics, Fellow researcher, Baikal Institute for Nature Management, Siberian Branch, RAS), B.O. Gomboev (Doctor of Geography, Associated Professor, Chief Research Fellow

Baikal Institute for Nature Management, Siberian Branch, RAS)

Deficiency of the regional budget on the example of Chechen Republics

M.M. Sadulayeva (senior lecture, Chechen state university)

Features of the financial help to territorial budgets

Z.A. Arsakhanova (Candidate of Economics, associate professor, head of the department "Finance and credit", Chechen state university)

Organizational and economic support for public-private partnerships in the Orenburg region

Zh.A. Ermakova (doctor of economic Sciences, professor, head of the Department of management, personnel, service and tourism, Orenburg state University), N.I. Trishkina (Senior lecturer in economics and management, Orsk Humanitarian Institute of Technology (Branch) of the federal government's budget educational institution of higher education "Orenburg State University")

State regulation of local budgets in Ukraine on the basis of an integrated assessment of their performance

R.Sh. Medgitova (postgraduate student, Tavrida National University named after V.I. Vernadskiy)

Assessment of an economic disparities of regions of Russia

N.V. Voroshilov (junior scientific associate, post-graduate student, Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

A fodder base as a basis of development of the livestock industry in Ulyanovsk region

L.M. Prokhorova (Candidate of economic Sciences, Senior teacher of the Department «accounting and audit», Ulyanovsk state agricultural Academy of a name of  P.A. Stolypin), N.E. Klimushkina (Candidate of economic Sciences, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of the Department «accounting and audit»

Ulyanovsk state agricultural Academy of a name of  P.A. Stolypin)

Assessment of the effectiveness and risks of attracting investment capital for the revival of rice cultivation in Primorsky Krai

O.A. Volgina (Candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor of mathematics and modeling, Vladivostok state university of economy and service), G.I. Schuman (associate professor of mathematics and modeling chairs, Vladivostok state university of economy and service), E.N. Likhosherst (expert of the sales department, JSC Rosdorsnabzheniye)

Study of domestic practice of formation of the market of housing and communal services on the example of Privolzhsky Federal district region

N.V. Provalenova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associated Professor of  the chair «Organization and management», Nizhny Novgorod State Engineer-Economic Institute)

Modeling of process of formation of urban agglomerations

I.V. Volchkova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of Economics and urban management, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building)

State support of crop production in the Belgorod region

E.A. Bazovkina (Candidate of Economics, Senior lecturer, Department of Finance and economic analysis, Belgorod state agricultural Academy of a name of Century I. Gorina)

The Development of the Professional Education as the System of Formation of the Human Capital in the region (in accordance with the materials of Kemerovo region)

N.V. Boiko (lecture of the chair of economy and management, of the branch of Kuzbass State Technical University in the town of Prokopyevsk)

Institutional bases of innovative activity at regional level

A.S. Abdulkadyrov (candidate of economic science, Associate Professor, applicant State Academy for advanced studies and retraining for the construction and municipal housing complex of Russia), R.Z. Samigulova (candidate of economic science, senior Lecturer, State Academy for advanced studies and retraining for the construction and municipal housing complex of Russia)

Evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of local government: a methodological approach

A.R. Ablyashev (postgraduate of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)

The concept of competitiveness destinations in the Perm regionat the Russian tourist market

D.Yu. Dudetskiy (postgraduate, Moscow university for industry and finance Synergy)

The classification of factors affecting the formation of the investment climate

T.Kh. Ablyazov (Assistant Department of Construction Economics, Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)

Placing factors of productive forces: concept, classification, peculiarities of influence

Yu.A. Grin (Assistant of judge, Arbitration Court of Murmansk region)

RF regional labour markets: theoretical and methodological approaches to analyses

T.F. Amirova (Assistant of the Economics and International Economics Department, South Ural State University), I.V. Danilova (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Economics and International Economics Department, South Ural State University), N.V. Motsarenko (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Economics and International Economics Department, South Ural State University)

Typological approach to a choice of strategy of development of the South of Russia

S.S. Reshiev (Doctor of economics, Professor, Chechen State University, chief of development of the financial and budgetary system of the secretariat of the feather Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic

Chechen state university, Government of the Chechen Republic) 

Strategy of development of clusters in to regional economy

O.V. Buresh (Doctor of Economics, professor, dean of faculty of economy and management, Orenburg state university),  A.V. Frolov (competitor, Orenburg state university)

Mechanism of management of stability region economy

I.A. Masuto (competitor, Orenburg state university)

Factors determining the development of tourism in Altai Krai

I.V. Rybakova (senior teacher of the Department "Finance and credit", Rubtsovsk industrial Institute (branch) of Polzunov Altai State Technical University)

Management of regional economy of administrative-territorial educations

L.Yu. Gerbeeva (Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, head of the department business management, Orenburg state university)

Interaction of subjects of management of housing and communal services at municipal level

Ruslan Tvauri (chief of technological department, JSC Upravleniye housing stock "East", competitor, Orenburg state university)


The strategies, forms and methods of competition between trade networks in local markets

A.S. Pavlenko (competitor, Kuban state university)

The implication of corporate venturing strategies

G.S. Voronova (Postgraduate student of Applied Economics of Institutions chair of Economic Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Methodology of an assessment of efficiency of development of the nonalcoholic industry

G.I. Sarkisov  (candidate s. sciences, doctoral candidate, All-Russian research institute of the brewing, nonalcoholic and wine-making industry)

Technology Level of Production: the Principles and the Approaches of Statistical Analysis

E.V. Vetchinkina (Junior Research Fellow of the Economic Education Research Centre, Statistics Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Kontrollingovye of service in management of delictual risks of the industrial enterprises

G.P. Starinov (Candidate of Economics, associate professor "Management and organization of industrial production", Komsomolsk-on-Amur state technical university)

Economic cycles and the diagnostics of crisis developments in organizations

M.M. Esakov (Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associated Professor, Professor of Financial Management Departament, Ryazan State University of Radio Engineering)

Impact of external and internal factors on the development of innovative enterprises

E.A. Leonova (senior lecture of chair of Management and the economic analysis, branch in Vyazma, the Moscow gosudasrvtenny industrial university)

Analysis interbranch and branch management studies of skill-the labor force

I.A.Getmanova (Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecture of Economy and Right chair, branch in. Mines, Southern Russian state polytechnical university (NPI) of a name of M.I.Platov), O.A. Tkacheva (Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, head of the department "Economy and the right", branch in.  Mines, Southern Russian state polytechnical university (NPI) of a name of M.I.Platov), L.N.Topchiyenko (Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor "Economy and the right", branch in.  Mines, Southern Russian state polytechnical university (NPI) of a name of M.I.Platov), E.G.Yarovoy (student of Economy and Right chair, branch in. Mines, Southern Russian state polytechnical university (NPI) of a name of M.I.Platov)

The evaluation criteria for the financial condition of agricultural organizations in the normative acts of Russian Federation

A.S. Bobyleva (Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, professor of department  is «Finances and credit», Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A. Stolypin), L.I. Ivanova (candidate of economic sciences, professor, manager of department is "Finances and credit", Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A. Stolypin)

Communication  instrument of bank anti-crisis management

V.S. Syrota (Economist of Prudential supervision Department, National Bank of Ukraine, Postgraduate student University of banking of the National Bank of Ukraine)

Company growth: the review of existing treatments and the characteristic

O.A. Romanenko (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate professor of finance of financial and credit faculty, Saratov State Socio-Economic University)

Calculation of characteristics of reliability of economic system with various operating modes

S.Ya. Krivolapov (candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, associate professor "Probability theory and mathematical статисти", Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)

Formation of labor staff motivation system of agricultural organization

O.Yu. Grishaeva (senior lecturer, Orel state agrarian University)

Analysis experience  of  functioning saving and loan system investing of the real estate 

G.P. Kondrashova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate professor of department of Finances, Crimean branch of the National university оf State Tax Service of Ukraine)

Dividend policy as factor of a sustainable development of the enterprise

T.V. Treskova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Ulyanovsk SAA named after P.A.  Stolypin), E.A. Golubeva (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Ulyanovsk SAA named after P.A.  Stolypin)

Main directions of increase of efficiency of development of the enterprises for production of drinks

G.I. Sarkisov  (candidate s. sciences, doctoral candidate, All-Russian research institute of the brewing, nonalcoholic and wine-making industry)

To the question of analysis and monitoring of financial and economic activity of the establishments and organizations subordinated to the ministry of education and science

E.A. Aleksandrova (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor, Associate Professor  of the department of economics, accounting and audit, Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute), V.E. Ozerova (Senior lecturer of Economic Sciences, head of the department of economics, accounting and audit, Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute), M.A. Sviridenkova (Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associated Professor, Associate Professor  of the department of economics, accounting and audit, Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute), V.V. Chernenkov (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor, head of the department of economics, accounting and audit, Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute)

Risk managementin the housingcomplex

K.E. Filushina (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building), N.N. Minaev (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Facultyof Economics and Management, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building)

Technique of the analysis and synthesis of the organizational and technical decisions when forming the program of development gold mining enterprise

A.V. Anikin (head of department of investments and development of business, JSC Vee Holding, competitor of chair of the organization of production (mining industry), Moscow state Mining University), A.A. Ashikhmin (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, scientific secretary of TsKR-TPI of Rosnedra, manager. sector of the analysis and monitoring of development of fields, the professor of MGGU, the All-Russian research institute of mineral raw materials of N.M.Fedorovsky)

Organizational and economic developmentinteraction of economic structuresin the economy mixed agrarian

O.S. Akupijan (senior lecture, Belgorod state agricultural academy of a name of V.Ya.Gorin), L.B. Filippova (senior lecture, Belgorod state agricultural academy of a name of V.Ya.Gorin)

Development of milk cattle breeding as an agricultural strategic priority

S.A. Shelkovnikov (Doctor of Economic Science, Professor, Head of the Chair of Finance and Statistics, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University), P.P. Kholodov (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Chair of Accountancy, Analysis and Audit, Kemerovo Technological Institute of Processing Industry), S.A. Tsoy (Postgraduate student at the Chair of Accountancy, Analysis and Audit, Kemerovo Technological Institute of Processing Industry)

Grain industrial cluster as a complex socio-economic and organizational system

I.V. Komov (Candidate of geographic, lecturer, Voronezh State University)

Theoretical approaches to efficiency of development of branch

G.I. Sarkisov  (candidate s. sciences, doctoral candidate, All-Russian research institute of the brewing, nonalcoholic and wine-making industry)

Aspects of competitiveness of the modern oil and gas complex, developments of energy and economic security of Russia influencing prospects

A.M. Chernetsov (Postgraduate student, State University of Management)

The development potential of enterprise

E.N. Kucherova (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Managementand Economic Analysis, Branchof the federalgovernment's budgeteducational institutionof higher professionaleducation "MoscowState Industrial University" in Vyazma Smolensk region), L.V. Barmashova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Economic Analysis, Branchof the federalgovernment's budgeteducational institutionof higher professionaleducation "MoscowState Industrial University" in Vyazma Smolensk region)

Information characteristics of a control system machine-building enterprise

L.S. Voynarenko (Doctor of economic sciences, professor, Khmelnytsky national university), L.V. Emchuk (Postgraduate student of chair of the account and audit, Khmelnytsky national university)

Economic estimation of resource potential of a waste of coal manufacture: methodical approaches

S.S. Maidukova ( master, Donetsk research institute of coal mining)

Agronomic industrial business incubator as a way to provide agribusiness maintenance supply

S.A. Shelkovnikov (Doctor of Economic Science, Professor, Head of the Chair of Finance and Statistics, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University), A.T. Stadnik (Doctor of Economic Science, Professor, Head of the Chair of Management, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University)

Situation Analysis of the Intellectual Capital Use in Enterprises

D.A. Tomchuk (Postgraduate student, Management and Marketing department on Faculty of Humanities, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)

The methods of appraisal for competition’s ability of trade networks of FMCG 

M.V. Bojko (Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer of chair of economy, accounting and audit, Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs Krasnodar university), A.S. Pavlenko (competitor, Kuban state university)

Formation of competitiveness of the graduate university of market-based approach

A.A. Kiseleva (Senior Lecturer  of the Department of Marketing, Perm State National Research University), E.A. Ledentsova (Assistant of the Department of Marketing, Perm State National Research University), K.P. Sukhikh (student, Perm State National Research University)

Management by a profit in the system of operative controlling

A.K. Kanatbekova (master of economy, doctoral candidate of PhD KAZEU of T.Ryskulov, Kazakhstan Innovation University)

Methodological definition of value chain and cost chain in reproduction process

V.S. Osipov (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Institute of economy of the Russian Academy of Sciences) 

Salary: principles of fair wages

A.V. Blinov (auditor, Audit Chamber of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, competitor of chair of management, Tyumen state architectural and construction university)

Optimization analysis of resource efficiency engineering enterprise

S.I. Degtiarev (Deputy chief department interbudget connection, Department of  finance Yamal-Nenets autonomous district)

Approaches to strategic development management of agricultural enterprises: development stages, application issues

A.A. Tikhonov(Managing direstor, State Corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)”, member of the Council to the Chief of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on issues of agriculture sector and natural resource management, Honorary worker of agriculture sector of Russia, DBA)

About the cluster reforms in local forms of agriculture

H.M.Mahmouds (senior lectuer, Chechen state university, competitor of chair of the economic theory, Dagestan state university), Sh.A.Idrisov (Candidate of Economics, associate professor of the economic theory, Dagestan state university)

Effective management of the repair service at the enterprises for manufacture of mixed fodders

I.V. Grigorieva (postgraduate student, Financially – Technological Academy)

Universal system of parameters as the tool of management of an estimation of efficiency of activity of a housing-and-municipal complex

E.V. Ufimtseva (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, senior lecturer of faculty of economy and management of municipal economy, Tomsk state architectural - building university)

Theoretical aspects of an assessment of efficiency of marketing of relationship

V.V. Medvedeva (teacher of chair of management of production economy, Military university)

Evaluation of investmentattractiveness of thetelecommunications companies

L.A. Safonova (Candidate of Economics, Professor, Professor ofProduction ManagementandMarketing Department, Siberian State University ofTelecommunications and Informatics), S.S. Taldonova (Assistant ofProduction ManagementandMarketing Department, Siberian State University ofTelecommunications and Informatics)

Program focused approach of the balanced development of innovative and investment activity economic systems

T.A. Pakhomova (competitor , Moscow State Pedagogical University)

Pricing mechanism for industrial enterprises

E.V. Orlova (Candidate of Technical sciences, Associated Professor, Associate professor of the department “Economic of  entrepreneurship”, Ufa state aviation technical university)

Effective directions of development of raw zones of sugar factories

N.V. Karamnova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Proffessor, Associated Proffessor, Michurinsk state agrarian university)

The analysis and tendencies of development of meat processing enterprises in modern conditions

E.S. Pashkevich (Candidate of Economics, professor, Professor of the Department «Economics and national Economy management», Moscow state university of technologies and management of a name of  K.G. Razumovsky), V.V. Kuznetsova (postgraduate student,  department "Economy and  management by a national economy", Moscow state university of technologies and management of a name of  K.G. Razumovsky)

Impact’s estimating of organizational and economic factors on industrial enterprises’ energy efficiency: Assessment technique

I.D. Gaynullin (processing engineer, ZAO “CeSIS NIKIRET”, postgraduate student, Penza state university), A.V. Tarasov (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor, Penza State University)

Activity based costing analysis for making managerial decisions

Z.K. Drugova (Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Assessor, Consulting company «Autonomous Non-Commercial Partnership” «International Quality Management and Certification»), O.V. Rogova (Assistant, Department of Economics, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)

Content of the rate of the discount at the estimation of efficiency of investment projects by NPV-method

I.P. Avilova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Proffessor, Head of expertise and real estate management

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov), I.S. Zharikov (Lecturer department of expertise and real estate management, Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov),

V.P. Tovsty (Lecturer department of expertise and real estate management, Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov)

The content, validity of application and practice of utilization of the social oriented approach in financial resources management

I.A. Romanov (Deputy director, LLC «AlfaSpektor»)

The model of development of cultural competences of bachelors of economical and technical directions of training

S.A. Demchenkova (Senior lecture, Postgraduate student, Novokuznetsk branch of Tomsk Polytechnic University)

Features competition and competitive advantages of  industrial enterprises

R.Sh. Mansurov (Candidate of  Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor Department of«Economicsand Entrepreneurship», Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev), E.S. Leshchenko (Candidate of  Economics, Senior lecturer, Department of «Economic Theory and Econometrics», Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev), L.N. Basova (Senior lecturer, Department of«Economicsand Entrepreneurship», Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev)

Analysis of methods for the analysis of the financial risks of aviation industry enterprises

I.A. Burdina (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor, Department of Economics investment, Moscow Aviation Institute), I.V. Soloveva (Postgraduate student of the Department of economy of investments, Moscow Aviation Institute)

Methodsofassessingthe  company’s competitiveness on the basis of integrated approach

N.N. Tereshchenko (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Economy and Planning Department, Institute of Economics and Trade, Siberian Federal University), N.I. Lobacheva (senior lecture of Management Department, Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies, Siberian Federal University)

The use of the additive and multiplicative models forecasting

N. N. Odiyako (associate professor, associate professor of mathematics and modeling of institute of informatics, innovations and business systems, Vladivostok state university of economy and service), N.Yu. Golodnaya  (associate professor, associate professor of mathematics and modeling of institute of informatics, innovations and business systems, Vladivostok state university of economy and service)

Information base of the analysis of a financial condition for forecasting of probability of bankruptcy agricultural organizations

S.G. Cheglakova (Doctor of Economics, professor, head of the department "Economic analysis and account", Ryazan state radio engineering university), A.Yu. Karpunin (senior lecturer of chair of the economic analysis and account, Ryazan state radio engineering university), E.V. Karpunina (Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the economic analysis and account, Ryazan state radio engineering university)

Perspective ways of effective use of production resources of the wine-making industry of Russia

D.N. Feoktistov (post-graduate student, Moscow State University of Food Productions)

Priorities for the effective development of industrial enterprises on the basis of the transformation of the management of their industrial infrastructures in the framework of the cluster policy

M.G. Filippova (Assistant, Department of "Modern trading North-South", Moscow National University of Food Production)

The Aspects of Resource Management in Integrated Service Sector Structures

T.P. Petrova (Senior lecturer of Management Department, Cheboksary Polytechnical University (a branch office) MSOU)

Innovative enterprise  and its essence in the  works of domestic and foreign researchers

Yu.V. Savin (General director, JSC”Rostov optical and mechanical plant”)

Management aspects of the organization of the account of expenses and remuneration

A.V. Frolov (Candidat of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of "Accounting Financial Accounting", Stavropol State Agrarian University), A.A. Frolova (Candidat of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of "Accounting Financial Accounting", Stavropol State Agrarian University)

Binary selection models in assessment of enterprise bankruptcy

A.G. Guzenko (Candidate of technical sciences, Associate professor (docent), Department of mathematics and modeling, Vladivostok State University of Economics and service), N.N. Odiyako (docent, Associate professor (docent), Department of mathematics and modeling, Vladivostok State University of Economics and service), D.A. Vishnevskiy (Student majoring in «Mathematical methods in economy», Vladivostok State University of Economics and service)

Modern trends in Russian TNC

A.O. Bebris (Candidat of Economics, associate professor of the General management and business, Moscow state university of economy, statistics and informatics), I.B.Hmelev (Candidat of Economics, associate professor of World economy and international relation, Moscow state university of economy, statistics and informatics)

Innovation as a tool for implementation of energy saving technologies

O.S. Gaifutdinova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Research scientist, Perm State University National Research, Associated Professor Economics and business operation Department Perm National Research Polytechnic University)

Providing obligations about of innovative activity

A.V. Syatchikhin (candidate for a Master's degree, Perm State National Research University)

About the method of calculation of indicators of the investment appeal of the enterprises

A.A. Kamieva (Academic degree of the master of economic sciences, manager of department of postgraduate education and academic mobility, Institute of innovative and telecommunication systems of the West Kazakhstan engineering humanities university)

Actuarialcalculations in theenvironmental insurance

K.A. Naminova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management And Finance, Kalmyk state university)

Theoretical-methodical bases of formation of the concept of estimation of innovative potential of science-intensive company

S.F. Fedorov (General Director, OAO «Ryazan design-and-technological Institute»)

Factors of formation of product and technological mechanisms of import substitution on the part of demand and supply

I.A. Sopoyeva (Assistant of the department  of finances and credits, Post graduate, Northern Caucasus Mining and Smelting Institute (State Technological University)), S.S. Kamberdiyeva (doctor of economical science, Professor, Dean of the faculty of financial and economical faculty, Northern Caucasus Mining and Smelting Institute (State Technological University)), A.A. Sopoyev (Russian Academy of Agricultural Science)

Modern theoretical concepts and practices of intangible assets management and their adaptation in Russia

I.T. Rustamova (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, Legal institute of the Moscow state university of means of communication)

Evaluating the effectiveness of the budgeting system on the example of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine

S.V. Polischuk (Senior assistant lecturer, National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute')

Efficiency of management: analysis and the increasing mechanisms

A.S. Vavilova (competitor of chair of sociology and social technologies of management, Ural federal university of a name of the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin)

Formation of the investment portfolio by imitating modelling

A.I. Buresh (Senior teacher, Orenburg state university)

Formation of the ways of increasing the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises

O.A. Mezentseva (postgraduate student, Assistance lecturer of the department of economics and enterpreneurship, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic intstitut")

Features of forming of competitive advantages retail companies on the basis of marketing approach

V.P. Kovalevsky (doctor of economic Sciences, professor, rector, professor of chair to marketing and commerce, Orenburg State University)

Planning of requirement for labor as the instrument of development of personnel potential at the enterprises of agrarian sector of the East Kazakhstan region

K.S. Alpysbayev (master of economy, doctoral candidate of PhD KAZEU of T.Ryskulov, Kazakhstan Innovation University)

Family business: the phenomenon of transfer and entrepreneurial activity successors

D.A. Volkov (Candidate of Economics,senior lecturer, Academy of National Economy and
Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
, Graduate School
of Corporate Management

The Family Business then and now

M.O. Romadanov (Postgraduate student of chair of Economic theories, Russian State Humanitarian University, Accountant, The State Unitary Enterprise of Housing and Communal Services – «Novgilcommunservis»)

"Cloud" technology in business processes

N.I. Nigmedzianova (Head of sales and promotion, Infolink, competitor, Institute of economy, management and right)

Economic bases of concession pricing

A.A. Diveeva (Postgraduate student, Saint Petersburg state university of economics)

Intellectual resources: the nature, characteristics, structure

Venture investments in the context of innovation economy

Economic and mathematical modeling of balanced development of grain industrial cluster

I.V. Komov (Candidate of geographic, lecturer, Voronezh State University)

The approach to the transformation and development of small business in Vietnam

Huynh Duc Thuan (graduate student, department EU, Volgograd State Technical University)

Intensification of innovation markets functioning and development based on using the innovation marketing model

I.V. Rozdolskaya (Doctor of Economics,Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing and Management, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law), K.V. Likhonin (General Director, Limited Liability Company “Industrial Group “Quantum Electric”)

Support of innovative-investment activity of small and medium enterprises: regulation and regional experience

Zh.A. Ermakova (doctor of economic Sciences, professor, head of the Department of management, personnel, service and tourism, Orenburg state University)

Mechanism of forming of the system of marketing of international tourist services

G.A. Zayachkovska (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor,  Associate Professor  of the International Management and Marketing Department, Ternopil National Economic University)

Forecasting the future price the products of pulp and paper industry

O.P. Sushko (lecture of faculty of the economic theory and economy of subarctic regions, Northern (Arctic) federal university, economy and management Institute)

Perfection of the system of stimulation of small business on facilities of government order: legislation, basic problems and ways of their decision

R.R. Zaynutdinov (Postgraduate student, Ugra state university)

Concept of marketing consulting: the definitions of «marketing consulting» and «marketing in consulting business»

A.G. Bezpalova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Trade business department, Rostov State Economic University)

Features of formation ofRussianlabor traditions

S.K.Kuchigina (Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, Penza state university of architecture and construction)

Integration of science and business - the actual basis for the competitiveness of shipbuilding industry of the Far Eastern region

I.S. Astafurova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of "Accounting and Auditing", Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service)

Practical application of the mean-reversion model for timber prices forecasting

L.N. Frankevich (Postgraduate student, Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation)

Role of market researches in an assessment of the market of grain

T.Yu. Ulchenko (competitor, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology)

The concept of using intelligent technologies in the processes of modeling market  systems

K.A. Gureev (Candidate of  Economics, Associate Professor of Construction Engineering and Materials,

Perm national research polytechnic university, Moscow Technological Institute)

The economic essence and objectives of financial policy for small enterprises

L.N. Yaremchenko (Assistant of the Finance Department, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Ukraine)

System of Economic Security of Small Business Entities in Ukraine

G.A. Goncharov (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Head of Economy Department, Kyiv co-operative institute   institute of Economics and Law)

Meaning of  leasing for the development of innovation clusters

Zh.A. Mingaleva (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)

Risks and some current problems of development of environmental insurance in the current conditions

K.A. Naminova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management And Finance, Kalmyk state university)

Method development of monitoring and evaluation of innovation potential of high-tech industrial complex

S.F. Fedorov (General Director, OAO «Ryazan design-and-technological Institute»)

Features of formation and functioning of industrial fishery in Primorsky region in the context of globalization

I.A. Ovchinnikova (senior teacher of chair «Commerce and logistics marketing», Far East federal university), I.V. Koval (Associate Professor of Marketing, Commerce and  Logistics, Far East federal university)

On the mechanisms ofstate support forregionalproducers

P.P. Kholodov (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor Department of Accounting and Audit, Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology), S.A. Tsoi (Graduate student Department of Accounting and Audit, Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology)