Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  

Vol. 5 Nom. 6


Vol. 5 Nom. 6

(Novebmer-December  2011)

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           The crisis effects and future of media communication. Aracki Zoran

Abstract. When the Berlin Wall was demolished, mass media on Balkan entered the epoch of transition which greatly changed their character and the place in society. Financial crisis  additionally hardened the conditions for their existence. To a significant extent grew the temptation which, generally speaking, the representatives of this profession in the whole world were constantly faced with. At the same time, in Serbia there were changes in ownership structure, both in press  and in electronic media. New media elite appeared, but, unfortunately it did not bring expected changes. On the contrary, the limitations to which journalist were exposed to increased, also their financial situation was imperiled. In the situation of financial crisis revenue from advertising greatly decreased, which was the motive for the new media owners to dismiss hundreds of journalists. In this paper, the author specially points to expectation that the capitalism as a system, will survive but in the form which will be very different from the one we have known for last forty years. Two decades of economic instability impend before its specific stage is defined in that new phase, which will decisively influence on media communication development and future.

Keywords: economic crisis, media, transition, capitalism, communication.



The management of sustainable development of territorial social-economic systems mezoregion. S.V. Dokholyan

Abstract. The article considers the conceptual provisions on the management of sustainable development of the socio-economic systems of the regions. Refined determinants of the functional content of the regional system, the analysis of which gives the possibility to define the main functions of the socio-economic system of the modern Russian region, allowing to provide for the needs of development strategic planning and operational management of the socio-economic system of a region. The author justifies the integration approach to the development of the socio-economic system of the region. 


Keywords: region, sustainable development, management, socio-economic system, regional economics, determinants, national wealth.



Tax relations: the economic maintenance and realization. H.Sh. Huako

Abstract. The analysis of essence of tax relations and forms of their realization as objective economic process is important not only from the scientific point of view, but also from the practical. To begin it is necessary, as well as any scientific research, from an individual section what for tax system the tax is.  Unfortunately, while in the Russian tax process there are no differentiations between concepts «the tax as the form of movement of funds from their founders in favor of the state» and «the tax as an economic category». However it is the ambiguous concepts forming a two-single whole. The given major, fundamental aspect of the tax theory should give this article.


Keywords: tax relations, tax bearer, tax policy, tax, taxation.



The sugar market of Azerbaijan: condition, problems, development prospects. Kjamalja Satdar K. Djabbarova

Abstract. In article the current state of the Azerbaijan Republic sugar market is short characterised, the factors causing development of the given market are stated. Dynamics of consumption of granulated sugar and dynamics of growth of the mid-annual price of sugar in the market is shown. The structure of the commodity offer of sugar is investigated. The basic indicators of sugar industry development are analysed.  


Keywords: food security, sugar, consumption, production, raw sugar, sugar industry, sugar market.



Methodology of research of laws and tendencies of development of the local grocery markets of the North Caucasian region. O.I. Shatalova

Abstract. In article methodological aspects of laws and tendencies of development of the local grocery markets of the North Caucasian region, based on endogenous and exogenous factors are considered. Modern strategy of regional development of the plant growing production market  are designated. Models of manufacture, realisation and consumption of principal views of production of plant growing are offered. 


Keywords: development strategy, local markets, endogenous and exogenous factors, econometrics approach, North Caucasian region.



Modernization of  production and economic systems as an institutional-economic category. S.L. Zolotukhin, N.S. Fadeeva

Abstract. Article regards modernization as an economic category. It reveals the economic substance in relation with other categories: resources, costs, production, price, revenue, economic efficiency and so on. The goals, the direction of modernization and its institutional aspects are identified. 


Keywords: modernization, economic category, institutional aspects, economic efficiency.



«Open innovations» application in the conditions of the outflow of an innovative human capital. O.N. Cherednikov

Abstract. As a result of the reviewing several modern theoretical conceptual schemes and the preconditions lying at their sources, in many respects causing changes of the innovative process in the XXI-st century, and also leaning on the carried out SWOT-analysis of the "Open innovations", in the article is formulated agenda of construction of the open model of innovative development in the conditions of outflow of an innovative human capital. In the article has been given an estimation of the "brain drain" process in the conditions of paradigm changing of the innovative development, and have been formulated directions for the future researches.


Keywords: model of open innovations, human capital, «brain drain».



Monitoring of foreign trade activities of regional economic system. A.V. Kravchenko

Abstract. In article methodological bases of construction of monitoring of foreign trade activities of regional economic system are stated. The basic structural elements of monitoring of foreign trade activities of region are allocated: the purpose, problems, functions, a subject, object, the subject, methodical and resource maintenance. Also the special attention is given principles of construction of monitoring of foreign trade activities. 


Keywords: region, foreign trade activities, monitoring, regional economic system.



Conceptual bases of structural transformations of the high technology branches of national economy. O.Y. Nikolaeva

Abstract. In article features of functioning of domestic high technology branches are considered, problems of their development are revealed, and also dependence of innovative activity of the high technology enterprises on branch structure is proved. By results of research carrying out of complex transformations in the high technology branches, directed on activization of a role of the high technology enterprises in the Russian economy and consisting in formation of the large, integrated structures is offered.


Keywords: innovations, structural transformations, high technology branches, integration.



Economic analysis of the region expenditure (on the basis of  the statistic data of Chelyabinsk region). A.V. Myakhkova

Abstract. In the article one can find the results of the analysis of the regional economics with the use of grooping of national (regional) accounting. In the given context the prespective concept in the management of regional economics is the use of modern technologies and  tools of corporate management. Such a tool is, in particular, the analysis of expenditure and  results which allows to determine the effectiveness of regional economics. The results of the analysis can be used by regional operating control as a criterion of assessment of effectiveness of region functioning that will permit to forecast the figures of regional economics more soundly. 


Keywords: regional economics, statistic information, effectiveness of functioning, elements of expenditure, regional expenditure.



Modern system of mortgage lending in Europe and the USA: the comparative analysis. D.V. Petrov

Abstract. In article the comparative analysis of modern systems of mortgage lending in the developed countries is carried out. The basic models of mortgage lending are considered, principal views of debt tools are resulted. 


Keywords: mortgage lending, pledge, mortgage, savings, credit.



Ways of efficiency increase of the Komi Republic dairy branch state support. D.V. Pozdeev

Abstract. In article short dynamics of milk manufacture in Komi Republic is presented. Recommendations about increase of production efficiency depending on managing forms are made. Offers on increase of level of budgetary support are proved.  

Keywords: agricultural production, manufacture dynamics, financial dependence, profitability level, production efficiency, agricultural commodity producer,  investment mechanism.



Opportunities for developing lighting industry in the Republic of Mordovia. Е.А. Sysoeva

Abstract. The article is based on the results of our research on the most important issues in the lighting industry and its strategic directions in the Republic of Mordovia. The results of the research can be used when making programmes and priority projects ready for providing the country with the high-efficiency and energy saving light technology produced with the application of the innovative and resource efficient technologies and nanomaterials. 


Keywords: lighting products, light source, national standards, energy efficiency, test production, test laboratory.



Technique of an estimation of quality of management of municipal unions (on the Republic Dagestan example). А.А. Abusalimova

Abstract. Methodical approaches of an estimation of quality of municipal management promote improvement of quality of given services at municipal level. That hat the most actual is for Republic Dagestan. In article dynamics of growth of a total regional product per capita in republic is considered. Results of the comparative analysis of dynamics of changes of development of small business in the Russian Federation and Republic Dagestan are reflected. 


Keywords: municipal management, management quality, Republic Dagestan.



To question about innovation activity Russian regions. E.V. Smirnov

Abstract. In this research actual question about innovation activity Russian regions is exploring. The author is designating problem associate with necessity introduction innovation activity to all regions our country and question about absence favorable innovation climate in modern Russia. The researcher designates the tasks which realization is necessary for increase innovation activity of subjects of the Russian Federation. The author forms his offers on the bases of data NAIRIT and in according with provisions of the normative legal acts.


Keywords: innovations, innovation climate, innovation activity.



Specifications of grants for manufacture of milk in region. S.A. Shelkovnikov, L.A. Ovsyanko

Abstract. As a result of the reviewing several modern theoretical conceptual schemes and the preconditions lying at their sources, in many respects causing changes of the innovative process in the XXI-st century, and also leaning on the carried out SWOT-analysis of the "Open innovations", in the article is formulated agenda of construction of the open model of innovative development in the conditions of outflow of an innovative human capital. In the article has been given an estimation of the "brain drain" process in the conditions of paradigm changing of the innovative development, and have been formulated directions for the future researches.


Keywords: model of open innovations, human capital, «brain drain».



Social infrastructure as part of the life quality and region social development. I.S. Lisin

Abstract. In article the social infrastructure as an element of quality of life of the population is considered, concepts of a social infrastructure, an estimation of indicators of quality of life are given. The social infrastructure represents itself as is material-material base of reproduction of the person, its spiritual and physical development, provides favorable conditions of moving and mobility, a life, rest, entertainments. It is that material object (or set of objects) on which basis public relations and contacts are realized. 


Keywords: social infrastructure, life quality, population, cluster, region.



Estimation innovative activity of Stavropol territory. G.G. Bagdasarjan

Abstract. Transition to the innovative way of development providing growth of investment appeal and competitiveness, is considered as the basic factor of development of Rossi and its regions and predetermines necessity of an estimation of a condition and perfection of control systems. In article innovative activity of the organizations of Stavropol territory is considered. The conclusion is drawn that the modern level of development of the innovative environment of Stavropol territory is prepared for transition of regional social and economic system to an innovative way of development.


Keywords: region, innovations, innovative activity.



Prospects of village social sphere development. J.V. Narolina

Abstract. In article the situation in social sphere of village of the Voronezh region is analyzed. The major factors interfering the decision of problems on a sustainable development of rural territories, to maintenance of employment and increase of a standard of living of agricultural population are defined. Volumes of financing of actions for development of a social and engineering infrastructure of village at the expense of means of the federal budget are investigated. The conclusion is drawn that for strengthening of social protection of agricultural population expediently legislatively to establish legal status of the persons working on family farmsteads (depending on character of a personal economy). 


Keywords: social sphere, rural territories, rural infrastructure, agricultural population.



Factors of growth of labor productivity in agrarian sphere. O.S. Fomin, R.A. Ershov

Abstract. In article the social and economic situation in agrarian sphere of Russia and Kursk region is considered. The condition of a manpower is characterized, dynamics of labor productivity and factors defining it is investigated. The conclusion is drawn that labor productivity grows in agriculture of Kursk area (that is caused by development of new forms and methods of the organization of manufacture and work, concentration of manufacture, introduction of modern technics and technology). 


Keywords: agriculture, Kursk region, labor productivity, labor relations.



Modern approaches to factors classification of innovative risks in building. P.B. Fomin, I.V. Ryzhov

Abstract. Article purpose is attempt define most directions of classification of factors of innovative risks in the building branch, assuming the analysis of town-planning, financial risks, risks of building projects. In work possibility of the account of features of risks and uncertainty at a research and development stage is presented, and also the problem of influence of a tax climate on innovative risks of building projects is mentioned.

Keywords: factors, innovative risks, building projects, tax climate.



Development of the system of management of social investments. T.P. Petrova

Abstract. The article considers the relevance of the development of the system of management of social investments at the enterprises of electric power industry, determined the principles of social investment, shows the structure of the economic mechanism of management, analyzes the system of the main threats to the economic sustainability of the power sector, the main factors affecting the stability of the socio-economic development, conditions of formation of system of maintenance of economic stability.

Keywords: system of governance, social investment, social responsibility, energy. 



Adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in modern conditions document’s flow. V.A. Liashenko

Abstract. Article considers rules of formation accounting policies under International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). Shows their relationship to the qualitative characteristics of information and related tasks. The application special order document’s flow in comparison with Instruction №148n.

Keywords: accounting policies, quality of information, qualitive characteristics of information, budget accounting, international standards, document’s flow.



Procedure of strategy formation and realisation of enterprises innovative development. S.V. Sviridova

Abstract. In article the substantiation of the author's approach to definition of strategy, strategy of innovative development and procedure of its working out is presented. Procedure of formation and strategy realisation of innovative developments of the enterprises is presented, its blocks and stages are described. Recommendations on working out of strategy for the is innovative-active enterprises is given. 

Keywords: strategy, innovative development, strategy of innovative development, strategy formation, strategy realisation.



The state coordination of the price mechanism in dairy cattle breeding of Krasnoyarsk region. L.V. Ovsyanko

Abstract. In article necessity of formation of intervention fund of milk for Krasnoyarsk edge is proved. The market mechanism of coordination of the prices for milk is described, thus the periods in which it is necessary to buy up it at agricultural commodity producers are revealed. For these purposes guaranteed procurement prices of milk are designed in view of features of manufacture in each agricultural zone of edge at the simple and expanded reproduction. Results of research can be used by the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region with a view of stable maintenance of the population of edge with milk, and agricultural commodity producers the income.

Keywords: state support, intervention fund, support price, dairy cattle breeding, Krasnoyarsk region.



Technique of financial planning of steady growth and development of the commercial organizations. O.I. Uhina, L.A. Zaporozhtseva

Abstract. In paper the stage-by-stage financial planning technique of possible rates of a gain of production realization volume, not breaking financial balance, by means of use of model of steady growth of the enterprise and specially developed method of "triangle" is reflected. Introduction of an offered technique in planning system is capable to provide steady functioning and development of the commercial organizations in market economy.

Keywords: financial planning, steady growth, development, commercial organization.



Methodical approaches to an estimation of market cost of objects of mortgage lending. D.V. Petrov

Abstract. In article various techniques of an estimation of market cost of objects of mortgage lending are considered. The estimation of efficiency of use of objects of real estate is given. The conclusion that using various methods of an estimation of real estate,it is possible to establish more precisely the real price of concrete object as subject of pledge for definition of the sum of a mortgage loan is drawn. 


Keywords: mortgage lending, real estate, market cost, rent.



Simulation of the integral index of industrial competitiveness. I.N. Bulgakova, E.V. Leontieva

Abstract. The paper identified and integrated into the most important factors of industrial competitiveness. A model of integrated management indicator of competitiveness of the organization is presented. Also give a method for determining the level of competitiveness of the enterprise, allowing quantitatively evaluate and compare the levels of competitiveness of the objects between themselves and the reference level. 


Keywords: model, method of evaluation, integrated indicator of competitiveness of enterprises.



Development of a dairy direction in agriculture Komi Republic. D.V. Pozdeev

Abstract. In article dynamics of development of a dairy direction in Komi Republic is presented. Comparison of indicators of manufacture of milk with the basic competing regions is executed. The problems constraining development of a dairy direction of branch of agrarian and industrial complex are defined.

Keywords: agricultural production, manufacture average index, gross output structure, profitability level, production efficiency, agricultural commodity producer, basic production assets.



Method of the estimation of  integrated organizations  competitive position in controlling system. L.E. Sovik, I.V. Ageeva

Abstract. In article methodical procedures of a benchmarking of competitive positions of the Russian and foreign integrated structures are offered. These procedures allow management of the parent company to estimate efficiency and to plan parameters of development of controlling of innovation activity. 


Keywords: benchmarking, methodical procedures, competitive position, efficiency, controlling, integrated structures.



Theoretical aspects of car leasing. V.A. Popov

Abstract. This article analyzes theoretical aspects of car leasing. It is suggested that the level of development of leasing operations and leasing volumes in the U.S. and Western Europe is higher than in Russia, but at the same time the growth rate of the Russian leasing market ahead of the performance of those countries.  It was concluded that that car leasing is very important for competitive car market. 


Keywords: car leasing, leasing companies, leasing operations, leasing market.



Creation of the anti-recessionary program of human resource management at the processing manufacturing in the financial crisis conditions. V.G. Karpov

Abstract. The article considers the HRM (human resources management) anti-recessionary program modeling at manufacturing enterprises. The basic stages of anti-recessionary actions and the basic problems are described, and also the scheme of actions at each stage of the crisis phenomena is presented. The basic steps of  personnel estimation realization and  the list of necessary research directions are described.


Keywords: anti-recessionary program, human resource management, processing the enterprises, financial crisis.



Methodical approaches to the organization of re-structuring of the enterprises  food and agrarian and industrial complex process industry. K. M.-K. Murtilova

Abstract. The article focuses on topical issues of restructuring of the food processing industry and agriculture. The main stages of the restructuring of agricultural enterprises are justified methods for making decisions about restructuring the company function, the form of diagnosis, the main directions of analysis of industrial and business enterprises during the restructuring of agricultural enterprises. 


Keywords: restructuring, food and agricultural processing industry, structural change, agricultural production.



Justification of the necessity to apply a process approach for describing the business processes of the meat subcomplex. M.A. Mashkin

Abstract. The article provides the evidences of the necessity to implement a process approach in management of the meat enterprises, to replace the functional approach, to change attitudes to quality management in the application of ISO 9001:2008. The process approach is taken by the description of the basic processes of the beef enterprise processes for the rearing of animals and birds, the production processes of meat. The results can be used as a recommendation for building an organizational management system within a process approach. 


Keywords: meat subcomplex, process approach, business process, structure management.



Approaches to the maintenance of a retail trading networks marketing complex. V.P. Kovalevsky

Abstract. Competition toughening in sphere of trade demands from retail trade enterprises of detailed study of the marketing policy. Formation of marketing programs for network retail trade enterprises has the specificity that first of all is connected with formation of a complex of marketing. In article the analysis of sights of scientists on the given problem is presented and own vision of a complex of marketing of a retail trading network is offered. 


Keywords: marketing complex, retail trading network, consumer, marketing of relations, operative marketing.



New economic policy and new institutes of small business development. Y.N. Aleksandrin

Abstract. In this article dynamics analysis of branch structures of small business has been carried out at federal and regional levels, system efficiency of the state support is carried out. The author's model of institutes system of small-scale business development on macro- and mesolevels has been offered. Various variants of formation of a property infrastructure of small business are considered. 


Keywords: small business, innovative economy, branch structure, development institutes, state support, property infrastructure.



Methodical approaches to the analysis of profitability and competitiveness of the small retail trade enterprises. L.U. Filobokova

Abstract. Retail trade provides the certain contribution to increase of level and quality of life of the population that is reached in the conditions of controllability. To an estimation of efficiency of measures of operating influence in the conditions of use of informal methods of the economic analysis given article is devoted a methodical substantiation of approaches. The author's model of actives profitability of the retail trade organizations is offered. Indicators of competitiveness of the retail trade organisations are approved.


Keywords: methodical approaches to the analysis, profitability, competitiveness, retail trade.



The concept of structural and logical model  entrepreneurial companies. D.N. Timofeev

Abstract. The article proposes a conceptual framework model of an innovative type. Here we consider the relationship in three models: the technological, production and economics. Provides features of the formation of these models, taking into account the features of industrial production. The methods of interaction patterns identified in the conceptual schema. 


Keywords: innovative company, entrepreneurship company, technological model, production model, economic model.



Criminological deliktology in entrepreneurship. G.P. Starinov

Abstract. Level increase delictual risks compels businessmen to take measures on protection of the business against illegal encroachments. In article occurrence conditions delictual risks are defined. The author's typology of a criminal competition is offered. Possibilities optimization antidelictual activity of a society and enterprise subjects are shown. 


Keywords: criminal competition, business economic safety, delictual risks, delictology.




Grade-certification as a tool for motivation of management in controlling system. A.N. Polozova, A.E. Kornienko, E.V. Gorkovenko

Abstract. We consider both external and internal motives of management, described the essence of the concepts of «evaluation» and «certification», proved the feasibility of the tandem.Ggrounded evaluation of technology requirements and criteria for evaluation of the managers of industrial organizations. Criteria of an estimation of management subjects activity in the organization are defined. 


Keywords: controlling, administrative activity, motivation.



Economic and mathematical simulation of the product life cycle parameters. N.S. Lukashevich, D.A. Garanin

Abstract. One of the most important tasks of the product range management ‑ the ability to promptly assess the duration of product life cycle and its basic parameters. The article describes а mathematical model based on discrete Markov chains, allowing to predict the duration of the product life cycle and its displacement from the market. The article describes an analytical dependence for determining the moment of maximum profits decline on basis of Gamma distribution model that can solve the problem of finding the moment of appropriate product updates. 


Keywords: product life cycle, graph, transition intensity, gamma distribution, Weibull distribution.



The influence of socially responsible marketing upon economic efficiency of business. M.V. Bikeeva

Abstract. As far as market economy develops there occur the problems of the maintenance of the balance of the interests of all participants of production, consumers and society in general, of the rise of the role of morals, the observance of ethical norms, first of all, on the part of the employer's structures. The realization of the principles of socially responsible marketing with the restructuring of business promotes the reaching of consensus between business and society in the best way. The realization of social-ethical ideas in the process of formation, development and functioning of business is intended for assistance in the maintenance of the interests of the subjects of market and public interests. 


Keywords: business ethics, groups concerned, stakeholders, corporate social responsibility, restructuring of business, socially responsible marketing.



Information model of the competitor and feature of its use at the competitors monitoring organisation. E.A. Grigorieva, M.I. Maximova, G.N. Storozheva

Abstract. The article is devoted to use of information models in monitoring of competitors in marketing activity. The authors analyzed the information models of trade centers and supplied their variant with of calculating of economy efficient.  


Keywords: information model, monitoring of competitors, trade center, competition.



Essence and main principles of the national tax policy of Russia: formation and development stages. H.Sh. Huako

Abstract. The tax policy   as specific area of the state activity concerns a superstructure category. Between it and economic basis of a society there is a close interrelation. On the one hand,  the tax policy   is generated by economic relations; the society isn't free in development and  policy carrying out, last is caused by economy. On the other hand, arising and developing on the basis of economic basis,  the tax policy as a component of a financial policy   possesses certain independence: at it specific laws and logic of development.


Keywords: tax policy, tax, taxation,  tax functions.



Condition, dynamics and the factors defining development of audit-consulting services market in Russia. Z.R. Israilova

Abstract. For the Russian market audit–consulting services ambiguity of a condition and dynamics of development is characteristic: on the one hand the market became more active, and with another – has the serious problems which have ripened both in the system, and in environment. In article market distribution between the largest audit-consulting groups of Russia is shown. Dynamics of the basic indicators of development of the market of audit-consulting services for 2007-2010 is revealed. Degree of participation of the national market of audit-consulting services in formation of a total internal product is defined.


Keywords: audit services, consulting services, market development.




The analysis and classification of the main risks involved with venture investments projects’ financing. J.V. Sokolova

Abstract. In the article the analysis and classification of the main risks involved with venture investments projectsfinancing is provided. This is the methodical background of risk management of innovation investment projects. The detailed characteristic of the basic regular risks inherent in the venture investment project is given.


Keywords: risk, innovation, innovative risk, investment project, venture investment project.




Technique of transport services market development management on the basis of the marketing approach. O.V. Buresh, O.M. Harkova

Abstract. In article definition of transport service as useful result of interaction of the supplier and the consumer is made. The concept and features of the market of transport services is considered. Necessity of application of the marketing approach for management of the market of transport services of region, feature of marketing researches of the regional market of services of public transport is allocated. 


Keywords: marketing services, management development, transport services market.




Analysis of the tourism potential and assessment of the prospects for tourism development in the Krasnoyarsk city. M.S. Zlotnikov

Abstract. This article puts before itself a problem to count possibilities of development of tourism Krasnoyarsk, leaning against the analysis of the information on a current condition of a tourist infrastructure in the given territory, its profile directions and quantitative parametres. In view of all features of territory, a city, it is considered with the help cluster method. The estimation of development of recreational resources of a city and its potential is given. Prospects of development of tourism in the city territory of Krasnoyarsk are listed. 


Keywords: tourist infrastructure, tourist potential, cluster method.




Conceptual model of the benchmarking of business relations. A.I. Pakhomov, S.N. Burlakov

Abstract. The article describes the conceptual foundations of  benchmarking business relations as an integral part of continuous improvement of the organization. On the example of sugar beet production organizations discussed specifics of this management tool. Conceptual model of the benchmarking of business relations are present. 


Keywords: business relations, benchmarking, best practices, organizational development, management tools.




The estimation of effectiveness of the organizational culture’s institute. O.U. Isopeskul, D.N. Orlovskaya

Abstract. Traditionally, the effectiveness of the organizational culture is viewed in the context of the overall effectiveness of the company. However, this approach makes it possible to determine the share of the existent organizational culture in productivity of the company only hypothetically. The article presents author’s approach based on the concept of «focal points» reflecting the degree of efficiency and stability of the organizational culture of the company. 


Keywords: organizational culture, effectiveness of the organizational culture, focal points.



Approaches to the contractor risk regulation in entrepreneur risk management system. D.N. Ermolaev

Abstract. In this article author gives general description of the contractor risks, their rank in the structure of entrepreneur risks. Considers the main steps of entrepreneur risk management with a glance of contractor risk management application. The conclusion is drawn that the enterprise activity risks control system creates preconditions for increase of activity efficiency – increases in profit without risk level increase. 


Keywords: entrepreneurial risk, risk management, contractor risk, early warning system.