Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  

Vol. 5 Nom. 2


Vol. 5 Nom. 2

(March-April  2011)

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Inflation and industry: new view point of old problem? O.S. Sukharev

Abstract. In article inflation problems are discussed on the basis of known theories to its definition. Inflation and manufacture, a supply and demand are the interconnected phenomena, processes, this thought is spent by the author in given article. It is noticed that stereotypic representations or appearing explanations of inflation calculation  under the fixed grocery nomenclature consisting from final and a small number of products – are not the adequate form of representation about so difficult jet phenomenon as inflations which is dependent and on system of economic institutes. The parity of the prices for the agent is represented to more significant, than absolute increase in the price at the created blessings.

Keywords: inflation, industry, demand, supply, price.


Socio-economic crisis in Europe: results of the year 2010. S.A. Stroev

Abstract. In article world financial and economic crisis as one of the leading factors defining an economic, political and social situation in Europe in the past to 2010 is considered. The situation which has developed in EU in connection with threat of a sovereign default of Greece, Spain, Ireland and of some other countries, and also alternative variants of an exit from it is analysed. The data on mass protest actions against carried out under the pretext of struggle against crisis antisocial to reforms, including the pension is summarized. The treatment of events in the light of representation about global financial and economic crisis Is offered as is artificial the created tool of realization on a global scale "neoliberal" project of market fundamentalism.

Keywords: global financial crisis, economic crisis, Europe, 2010 year, euro, Greece, protest actions, strikes, pension reform.


Technological modernization - component of economic transformationA.V. Martynov

Abstract. In this article technological modernization is considered as the priority of economic transformation. Transformational interpretation of modernization is given. Shown that the "modernizing jerk" - the primary imperative of transforming the Russian economy in the near future. The basic outlines of the interaction of technological transformation and systemic economic transformation in Russia.

Keywords: economy modernization, technological modernization, economic transformation, economic reforms, technological progress, privatization, institutional reforms.


Analysis of Input-output of Innovative Activity in Russia. Wei SUN

Abstract. This article analyses the input-output of innovative activity in Russia from 2003 to 2008 by applied indicators of input-output. In 2008 compared with 2003, nearly all indicators of the input of the staff and the R&D intensity declined. Companies are not the main subject of input. Expenditures focus on the basic research and applied research. The out of innovative activity increased. Basically, the input and output of the innovative activity is efficient.

Keywords: input-output, innovative activity, R&D intensity, structure of the financing source, efficiency.


Equilibrium model of development of payment tools: plastic cards as sector of the financial market. N.E. Egorovа, K.A. Torzhevsky, M.M. Ruznyaev

Abstract. In article the potential model of development of plastic cards as the important tool raising liquidity of the financial market is described. The model contains the feedback defining dependence of dynamics of development of considered sector of the financial market from level of imbalance of supply and demand. The basic parities of model and their economic interpretation are resulted.

Keywords: market of plastic cards, supply and demand, balance, feedback,economic-mathematical toolkit.


Institutional foundation of social policy. E.N. Sochneva

Abstract. In article looking at institutional foundations of social policy. Explained the role of social institutes in forming of social policy. Leading classification of social institutes. Demonstration periodization the foundations stages of social policy.

Keywords: social institute, social policy, formal institutes, uninformal institutes.


National economy modernisation as the factor of increase of its competitiveness.L.V. Samhanova

Abstract. Economy modernization in a literal translation means updating, backwardness liquidation, the exit on a modern, comparable level of development with the advanced countries, which ultimate goal is competitiveness growth. National economy transformation on a way of modernization at the expense of Innovative-reproduction development is represented the unique direction in the conditions of globalization and accruing calls from environment.

Keywords: modernization, innovative development, сompetitiveness.


Theory of Evaluation and Theory of Entropic Value. S.E. Albu

Abstract. This article involves the study about correlation between appraisal theory and low entropy value theory. Do propose the comparative analysis between theory value – entropy and modern appraisal theory, and explain the modality to estimate goods value in TVE base. Do emphasize the common point between TVE and International Valuation Standards (2007).  

Keywords: value theory, entropic value, appraisal, valuation theory, international valuation standards.


Some issues of the economic essence of the juridical person. A.A. Alpatov

Abstract. The article deals with the economic content of a juridical person, analyzes the structure of ownership in various companies and assesses the main approaches to its organization. The author believes that the main cause, constraining economic development, lies in the imbalance of the corporate structure of property rights. In general outline we propose a new approach to the restructuring of property rights, which overcomes the typical contradictions and flaws.

Keywords: company, juridical person, theory of fiction, economic essence,collective property rights, theory of corporate ownership, property rights.


Quality of working life of employees of Kuzbass: trends, problems of and prospects for development. O.V. Zonova

Abstract. The article analyzes the quality of working life of employees coal-mining region, identified basic trends were the problem and further sustainable development in the region. To improve the quality of working life proposed to formalize the "Standard of quality of working life of employees of Kuzbass coal industry", while the standard should have the form of clearly stated norms that are binding. 

Keywords: quality of life, quality of working life, social-working risks, Standard quality of working life, Kuzbass, employees.


Accuracy valuation of the management tools of industrial organizations. G.V. Bushmeleva

Abstract. The existing approaches of the management tools validity on the basis of IT are considered in the contribution. The valuation essence consists in the justification of the project on the basis of the following factors: a cost-recovery and quality of management.

Keywords: validity estimation, cost recovery, quality of management, management tools, projects valuation.



Ambition – the competitiveness factor. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the material from the book of professor V.M. Shepel «Effective management. To think in Russian» is presented. It is shown that honour can be considered as a brand of personal advantage. The basic forms of display of ambition are described. The characteristic of directions of education of ambition in the conditions of business society is given.

Keywords: ambition, competitiveness, personal advantage, honour.


At the approaches to market: the development of the concepts of value and price in medieval Europe (second article - conceptual totals). A.E. Petrosyan

Abstract. The article is devoted to a conceptual analysis of the medieval outlooks on value and price – from the époque of the formation of feudal communities to the stage of their decay. The central place is occupied by the scrutiny of Thomas Aquinas’ doctrine that exerted the crucial influence on the coming-to-be of the systematical economic thought in the West Europe. A special attention is paid to metamorphoses of the idea of labour value. Born in the works of Aristotle, it had run all through the Middle Ages and, having had gotten its classical shape in Thomas, entered, in one or another form, into the most of the posterior theories (of A. Smith, D. Ricardo, K. Marx, etc.) and underlay the socialist ideal which inspired many generations of European revolutionaries.

Keywords: value, price, exchange, labour, medieval Europe.


Graphic model of the macroenvironment in entrepreneurship. V.P. Pustobaev

Abstract. This article is devoted to geometric interpreting of macro- environment.  It is introduced the earl, the ribs of which form complex of 2-3-4-h factorial and  the same areas as a result of state institution influence on its factors. The characteristic of these areas and the procedure of identification nodes column are given.

Keywords: four-factor  model, macro-environment, earl, state institution influence, entrepreneurship.