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Vol. 2 Nom. 3



About reputation of Fatherland. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the material from the new book of professor V.M. Shepel « A trade the imagemaker» is presented. The reputation of Russia is considered against the analysis «Break-even points» of democracies. Intergenerational communications are investigated. The ideology of Russia is considered problems of search. Generalising properties of Russian mentality, the conclusion, what pleasure of the people is drawn wise government.

Keywords: reputation of Russia, democracy, intergenerational communications, ideology, mentality, government.


Place of network information community in system of legal regulation. A.K. Zharova

Abstract. The network space of relations takes not which form of a social reality of a new order. The given phenomenon, puts set of questions, for example, classifications of new subjects of network space, definition of specificity of communications between co-operating subjects for revealing of arising relations, a role and influence of network community on state functioning.

Keywords: state, legal regulation, Internet, network community, globalisation, classification of persons.



Social function of taxes in formation of social balance. V.A. Chevychelov

Abstract. In article tools and factors of activization of tax stimulation are considered. It is shown that social aspects of tax stimulation at the present stage of development of tax system should be priority. Problems of development of taxation regional systems are defined.

Keywords: functions of taxes, tax stimulation, social balance, taxation regional system, regional policy.



Efficiency of reproduction. V.V. Shlepin

Abstract. Definition of reproduction efficiency causes of indicators system development. Such indicators characterise economic efficiency at macrolevel, branch level, regional level and microlevel. A starting stage is historical development of production efficiency estimation criteria, and final - influence of social effects on manufacture.

Keywords: criterion, efficiency, capital investments, manufacture, social sphere.



Countries reputations. S.V. Gorin

Abstract. In article the report of Institute the Reputations (USA), reflecting research of reputations of the countries of the world (a research general characteristic, internal and external reputation of the countries in 2009, separate criteria of reputation) is analyzed. Features of reputation of Russia are accented.

Keywords: reputation, Reputation Institute, СountryRep, reputation of Russia.



Features of individual perception of organizational changes by employees of the enterprise. I.S. Nuzhnova

Abstract.  Success isn’t possible without changing the day-to-day behavior of people throughout the company. But it is quite hard. If they clearly see the value of changing their behavior they don’t follow through. The consistently poor track record in this area tells that it’s a challenging aspiration at best. During the last two decades, scientists have gained a new, far more accurate view of human nature and behavior change because of the integration of psychology (the study of the human mind and human behavior) and neuroscience (the study of the anatomy and physiology of the brain). It is now clear that human behavior in the workplace doesn’t work the way many executives think it does. That in turn helps explain why many leadership efforts and organizational change initiatives fall flat. Managers who understand behavior features of people can lead and influence mindful change: organizational transformation that takes into account the physiological nature of the brain, and the ways in which it predisposes people to some forms of leadership and accept others.

Keywords:  organizational change, staff resistance, effective learning, brain activity.



Reputation of the Russian companies in the conditions of economic crisisS.V. Gorin, V.V. Golenev

Abstracts. Article shows topicality of improvement of company’s reputation in the conditions of global financial crisis. Author draws a conclusion that the improvement of Russian company’s business reputation is possible only with effective cooperation with clients, partners, personnel, founders and investors, state power authorities.

Keywords: corporate reputation, business reputation, economic crisis, clients, personnel, state power authorities, institutional setting.



Reputation of the small financial enterprise as a condition of reception of advantages at crediting. S.V. Ketsko 

Abstract. In article is shown the influence of business reputation of the small financial enterprise on relationship with financial institutions. In article is shown key stages of creation business reputation at loan reception in the financial institute. In article is offered methods, allowing to receive a loan for the small financial enterprise with non-standard credit conditions.

Keywords: business reputation, small financial business, financial institutions, non-standard credit conditions.


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