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   Journal of Reputiology   

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 Journal 2014 impact factor = 0,157.




The Russian chapter of EASE was formed at the end of 2012 after meetings in Moscow between representatives of the Russian scientific journals: Journal of Economy and EntrepreneurshipJournal of International Scientific Researches,Journal of Reputiology.





Journal 2010 impact factor = 0,091.




       Editors of the journal Reputiology participated in the International Conference ICIB 2011held May 19-22 in Thessaloniki (Greece).




Journal "Reputiology" have joined number of subscribers to the electronic version the St.-Petersburg state university, Vladivostok state university of economy and service and other leading universites of Russia.




The journal "Reputiology" congratulates authors and colleagues on coming New Year and wishes the further creative successes!




Journal "Reputiology" is information partner of Public relations Award "RuPoR-2010".




The new book of the journal editors boar chairman Doctors of Philosophy, professor, academician V.M. Shepel "Mentality of the manager. Administrative thinking". Moscow, 2010. 352 p. was published. 




The European association of science editors (EASE) has published "Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English". The Editor-in-chief of journal "Reputiology" Dr. Sergey Gorin has taken part in transfer of Guidelines into Russian. Recommendations are accessible in a pdf format.




Moscow State University has joined number of subscribers to the electronic version of journal "Reputiology".




The Center of scientific articles transfers is created.




The international English-speaking blog "International Economy"  http://www.internationaleconomy.info is organised. Authors and readers are invited.




Journal "Reputiology" have been added to Ulrich's.




On September, 16-19th current year the European association of scienceeditors (EASE) has spent in Pisa (Italy) X General assembly and conference "Integrity in science communication". Representatives of journal"Reputiology" have taken part in assembly and conference work.




Journal Reputiology became accessible on a subscription (including all the left numbers) in Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. The Information transferred in Scientific electronic library, is a basis for calculation of the Russian index of scientific citing. The Russian index of scientific citing (РИНЦ) is created by Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU within the limits of the project initiated by Federal agency on a science and innovations. In "РИНЦ"the most authoritative Russian scientific magazines join. "РИНЦ" It is the mechanism, allowing to estimate a level of the scientific edition on the basis of formal and objective criteria.




 The site of journal "Reputiology" has opened.






Edition of journal "Reputiology" (S.V. Gorin)  with 2009 joins the European association of scientific editors (EASE).  EASE - the most authoritative international association in sphere of scientific periodicals with headquarters in London. EASE unites leading scientific journals more than from 50 countries and establishes high requirements for the members that provides carrying out of uniform policy of constant improvement of quality of scientific publications.





Journal "Reputiology" birthday.


"The more is issued scientific journals, the there is a progress in science more slowly."

Sixth law Parkinson (Murphy's Laws)



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