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Rep. Vol. 6 Nom. 1-2


intereconom@intereconom.com, intereconom@mail.ru


Vol. 6 Nom. 1-2




The theory and projects of humans future

A.A. Kasyanov

A.S. Makarenko: the birth of innovative pedagogics (to the 125 anniversary since birth)

V.I. Belyaev

Family way of life:  effect of socialization

V. M. Shepel

The economic security of the country: the genesis of a concept

O.B. Sheveleva, E.A. Kalashnikova

Reputation and competitiveness of banks in the financial markets

V.A. Chevychelov

Moscow - the second anti-Rome

S.A. Stroev

Improving part of a student's campus

E.G. Bryndin, I.E. Bryndina

Methods of integrative collecting and information studying

V.M. Shepel

Nationalism of weakness. Seriously about national democracy

S.A. Stroev

Buying freedom peacefulness

E.G. Bryndin



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