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Vol. 4 Nom. 3-4


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Vol. 4 Nom. 3-4


Philosophy of social pedagogics: problem statement

V.I. Beljaev

Management of intellectual resources

G.V. Fokin

Philosophy: the doctrine about universal rules of knowledge

V.M. Shepel

Business reputation of the organization: features of law protection

S.V. Gorin

Pricing regulation on the basis of financial balances health saving-up economy

E.G. Bryndin

Education empathy cultures at students of pedagogical high school in the course

of the organization of dialogue

J.V. Salamatina

The associated system of innovative management

G.V. Fokin

Western civil society against capitalocracy: results of the year 2011

S.A. Stroev

Creativity as an important characteristic of the innovative work of the teacher

I.A. Dyumina

Massiveness is a specificity entertainment

I.N. Lavrikova

Global economic stabilization

E.G. Bryndin

The party "True Finns" and its image in the Russian media

S.A. Stroev

Domestic architectural journals prospects for the inclusion to foreign abstracting and indexing


A.G. Burtsev

Forms of socialization of the party in the field of international relations in the Russian Federation

J.P. Kulikova


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