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The publisher - Editorial of the Journal Meždunarodnye naučnye issledovaniâ (INTERECONOM Publishing)
Office: 129366, Russia, Moscow, Yaroslavskaya St., 10, building 5  
Production: 129090, Russia, Moscow, Protopopovsky Lane, 6  
Post address: OOO RusPost (37),Box 2, Moscow, Russia, 105275
Ph.: +7 (499) 502-10-04




Journal Meždunarodnye naučnye issledovaniâ  is ready to your materials. For the article publication in Journal necessary to send on e-mail editions  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it in one file (in format Word) the following information:

а) The author's questionnaire:

- surname, name, patronymic of the author (authors) completely,

- scientific degree, a post and a place of work / studies or competition (the full name and an abbreviation),

- address (with an index),

- number of contact phone,

- number of a fax with a code of city,

- address of e-mail;


б) The text of article.





1. Article should be qualitative from the scientific point of view and correspond to the general direction of Journal.

2. The volume of article should not exceed 40 thousand signs with blanks.

3. At the moment of submission article should not be published or handed over in a seal in other journal.

4. All abbreviations should be deciphered.

5. Authors bear the responsibility for reliability of resulted statistical and other data, sources, citations, etc.




1. A format of - А4 (210x297 mm).

2. All fields - on 20 mm.

3. The size - 12, Times New Roman.

4. A line spacing - one-and-a-half.

5. А space - 1,5.

6. Footnotes in the bottom of page.

7. The recommended volume of the summary in Russian - 500 signs with blanks.

8. The keywords.



Prof. Sergey Gorin   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


We shall be glad with you to cooperate!





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