Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  


Vol. 3 Nom.1

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Physical socioeconomy. Chain reactions in a demography and economy (part I). B.I. Iskakov, A.B. Iskakov

Abstract. The clause presents the results of investigations of many years by academician B. Iskakov, the results of the work being published since 1959. The problem, in Nobel format, is dimension and stimulation of scientific-technical and socioeconomic progress. According to the concept of “physical economics” and “physical socioeconomics” the authors suggest that dynamics of numbers and of structure of population should be considered as a controlled chain reaction. A wide range of probability premises made possible to deduced “the law of passionarnosty”, that is the law of quantitative distribution of people according to their activity. Demographic and socio-demographic consecutive developed models were worked out, which reflect of numbers and of structure of population and increase of gross domestic product (GDP). Variants of long-term prognoses of dynamics of population and GDP of Russian were made. The use of  factorial analysis and of method of the main components helped to bring out the most dangerous causes of depopulation in Russia. Recommendations in overcoming of depopulation and optimization of socio-economic development of the country are formulated.

Keywords: physical economics, physical socioeconomics, demography, depopulation, chain reactions, “passionarnost”, globalism, the Iskakov’s law, the law of S-form curve of increasing of population and economics, system  of national accounts (SNA), demographical national accounts, Nobel format of problems, criteria of maturity of science and arts, optimization of socioeconomic order, convergention, synthesis of advantages of socialism and capitalism, equation of socioeconomics condition, equations of quantitative socioeconomics.


Tendencies of social and economic development of Russia. A.I. Sinelobov

Abstract. In clause the general problems of social and economic development of Russia in the beginning of XXI century are certain. Questions of the state support of work and employment, public health services, social protection of the population, well-being of the population, demographic situation are in a complex considered. Tendencies of change of the basic social and economic indices are shown.

Keywords: social and economic development, the state expenditure, social sphere.


Tourism as the factor of regional development and the statement of culture of the world between people. Ljubisha Mitrovich

Abstract. In work tourism as the complete public phenomenon and its place in regional development of the modern world is considered. Through sociological and cultural analysis various functions which this polyvalent phenomenon carries out in structure and dynamics of a modern world society come to light. In the analysis the author concentrates on research of tourism as factor of regional development and statement of culture of the world between people. Especially it is underlined necessity and opportunities of inter-regional and international cooperation in the field of tourism on open spaces from the Balkans up to Siberia. The author brings to a focus on progressive, cultural functions of tourism and homo turistikusa in conditions of globalization of the modern world.

Keywords: tourism, regional development, cultural and ecological tourism, Siberia, the Balkans, culture of the world.


The new economic doctrine: financial aspects of transition to market socialism. A.A. Gavrilov

Abstract. In clause preconditions of formation of the new political and economic device - market socialism are shown; in its basis the concept of protection and development of the person is incorporated. The conceptual approach of calculation of the human capital of the states and monetary weight of world base currency and currencies of the countries-participants is offered. For regulation of growth of the human capital in new economy it is supposed to use the financial mechanism of investment stimulation.

Keywords: market socialism, human standard, demographic national riches.


Development of effective methods of management in an education system. E.G. Katanova

Abstract. In clause the basic stages of education system modernization in a transition period, and also parameters, their describing are considered. It is shown, that transition to a normative method of educational establishments financing is one of the basic financial and economic mechanisms of education system reforming. Typical problems are determined at calculation of specifications and realization of a normative financing principle at a regional and municipal level. The basic actual tasks of education system modernization are allocated.

Keywords: education system, normative method.


Monitoring of the organizations of consumers' cooperative society personnel motivation: organizational-methodical bases and empirical researches. I.V. Rozdolskaya, E.I. Makrinova

Abstract. In clause the complex approach of management by the personnel, assuming creation of the motivating environment within the limits of which the motivation of the personnel is formed under influence of a wide set of factors is stated. Authors develop organizational-methodical bases of monitoring of motivation of workers of consumers' cooperative society. The integrated parameter of an estimation of motivation of the personnel is offered.

Keywords: work motivation, motivation monitoring, consumers' cooperative society.



Determination of the market value of a closed joint-stock company by the WACC (weighted average cost of capital) index adjusted with band of investment method. G.M. Semyashkin

Abstract. In clause the approach is stage by stage considered to determination of the market value of a closed joint-stock company by the WACC (weighted average cost of capital) index adjusted with band of investment method.

Keywords: market value, closed joint-stock company, weighted average cost of capital, WACC.


A western businessman and a Russian entrepreneur (strokes to portraits.O.T. Palamarchuk

Abstract. The problem of correlation of  business and  enterprise is examined; principal peculiarity  of enterprise in general and Russian enterprise in particular is emphasized in comparison with traditional business; it is pointed to the necessity of forming of highly moral philosophy, ideology and practice of enterprise.

Keywords: business, enterprise, profit, patronage



Enterprise formation of heads of small and average business. Nicolae Turcanu

Abstract. The actual problem of enterprise education in higher educational institutions of Republic Moldova is considered. The analysis of importance of various subject matters is lead by managers and businessmen. Offers on perfection of enterprise education in context Bolon process are given.

Keywords: enterprise education, Republic Moldova, Bolon process



Taking Brand Initiative. Majken Schultz

Abstract. In clause of the professor of management Copenhagen Business School  M. Schultz is presented the new book «Taking Brand Initiative: How Companies Can Align Strategy, Culture, and Identity Through Corporate Branding».

Keywords: brand, brand initiative



Economic substantiation of the strategic management effective mechanism in the market of advertising services. E.I. Makrinova, S.E. Trunova

Abstract. The mechanism of interaction market advertising services participants is offered. Formation of strategic alternatives of organizations rendering advertising services in the Voronezh region development is executed. Comparison of an actual and expected rating estimation work parameters of the advertising sphere organizations is given. Authors offer subjects interactions model the market advertising services from a position of the marketing functions outsourcing concept. Empirical check of the developed economic-mathematical model defining dependence of advertising activity economic efficiency from expenses for it is executed.

Keywords: advertising services, strategic management, outsourcing, efficiency of advertising activity, Voronezh region