Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  

JEE Vol. 7 Nom. 12-4


Vol. 7 Nom. 12-4

(December 2013)



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The reaction of the stock market in Russia's WTO accession: a qualitative and quantitative analysis


K.A. Torzhevsky (Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior research associate, Central economic-mathematical institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


The study of the genesis of theories of economic systems


S.G. Kuznetsov (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Assistant professor of economics and management at the forest industry and environmental, Bryansk State Engineering andTechnology Academy)


Innovations as key component of a sustainable development of the Russian economy


K.S. Barmashov (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, branch in Vyazma, Moscow state industrial university), L.V. Barmashova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, branch in Vyazma, Moscow state industrial university)


Peculiarities and contradictions of geoeconomic choice of Great Britain in changing coordinates of the modern world


A.N. Yeletsky (Postgraduate of Department of World economy and international relations, Southern Federal University)


Current problems and directions for improve the fiscal policy in the Russian Federation


V.A. Gunia (graduate student, Russian state trading-economic university)


Claster the approach in strategy of innovative development of Russia


O.V. Kotenko (laboratory assistant, Russian state social university)


Human capital as factor of innovative development of economy


O.A. Romadanova (Graduate Student, Assistant, Department of General Management, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University)


Formation of federal system of information and infrastructure support of quality production


A.N. Asanov (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Head of the department of economy and management, Branch of non-state educational institution of higher professional education «Moscow psycho-social university» in the city of Murom of the Vladimir region)


Cluster development policy and transport market in Ukraine


E.V. Boiko (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Department of Economic, National Aviation University)


Status and prospects of the development of the aviation market of ukraine in the international context


O.Ya. Gavrylova (First Secretary, European Union Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine)


The analysis of the impact of government administrative regime on the models of socio-economic policy development


S.A. Revyakin (Master of Economics, PHD student, Lomonosov MSU)


Perfection of mechanism of state sponsorship of stock-raising in Ukraine


M.V. Kits (assistant of department of «finances and credit», Lviv national agrarian university)


Economic effect of introduction of information and communication technologies in authorities


K.A. Nemets (Graduate student of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Institutional environment of tax control


N.A. Bondareva (Teacher, Financial and industrial university "Sinergiya")


Formation of system of the taxation of oil resources in Russia


N.E. Solovyova (Candidate of Economics, senior lecturer of Taxes and Taxation chair, economy institute, Belgorod state national research university)


Change of requirements of a labor market and participants educational relations to the educational organizations of the higher education


I.V. Gudkov (candidate of psychological sciences, head of the department of management, Moscow psikhologo-social university)


Strategy development methodology of the commodity distribution infrastructure


T.M. Vorozheykina (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associated Professor, Department of Organization and Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev)


Institutional Ways to Build a Civilized Model of Economic Relations in Russia


O.V. Nifaeva (сandidateofscienceineconomics, assistantprofessorofchair ‘‘Economicsandmanagement’’, BryanskStateTechnicalUniversity)


Effects of financial globalization


K.S. Poyedintseva (Lead specialist, Moscow city department of cultural heritage)


Methodical approaches to the modelling of ecological and economic security


A.F. Rogachev (Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the chair «Mathematical modeling and Informatics», Volgograd state agricultural University)


The impact of the macroeconomic environment on the formation of savings


L.N. Mayorova (Candidate of Economics, Assistant Professor of the Economics and Business Department, Taganrog State Teachers' Training Institute named after A.P. Chekhov)


Effective organization of labor migration as a factor in human development of capital


M.R. Bogatyreva (Candidate of Sociology, Head of the Chair of Sociology  of labor and of economy of entrepreneurship, Institute of Economics and Finance Business Bashkir State University)


Evaluation of Basel III implementation effect in Russia


E.I. Paskhina (Postgraduate, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics)


Economy’s Intellectualization Potential in the Context of Sustainable Development


P.A. Denysenko (Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics and Business Administration,


Sumy State University)


Ways of enhancing the efficiency of the Oil & Gas complex functioning as a basis for ensuring energy safety in Russia


M.V. Chernyaev (graduate student of economics department, research associate, Russian university of friendship of the people), O.A. Chernyaeva (graduate student, leading expert on the external economic cooperation "Novas Sk", name Moscow State University to M. V. Lomonosov)


«The department of useless people» and shortage professional personnel in the modern labor market


F.U. Mukhametlatypov (professor of Work Economy chair, Bashkir state university),  L.I. Galumyan (student of Work Economy chair, Bashkir state university)


Analysis of international and domestic experience in the development and implementation of cluster policy


A.S. Abdulkadyrov (candidate of economic science, Associate Professor, Professor of Management and Marketing State Academy training and retraining for the construction and housing and communal services in Russia), R.Z. Samigulova (candidate of economic science, senior Lecturer, State Academy for advanced studies and retraining for the construction and municipal housing complex of Russia)


Mechanisms of diffusion of innovation in road complex in the U.S.


E.V. Podgornova (postgraduate of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Features of market mechanisms of financing of services in the health care sphere: foreign experience


M.N. Isalova (Doctor of Economics, professor, Dagestan state technical university), G.A. Gadzhibalaev (competitor, Dagestan state technical university)


Control of strategic investment on subfederal level:  macro - and microeconomic aspects


S.V. Shkodinsky (Doctor of economics, professor, head of the department of the economic theory, Moscow state regional university),  A.G. Nazarov (candidate of political sciences, adviser of Representation of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan for investment cooperation)


Basic directions of efficiency improvement and ecologicalSustainability of agricultural land use


N.A. Kryukova (candidate of geographical sciences, Associated Professor  of Department «Land Management and Landscape Design», Voronezh state agrarian university)


The barriers to the development of the information society in the Russian Federation


I.D. Chekarev (Graduate student of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Analysis of prospects of maintenance and development of the system of the united tax


R.V. Kapinos (Candidate of Economics,Associated Professor, Kharkov national pedagogical university of the name Grigory Skovoroda)


The role of research universities in the development of innovative economy


Zh.A. Mingaleva (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University; Professor of Business Law Department, Perm State National Research University)


The indicators of general strategic direction of the customs policy of the state-members of customs unio


T.N. Saurenko (Candidate of Economics, Russian customs academy)


Analysis of the innovation effectiveness of investments in Ukrainian industry and the prospects of its improvement


A.A. Simakhova (Assistant of the department of economics and management of national economy, Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar)


Institutional support for implementation of innovation mechanism conclusion of international agreements in the field of transport connection


V.S. Novyk (Postgraduate, National Aviation University)


WTO: conditions of development of domestic engineering transport industry


I.I. Drozdova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Moscow state University of railway)




Methodological features of formation of the effective mechanism of economic relationship in the conditions of agrarian and industrial complex cooperation


A.I. Allahverdiev (Doctor of Economics, professor, Dagestan state agrarian university of M.M. Dzhambulatov)


The analysis of telecommunication complex of the Siberian Federal District


L.A. Safonova (Doctor of economics, Professor, Professor ofProduction ManagementandMarketing Department, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics)


Transport infrastructure in the municipal formation (the city of Perm)


Yu.Yu. Kuznetsov (postgraduate student of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Strategy of development of innovative potential of the region (on the materials of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic)


M.T. Tekueva (Adviser of the Russian Academy of Natural sciences, Kabardino-Balkarian state university of Berbekov H.M. College of information technologies and economy), M.A. Volov (Candidate of Economic Sciences,  associate professor, the associate professor Ekonomichesky of the theory, Kabardino-Balkarian state university of Berbekov H.M.)


Methodical approach to the analysis of development of interregional food links


M.V. Stasuylis (Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic Theory and World Economy, Novosibirsk State Agricultural University)


Role of city municipalities in growth of financial and economic opportunities and the effective organization of strategic planning in the Azerbaijan Republic


Ali Alekperli (author of dissertation, Institute of Economy of NAN of Azerbaijan, senior lecturer, Baku University of Business)


Methodical foundations for the analysis of labour market's innovative orientation


A.A. Rabtsevich (Assistant, Bashkir State University, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business, Sociology of Labor and Business Economy Department), A.V. Yangirov (Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Deputy director for Science, Bashkir State University, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business)


Features of development of housing construction in the Penza region


A.N. Porshakova (Candidate of Economics, associate professor, Penza state university of architecture and construction), S.V. Starostin (master of the Land Management and Inventories direction, the engineer of the first category, Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Cadastral Chamber of Federal Registration Service Branch across the Penza region), G.A. Kotelnikov (student of 1 course of the Technology of Transport Processes direction, Penza state university of architecture and construction)


The place and role of social protection of the population in the system of meso instruments of social policy of the Chechen Republic


A.A. Amadaev (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the chair of Economics and production management, Chechen state University), V.Sh. Rasumov (assistant of the Department «Economics and production management», Chechen state University), S.Ya. Yusupova (Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor


Professor, head of Department of «Economics and production management», Chechen state University, ), Sh.A. Khasbulatov (Research assistant, Department of the Humanities research INSTITUTE for Complex scientific research Institute. Kh.I. Ibragimov of the Russian Academy of Sciences», PhD student (full-time tuition) NOU VPO «Kislovodsk Institute of economy and law»)


New mechanisms of functioning and key objectives of the veterinary services of the region in the context of WTO accession


N.V. Bannikova (Doctor of economics, professor, Head of the Department of Enerprinership & Global Economy, Stavropol state agrarian University), A.R. Baycherova (senior lecturer, Stavropol state agrarian University)


Analysis of the influence of large-scale events on the city's image (for example, Kazan)


A.A. Mirsaitova (Assistant of the Department of State and municipal management Institute of Management and Territorial Development, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University)


Determination of perspective sector of housing and communal services of the Bryansk region and the tendencies of its innovative development


A.V. Nakhabin (Junior researcher, postgraduate student, Bryansk State Technical University)


Analysis of patterns of regional development of the mobile market of the Russian Federation


L.A. Safonova (Candidate of Economics, Professor, Professor ofProduction ManagementandMarketing Department, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics), O.B. Pogromskaia (Assistant ofEconomics and finance Department, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics)


Development of the system of indicators of an assessment of a condition of the housing-and-municipal sphere of the region


F.A. Mambetova (Doctor of economics, Scientific secretary, Institute of informatics and problems of regional government of the Kabardino-Balkarian Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center),A.M. Sozayeva,


graduate student of department of regional management, Institute of informatics and problems of regional government of the Kabardino-Balkarian Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center


Structural shifts of development of post-industrial economy of the region


A.G. Uvaysaeva (Head of department of employment of graduates, Chechen state University)


On the definition of the territorial structure of concept credit potential


A.V. Naumov (postgraduate of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Foreign investment in the Far East Federal District: the analysis of income and structure, the problem of attracting


O.Yu. Vinichuk (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of Marketing, Commerce and  Logistics, Far East federal university), A.P. Zakharova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of "Business Informatics and economic-mathematical methods", Far East federal university)


On the question of financing of innovation at the regional level


S.M. Beltyukova (Senior lecturer of the Chair «Management of Finance», Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm State National Research University)


Regional aspects of development of innovative activity


O.N. Кolomyts (Candidate of sociological Sciences, Associated Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and management, Branch of Federal state educational institution of the Kuban state University in Tihoretsk)


Mechanism of development of a tourist and recreational complex of regions of the South of Russia


F.A. Mambetova (Doctor of economics, Scientific secretary, Institute of informatics and problems of regional government of the Kabardino-Balkarian Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center), B.M. Marshinov (Candidate of Economics, associate professor, the associate professor of finance and economy, Karachay-Cherkess state university of U.D. Aliyev)


The effectiveness of the activities and the mechanism of development of agricultural cooperatives in the Perm region


M.V. Trosheva (head of the Department of Economics and management, branch in Kudimkar, Udmurt state University)


Analysis croudfanding as the investment model. Regional aspect


A.V. Kovalev (lecturer, Northeastern State University)


Integration and spatial processes and formation of institutional bases of the relations of property in modern economy


M.M. Mustayev (Candidate of Economics, doctoral candidate, Institute of informatics and problems of regional government of the Ka-bardino-Balkarskogo Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center),F.A. Mambetova (Doctor of economics, scientific secretary, Institute of informatics and problems of regional government of the Kabardino-Balkarian Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center), G.S. Sultanov (Candidate of Economics, associate professor of the economic analysis and statistics, Dagestan state university)




Classification and analysis of the problems of estimation of efficiency of the decisions made at the portfolio analysis


F.F. Yurlov (doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, head of the chair of "Economics, management and Finance", RANS academician, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n. a. R.Е. Alekseev), M.A. Platonova (postgraduate student chair of "Economy and management" Dzershinsk Polytechnical Institute of the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n. a. R.Е. Alekseev)


Inequality of distribution of corporate incomes: Russian specifics, regulation mechanisms


E.N. Sobolev (Doctor of economics, Institute of Economics RAS), G.V. Anisimova (Candidate of economics, associate professor, Institute of Economics RAS)


The method of project price structure formation in the context of target costing methodology by the example of KAMAZ OJSC


I.I. Fayzerahmanova (post-graduate student, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University)


Investment policy as a factor in the defense enterprise implementation capacity for mobilization of its human resource capacity


A.I. Strokov (Ph.D.,  Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department "Corporate Finance", Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation")


Analysis of factors and features of economic management organizations processing agribusiness


L.V. Bryanseva (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Voronezh Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia), I.N. Vorobyov (Assistant of the Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting, Voronezh Institute of Economics and Law)


Evaluation of the industrial relevance of the machine-building enterprises on the basis of an analysis of the basic production assets


D.S. Gorin (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Moscow state university Instrument engineering and computer science)


Self-determination an economic agent: Institutions, transaction costs and uncertainty


E.A. Kuzmin (postgraduate student, Ural state economic university), S.V. Gusev (trainee-researcher, Center of applied economic researches and consultation), G.I. Ponomarev (trainee-researcher, Center of applied economic researches and consultation)


Forming tools motivation system managers of industrial organizations


E.V. Gorkovenko (Candidate of Economics, Chair of economic security and financial monitoring, associate professor, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies), I.V. Platonova (Candidate of Economics, Chair of economic security and financial monitoring, associate professor, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies), K.V. Chekudaev (Candidate of Economics, Chair of Economics, Finance and Accounting, associate professor, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies)


Estimation and prognostication of strategic potential of industrial airline


S.T. Piletskaya (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Department of Finance, Accounting and Auditing, National Aviation University)


To improve the efficiency of the theoretical foundations of industrial enterprises at the present stage


M.O. Strigina (Candidate of Economics, scientific secretary of council, personnel manager, Moscow State University of Food Productions), S.A. Sklyarenko (Candidate of Economics,  associate professor "The modern trade operations North-South", Moscow State University of Food Productions), M.G. Filippova (assistant to "The Modern Trade Operations North-South" chair, Moscow State University of Food Productions) A.A. Mastikhin (senior lecturer,"Modern Trade Operations North-South" chairs, Moscow State University of Food Productions), K.A. Grebinichenko (undergraduate of "The Modern Trade Operations North-South" chair, Moscow State University of Food Productions)


Development of algorithms organization financial and economic relations of airlines


I.A. Kutsakova (assistant, National Aviation University)


Methodological approaches to assessing the financial stability of the building organizations of a building complex , attracting funds population


V.V. Bagmetov (Candidate of Economic Sciences,doctoral student in taxation andbusinessinfrastructure, Kuban StateTechnological University)


A role and place of information are in providing of development of enterprise


N.V. Vasiutkina (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Accounting and Auditing, National Aviation University)


Valuation of the intellectual property created in the final stages of fundamental research scientific works


I.S. Sitnikova (Junior scientific researcher at the lab of  patent and information, Institute of   Macromolecular Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences)


Synthesis and analysis of production process


I.S. Rodnova (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Нead of planning and economic Department NTC 4, TSNIIMASH FSUE)


"Finance" as one of the main functions of the enterprise


O.M. Pasynkova (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of economic security and financial monitoring, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies), E.A. Reznikova (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of economic security and financial monitoring, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies)


Identifying dependencies between the stages of development of the organization and its market share (by imposing Greiner’s model of the life cycles of development of the organization on «BCG» matrix)


M.G. Averkin (Candidate of sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Director, Nizhny Novgorod branch of educational institution of trade unions of higher professional education «The Academy of Labor and Social Relations»), N.Yu. Zhuravleva (Candidate of sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, Nizhny Novgorod branch of Moscow state University of Economics, statistics and Informatics)


Effective manufacturing enterprise manual control


E.Yu. Omelchenko (postgraduate of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Features to identify strategic factors of sustainable growth of company value


A.V. Karpenko (senior teacher of the Finance and Credit Studies, Rubtsovsk Industrial Institute)


Procedure of execution of credit transactions of the Bank with legal entities and analysis of the creditworthiness of these clients


P.A. Navasardyan (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, associate Professor, Head of the accounting and audit Department, Ulyanovsk state agricultural Academy. P.A. Stolypin), A.A. Navasardyan


(Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Associate Professor, Department of accounting and audit


Ulyanovsk state agricultural Academy. P.A. Stolypin)


Main factors affecting the development of organizations    of consumer cooperation


I.V. Shavandina (Candidate of economic Sciences, Associated Professor, head of Department of «Economics and statistics», Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic Institute), T.N. Kutaeva (Candidate of economic Sciences, Associated Professor, head of Department of «Accounting, analysis and audit», Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic Institute), M.Z. Dubinovsky (Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of «Service, expertise and management», Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic Institute)


Interrelation of backbone elements of the concept of management accounting


A.S. Durakova (graduate student, Stavropol State Agrarian University), I.B. Manzhosova (Candidat of Economics, Associated Professor, Stavropol State Agrarian University department ")


The protection of intellectual property in universities


Zh.A. Mingaleva (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University; Professor of Business Law Department, Perm State National Research University), I.Y. Mirskih (associate professor of Civil Law Department, Perm State National Research University)


Some features of activity based management in agricultural enterprise


O.P. Rozhkov (Candidate of economic Sciences, Head of Expert Analytical Department, Government of Stavropol region), N.V. Bannikova (Doctor of economics, professor, Head of the Department of Enerprinership & Global Economy, Stavropol state agrarian University), D.O. Gracheva (assistant, Department of Enterprinership & Global Economy, Stavropol state agrarian University)


Using of credit scoring and artificial neural networks to assess of the legal entities’s creditworthiness


E.M. Melikov (student, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics), L.A. Safonova (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the department of Industrial management and marketing,


Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics)


Institutional field of interacting managing subjects


V.S. Osipov (Candidate of Economics, Institute of economy of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


Integral system of marketing of the educational organization of the higher education in the conditions of new industrialization of the Russian economy


I.V. Gudkov (candidate of psychological sciences, head of the department of management, Moscow psikhologo-social university)


Economic-mathematical modeling of the optimal level of costs in vegetable production greenhouse


M.O. Sannikova (Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor of SaratovStateAgrarianUniversity in honor of N.I. Vavilov), V.V. Petukhova (aspirant, Saratov State Agrarian University in honor of N.I. Vavilov)


Instruments and methods of management of enterprises in industry and services sectors during the formation of relational strategies


S.M. Krymov (Doctor of economic science, Professor, head of the Department of «Organization of Production and Marketing», Don State Technical University), Zh.S. Rogacheva (Teacher, Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")


Management of the factors influencing development of leadership at the enterprise for providing the sustainable development via self-organization and self-development mechanisms


A.A. Luginina (postgraduate of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Innovation technology utilization in personnel training process for the land economics


O.M. Lisova (Candidat of Economics, associate professor, Stavropol State Agrarian University), N.Yu. Ermakova (Candidat of Economics, professor, Stavropol State Agrarian University)


Management accounting: the conceptual apparatus and backbone elements of the concept of development


T.I. Kobilyukh (postgraduate student, Lviv commercial academy)


Raw component of the ukrainian oil and fat subcomplex as the basis of its competitiveness providing


V.N. Pyliavets (teacher of the cathedra of enterprises and corporations, Vinnytsia Institute of Economics


of Ternopil National Economic University)


Modern management of the manufacturing company in the power energy sector in Russia: ways of development - a course on innovation


A.V. Ignatieva (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of General and Project Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation), A.F. Ramazanov (Student in the master's program of production management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)


Certification of qualifications as a factor of stimulation of continuing education of labor force


V.I. Kirischieva (Assistant in the department of "Economics, Accounting and Analysis" of Rostov State University of Railway Transport)


Enhancement of the strategic marketing plannings at the enterprises and farms agro-industrial complex


Fikret Velya Oglo Guliyev (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Azerbaijani University of Cooperation)


The organize an effective system of supply of industrial enterprises


P.A. Kuznetsov (postgraduate of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Innovative approaches to production efficiency increase in сountry (farmer) economy


A.V. Krivosheyev (chief of an economic part, Michurinsk state agrarian university)


Improving organizational - economic mechanism listing of corporate securities


M.M. Nikitin (graduate student finance Donetsk University of Economics and Law, Donetsk branch of the Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade Department of Finance Donetsk University of Economics and Law, Lecturer of the Department of Finance)


Features of real estate as object of the taxation


Z.A. Arsakhanova (Candidate of Economics, associate professor, head of the department "Finance and credit", Chechen state university)


Methodological tools for operational management of accounts indebted high-tech corporations


N. E. Azarova (postgraduate student of Moscow State University of Technology and Management named KG Razumovsky)


Technique of improving the management of enterprises included in the structure holding the example of modern Closed Joint-Stock Company "Voronezh Bread Company"


I.P. Bogomolova (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the department of management, production organization and industrial economy, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology), O.M. Omelchenko (Lecturer, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies)


Actual problems of collective investment in SKOLKOVO


S.V. Rusakov (Сandidate of technical Sciences, associate professor, Academic International Institute), A.N. Gavrilina (post-graduate student, Academic International Institute)


Problem analysis methodology military-industrial complex and its resource potential


N.A. Nikitin (Ph.D., Professor, Rector, Institute of Education and Science), I.V. Ryzhov (Doctor of Economics,Professor, Professor of economic theories and military economy, Military University), A.I. Strokov (Ph.D.,  Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department "Corporate Finance", Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation")


Development of humanistic approaches to management of the organization


A.V. Bashminov (postgraduate of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Economic and institutional structure of the interaction of agricultural cooperatives and private farms in the conditions of competition of the Perm region


M.V. Trosheva (head of the Department of Economics and management, branch in Kudimkar, Udmurt state University), A.A. Lunegova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, branch in Kudimkar, Udmurt state University)


The scientific-theoretical aspects of the process of renovation of production


T.V. Gorina (Teacher of Commerce and marketing research Department, Moscow state university Instrument engineering and computer science)


Event analysis as informational basis for the formation of an active strategy for potash company


D.M. Dmitrieva (Post-graduate student of Economy Department, National Mineral Resources University)


Theoretical basis for improving the quality of the mechanism of realization of innovative potential of the combined institution of higher education


B.V. Salikhov (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Moscow state linguistic university), I.S. Salikhova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Science and education institute)


Basic sourcings of economy of modern confessional community


R.V. Kapinos (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Kharkov national pedagogical university of the name Grigory Skovoroda)


Development of mechanism of competitive procedures in construction


V.P. Grakhov (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University), A.A. Repin (director general, limited liability company «Technology»), A.A. Lonshakova (student, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University)


Overview of current approaches to assessing the role of management factors in shaping innovation performance of enterprises


Zh.A. Mingaleva (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University; Professor of Business Law Department, Perm State National Research University)


Motivational and target and information and analytical functions of management by marketing by the educational organization of the higher education in the conditions of new industrialization of the Russian economy


I.V. Gudkov (candidate of psychological sciences, head of the department of management, Moscow psikhologo-social university)


Pricing modeling for different types of goods and services in market conditions taking into account comprehensive evaluation approach


V.A. Kozhin (Doctor of economics, professor, Nizhny Novgorod institute of management and business), T.V. Shagalova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Nizhny Novgorod institute of management and business)


System of the state and municipal financial control in the conditions of improvement of the budgetary legislation


N.S. Sinelnikov (expert, ROSFINNADZOR; graduate student of chair «State and municipal finances, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)


System analysis and modeling of economic efficiency of projects: methodical approach


E.V. Orlova (Candidate of Technical sciences, Associated Professor, Associate professor of the department “Economic of  entrepreneurship”, Ufa state aviation technical university)


System approach to management of strategic investments at regional level


A.G. Nazarov (candidate of political sciences, adviser of Representation of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan for investment cooperation)


Search of internal reserves for financial independence of local budgets


N.V. Mudrova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Bryansk branch, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)


Forming tools motivation system managers of industrial organizations


I.G. Matyevich (assistant of the chair of economic security and financial monitoring, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies), I.M. Semenova (assistant of the chair of eco-nomic security and financial monitoring, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies)


The base of the effective system for the management of organizations on the approach of change management


A.V. Bashminov (postgraduate of Economy and Business Operation Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)


Analytical modeling of competitive advantages of commercial enterprises


D.O. Kharynovych-Yavorska (assistant department of finance, Bukovina State Finance and Economics University)


Factor analysis in the comparative cost-benefit analysis of retail groups


M.E. Belyaeva (Postgraduate student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)




Application of the modified CAPM model for evaluating of energy investment projects


M.V. Malmygin (post-graduate student of the chair of Applied mathematics and computer technologies, North-Caucasian Federal University)


Assessment of working conditions at workplaces - free niche business


D.S. Polonsky (Head of Supervision and enforcement of labor legislation, Federal State Labour Inspectorate in the Kaluga region)


Reconstruction of the fair value in the the Russian Federation


I.G. Potapov (post-graduate student, Sibirian federal university)


Leasing as an effective financial instrument of accumulation and distribution of financial resources


D.V. Kuznetsov (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Doctorant of the Department of Financial Management, Financial University under the Government  of  the Russian Federation)


Review of existing approaches to the estimation of efficiency of marketing activity


M.G. Averkin (Candidate of sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Director, Nizhny Novgorod branch of educational institution of trade unions of higher professional education «The Academy of Labor and Social Relations»), A.S. Shchegletova (Lecturer, Department of Economics and Management, Nizhny Novgorod branch of educational institution of trade unions of higher professional education «The Academy of Labor and Social Relations»)


The model of definition and delegation of processes for outsourcing


I.S. Mukhina (Senior Lecturer of faculty Industrial management and marketing department, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics)


Assessment of the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises in the case of the Republic of Dagestan


M.M. Shabanova (Doctor of Economics, professor, professor managing chair, Dagestan State Technical University), T.A. Kamalova (Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor, professor, Dagestan State University), A.T. Malikova  (graduate student-competitor, Dagestan State Technical University)


Problems of increase of efficiency of business activity in trade with use of modern information technologies


V.S. Yakovenko (Doctor of Economics, Professor of Accounting Management Accounting, Stavropol state agrarian university), A.V. Agarkov (graduate students, Stavropol state agrarian university)


Pathology in operating activities of organizations of small business


Yu.O. Platonov (Business – analyst, LLC «EcoTechnoManagement»)


Reasons for possibility of transmission of providing functions and processes of educational institutions (organizations) on outsourcing


A.A. Fefelov (assistant to chair of the International Business, International Higher School of Business, Siberian state space university of a name of the academician M. F. Reshetnyov)


Development of franchising system in the sphere of health care


A.N. Maximova (Graduate student of the Chair of Economics and management in social sphere, Saint-Petersburg state university of economics)


Marketing evaluation of functioning of trading systems on the basis of marketing management in network trade


E.E. Oplesnina (Senior lecturer and chair of «Organization of production and marketing», Don State Technical University)


Assessment of development of small entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tatarstan: current problems and possible ways of their solution


G.M. Ibragimova (Assistant of the Department of State and municipal management Institute of Management and Territorial Development, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University)


Systematic approach to tourism management system


A.V. Kuchumov (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy director of Institute of tourism and international economic relations, associate professor of «Management of business activity», St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics)


Development management in the innovation business


N.V. Tokar (Graduate, All-Russian scientific research Institute of economy, labor and management
in agriculture)


The problem of trust in banking sector: world's and russian's experience


E.M. Shironina (Candidate of Economics, senior lecturer, Perm National Research Polytechnic University), I.M. Wetzler  (student, Perm National Research Polytechnic University),


Corporate social responsibility: the efficiency quest


S.B. Boguslavskaya (PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Department of financial markets and financial management, NRU HSE – Saint-Petersburg), N.V. Rozhdestvenskaia (PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Department of Applied Economics, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia)


Economic aspects of the marketing of a political leader


A.A. Kiseleva (Senior Lecturer  of the Department of Marketing, Perm State National Research University), E.A. Ledentsova (Assistant of the Department of Marketing, Perm State National Research University), I.V. Tudvaseva (student, Perm State National Research University)


Problems and basic functions of the development of agricultural cooperatives in the Perm region


M.V. Trosheva (head of the Department of Economics and management, branch in Kudimkar, Udmurt state University), M.M. Tryastsin (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Perm state agricultural academy of a name of the academician D. N. Pryanishnikov)


Problems of implementation of international accounting standards in Russia


M.E. Vasilenko (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service), E.N. Vasilenko (master student, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service)


Planned and predictive, organizational and performing, control and diagnostic and regulatory and correctional functions of management by marketing by the educational organization of the higher education in the conditions of new industrialization of the Russian economy


I.V. Gudkov (candidate of psychological sciences, head of the department of management, Moscow psikhologo-social university)


The current state and tendencies of forming market and nonmarket sources of financing of investment projects


L.G. Bulgakova (Post-graduate student Investment and Innovation Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)


Theoretical Basis of Network Companies


D.Y. Usov (Lecturer, Chair of Economics and Management, Volsk Higher Militaty School of Rear Services (military institute))


Couching – study as a new approach of the business education in the Universities  for the innovation entrepreneurs


D.D. Tsiteladze (lecturer of the “Venture Capital management” department, Nizhny Novgorod, National Research University Higher School of Economics), N.G. Shubnyakova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Nizhny Novgorod, National Research University Higher School of Economics)


State microcredit business in post-Soviet countries


T.S. Jurko (Assistant of the department of financial policy, monetary, Poltava University of Economics and Trade)


Information support of innovative development of the enterprise on the basis of use of instruments of controlling of business processes


N.N. Kudryavtsevа (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Institute of management, marketing and finance), V.B. Artemenko (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Institute of management, marketing and finance), S.A. Lapygina (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Voronezh branch, Moscow StateUniversity of Railway Transport)


Development of mechanism to justify need for improvement of the control function in nonprofits


K.N. Kulikova (Lecturer of Management department, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics)


Conceptual process management system state changes in processing organizations agribusiness


A.N. Polozova (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Institute of management, marketing and finance), I.M. Yartceva (Chair «Economics», SeniorLecturer, Institute of Management, Lipetsk department Marketing and Finance), E.V. Gorkovenko (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Voronezh state university of engineering technologies)