Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship  

JEE Vol. 7 Nom. 8


Vol. 7 Nom. 8

(August 2013)



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Surplus, maximum efficiency and exchange: a new interpretation in economic theory


O.S. Sukharev (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)



Trends in the development of financial and investment relationship in the world


Y.V. Redziuk (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)



Problems of food safety of Russia and its regions in accession to WTO


I.V. Taranova (Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Stavropol state agrarian university)



To a question of problems of infrastructure investments into the Russian Federation


Yu.V. Selionova (senior teacher, Far East state fishery university)



The stability of the national currency as a monetary component of the financial security


V.P. Zagarii (Lecturer of the Chair of Finance, Management and Economics, Borys GrinchenkoKyiv University)



On the question of the institutional problems of Russia's modernization


A.A. Polidi (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Kuban State University of Technology),  S.V. Sichkar (postgraduate student , Kuban State University of Technology)



Formation of the mechanism of management social sphere in Russia: historical parallels


T.I. Arkhipova (Leading expert-analyst of the Department of system analysis and operation of information and analytical systems, St. Petersburg information and analytical centre)



Challenges and development prospects of infrastructure in Russia 


Arif Salim Mohamad (graduate student of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)



Ensuring economic security of the society and the state through flexible management of human resources and individual approach to personal development of the individual

N.S. Bezuglaya (Candidate of Economics, Head of the Department of Economics and Commerce, The Institute of International Law, Economics, Humanities and Management named K.V. Rossinsky), A.V. Bezugliy (Deputy Director of Human Resources, Branch of CJSC "Management Company EFKO")



Contents and  problems of the planning in context instituonal transformations in Azerbaijan in 20-30-years XX  ages

Seyfaddin Sabir oqlu Samandarov (Ph.D in Economic, Associated Professor, Azerbaijan National Academy of Science İnstitute of Economy)



Segmenting problems of domestic markets

Y.V. Merkulova (candidate of Economic Sciences, Department of Social Sciences RAS)



The organization of financial control in Russia at the present stage


D.S. Serkov (teacher of chair of accounting, analysis, audit and taxation, International academy of business and new technologies)



Institutional modernization of the public debt: essential aspects of international experience


A.V. Protsko (graduate student, Institute for Economics and Forecasting, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences)



Evolution of taxation of TNC income in OECD countries


I.N. Kucherova (Head of informatization&taxpayers' department, State Tax Inspectorate Sviatoshynskyi district of Kiev)



Stock mechanism of economic management - the basis of economic modernization


D.A. Barabash (Teacher of Informatics and Programming  Department, postgraduate, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)



The key directions of the global financial architecture in the framework of the institutional approach in the new economy


N.E. Andronova (Candidate of Economics, The President, Fund "Eurasia Heritage")



Specificity of the military-industrial complex as an object of state industrial policy in modern conditions


R.A. Knyaznedelin (Junior Researcher, 33 Central Research and Testing Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), A.Kh. Kurbanov (Ph.D, Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory, Centr (nauchno-issledovatel'skij, voenno-sistemnyh issledovanij material'no-tehnicheskogo obespechenija Vooruzhennyh Sil Rossijskoj Federacii) Voennaya akademiya tyla i transporta imeni generala armii A.V. Khruleva), V.A. Plotnikov (Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, St. Petersburg State Economic University)



Classification of types of organization of public management


A.I. Konstantinov (Postgraduate, Perm State National Research Polytechnic University)




Institutional framework for sustainable development of the region


A.A. Romanov (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Southern Institute of Management), V.P. Basenko (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Southern Institute of Management)



Formation of the mechanism of regulation of social and labor potential at regional level


V.A. Cheymetova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University)



Cattle breeding branch of Dagestan as basis of food security of the region


I.B. Hapaev (Candidate of the philosophical sciences, Assistant professor, Karachay-Cherkessia branch in Cherkessk, Russian State Social University)



Cluster analysis in developing industrial area profile


A.R. Safiullin (Doctor of economic sciences, professor, Institute of Economics and Finance, Kazan  (Volga region) federal university), L.R. Gataullina (postgraduate student of Economics of production Department, Institute of Economics and Finance, Kazan  (Volga region) federal university)



The place and role of employment in the management structure of economic and social sustainability of rural areas


S.A. Molchanenko (graduate student, Stavropol state agrarian university)



Regional industry diversification: the methodological aspect


A.O. Larionov (Junior scientific associate of the department of Social and Economic Development and Management in the Territorial Systems, Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories Russian Academy of Sciences), A.S. Barabanov (Candidate of Economics, Deputy Head of the department of Social and Economic Development and Management in the Territorial Systems , Head of the Laboratory for the developmental of manufacturing activities, Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories Russian Academy of Sciences)



Directions of structural and technological modernization of industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan


M.N. Isyanbaev (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief researcher of department of Regional Economy Problems, The Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Ufa Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Science), Z.A. Sharafutdinova (Candidate of Economics, Researcher of department of Regional Economy Problems, The Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Ufa Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Science)



The regional factor of the economic security of Russia


R.O. Voskerichyan (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor,The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia)



Resources management system of innovative development of the region


Y.P. Anisimov (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Voronezh state technical university), S.S. Kalashnikova (competitor, Institute of management, marketing and finance)



The concept of a territorial brand in strategic development of the modern city


O.E.Garbera (candidate of economic sciences, teacher of chair of management, Ternopol national economic university)



Purpose, tasks and functions of regional goverment


N.V. Neveykina  (candidate of economic sciences, doctoral candidate, Voronezh state university)



Infrastructure opportunities to minimize risk of regional vegetable market subjects


D.A. Korobeynikov (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Volgograd State Agrarian University), O.M. Korobeynikova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Volgograd State Agrarian University), D.N. Telitchenko (graduate student, Volgograd State Agrarian University)



Public-private partnership as a model of cooperation among regional socio-economic systems in the space of trans-regional


V.S. Novikov (Ph.D. in economics, Associate Professor of the Chair of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Southern institute of management)



Essence, theories and forms of regional economic space


D.A.Likhitchenko (graduate student of Institute of economical and legal researches of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)



Technique of an assessment of efficiency of regional system of agroproduction


G.V. Makhanko (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kuban state agrarian university), S.L. Zakharov (Director of corporate strategy and finance, JSC SK imeni M. I. Kalinina)



Mechanism of sustainable economic development of depressed region


D.A. Barabash (Teacher of Informatics and Programming  Department, postgraduate, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)



Scientific substantiation of application evaluation of the economic potential of the region


V.P. Basenko (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Southern Institute of Management), V.A. Dianova (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Southern Institute of Management)



The theoretical-methodical aspects of a choice of strategy of development of the region


V.A. Cheymetova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University)



The development of spatially localized economic systems: the cluster approach


Y.A. Sviridchenko (competitor, Stavropol State Agrarian University), Y.S. Skripnichenko (Assistant, Stavropol State Agrarian University)



The approaches to socio-economic assessment of the innovative environment of the Russian regions


A.V. Semenov (Leading engineer of the department of the organization and control of service, Branch of LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering", "PermNIPIneft")



The methodology of the monitoring of human resources of the region in terms of socio - economic development


E.S.Grishina (competitor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)




Current trends of development of the enterprises of the resort sphere are Crimea


O.V. Sevastyanova (Senior lecturer inmanagement, Crimean economically Institute, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman)



Methodological aspects of the choice of organizational forms in the process of restructuring the enterprises with state share in charter capital


T.N. Silantieva (assistant, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)



Problems of preservation and development of personnel capacity of the organizations of defense industry complex


S.E. Zakutnev (Doctor of Economics, Associated Professor, Professor of the Department for Arms and Equipment Production Economics Management and Repair, Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry), I.A. Gordeev (Competitor of the Department for Arms and Equipment  roduction Economics Management and Repair  Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry)



Assessing the levelof liquidityand solvencyof PAT "ZAZ" for the period 2009-2011years


J.A. Shvets (Master, Zaporizhzhya NationalUniversity), A.V. Cherep (Doctorof Economics, Professor, Zaporizhzhya NationalUniversity)



Marketing of secure technical innovation the «MERCEDES-BENZ»


O.V. Nikulina (Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, Kuban State University), E.A. Ubogova (Student of Innovatika group, Kuban State University)



Risks of business activity of the leasing companies in the national and world markets


R. R. Savchuk (candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor,  National research university "The Higher School of Economy")



Features practical approaches to strategic planning of development urban areas


N.G. Verstina (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering), N.N. Taskaeva (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)



Development of environmental audit in the system of investing activities enterprise


N.N. Коchеrgа (Candidate of Economics, Senior Research Fellow, Vice Director on Research Work and Innovation Activity, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine)



Formation of brand strategy services of the higher education institution based on knowledge management (on the example of the People's Republic of China)


Limin Li (Senior lecturer , Hebei United University; Pacific National University)



The introduction methodology the management accounts by means of budgeting and planning in the sphere of healthcare in the Russian Federation


A.V. Generalov (Candidate of Economics, acting Deputy Chief Doctor of Economy, Clinic of the Russian Federation President Affairs Management), D.V. Gribova (Head of Automation Medical Organizations, Firm «1С»), A.I. Gaidukov (Candidate of physical and mathematical, Head of Health Care Organizations Projects, Firm «1С»), A.O. Yashin (Senior consultant of the ERP consulting division, Project Management department, General research computer center  of the Russian Federation President Affairs Management)



Method of calculation of requirement for motor transportation transportations of the enterprise. Part 2. Quantitative definition of the rolling stock of vehicle fleet of the enterprise depending on need for transportations


N.V. Voronova (Assistant to chair of economy, Kazan Scientific Research Technological University)



Environmental risk-management approaches and financing techniques


B.B. Prokopyev (Deputy Head of Division Department for Small and Medium Enterprises Support, Vnesheconombank)



Influence of the cash advances structure in the current assets on the efficiency of the enterprise production activity


E.V. Khokhlova (graduate student, assistant of chair «the Management and the innovations»,  Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)



Features of strategic production planning metallurgical holding companies in the implementation of innovative development of economy


O.V. Bazhenov (Candidate of Economics, Associate professor of chair «Accounting, analysis and audit», Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin)



The importance of rationing of resources in construction raises


I.V. Karakozova (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associated Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)



Mathematical and structural models of evaluation of competitiveness of domestic enterprises


A.A. Azarova (Candidate of Technical, Associated Professor, Vinnitsa national technical university), E.V. Zhytkevych (Applicant, Vinnytsa National Technical University), E.A. Goda (Master Student of Vinnitsa national technical university)



Research on reputation field model of a company (on example of municipal project)


T.A. Kopylova (Postgraduate student, Volgograd State Technical University)



The problem of choice of option hedging strategies participants of the securities market


L.N. Kostach (Senior lecturer in financial markets, National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine)



Principles of development of internal documentation of a system of management department based on standards ISO 9000


F.R. Muzipova (Associate Professor  of Department of Management and Innovations,  Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU)), O.A. Kozina (Candidate of Philosophy, Head of Management Department, Moscow social-psychological University)



Cost management to ensure quality high-tech products based on the internal audit


D.M. Shubа (applicant, State Academy of Training and Retraining for Construction, Housing and Public Utilities)



To the question about a practical implementation of the best use principle in the real estate market valuation


E.O. Akulova (Graduate student, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation)



The rating scenario-parametric model for systems of business monitoring at industrial organizations


L.E. Sovik (Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies)



Marketing maintenance of educational activity as strategy of development of the Russian higher education institutions in the near-term and medium-term outlook


E.A. Butenko (competitor, Kuban state university)



The peculiarity of the modern organization


G.A. Reznik (Doctor of Economics, professor, head of department “Marketing and Economics theory”, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction), M.I. Maskaev (postgraduate student of department "marketing and economic theory", Penza State University of Architecture and Construction)



Optimization of a credit portfolio of commercial bank


M.V. Berdnikova (post-graduate student of department of  finance and credit, Russian State Social University)



Assessment of the economic impact of the implementation of energy conservation measures for thermal systems of buildings


T.S. Meshcheryakova (senior lecturer, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)




Problems and prospects of pharmaceutical industry development of  Russia in    WTO accession conditions


O.V. Nikulina (Doctor of economic sciences, professor, Kuban State University), I.A. Stepanok (Graduate student, Kuban State University)




Analysis of the structure and terms of use of the land fund of the city


D.S. Smolyakov (assistant, Kuban State Agrarian University)




Closed-end mutual funds of venture capital investments as promising tools for the investment in the innovation sector


V.A. Diachenko (manager, NKO «Paritet»)




The potential interaction of public and private organizations in the modernization of educational services


E.Y. Gajiyeva (Associate Professor of the Chair of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Southern institute of management)




Modernization of the Russian bankruptcy mechanism


M.R. Martirosyan (graduate student, The Russian State University of Trade and Economics)




Concentration as a distinctive feature of the modern market of leasing in the Russian Federation


I.S. Polyakova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)




Assessment ot the current investment management accounting


D.D. Faradzheva (Teacher of "economic analysis and audit", Azerbaijani State University of Economics)




Perspective directions of development of information-analytical support intra-firm management


A.N. Borodulin (Candidate of Technical, Associated Professor, Tver State Technical University)




Necessity of statement of management accounting in agricultural organizations


Е.А. Golovanova (Assistant of the Department of accounting and audit, Belgorod state agricultural Academy of a name of V.Y. Gorina)




Economic cycles in manufacturing


K.G. Zhukov (competitor of chair of National economy, Bashkir State University)




Integration features of development of gas distribution systems


L.A. Maslov (Candidate of Economicssciences, Head of finance and economic division, LLC «Gas distribution Nizhniy Novgorod»)




Model of the probability of bankruptcy of the bank as an element of the sustainability of the national banking system


L.F. Uvarova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, St. Petersburg branch, National research University «Higher school of Economics»)




Conceptual descriptive model of organizational and economic mechanism of commercialization of scientific and technological research and innovation product of higher education institutions and their scientific departments


K.V. Kovtunenko (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Odessa National Polytechnic University)




Methodological basis of social partnership principles realization in the organization of enterprise’s employees wages


N.Y. Lebedeva (senior lecturer, department of Economics and Management, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)




To development of methodical approach to an assessment of competitiveness of corporations in the conditions of developing marketing communications (part 1)


M.B. Shchepakin (Dr.Sc.(Econ.), Professor, dean of faculty of economy, management and business, Kuban state technological university), E.F. Khandamova (Сand.Sc.(Philol.), Associate Professor of marketing and management of enterprise, Kuban state technological university), L.V. Kharajan (assistant to chair of marketing and management of enterprise, Kuban state technological university)




Some aspects of improving the competitiveness of printing companies


A.D. Kukharuk (graduate student, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute")




The system of training of cadres on higher educational institutions and the direction of its improvement


Reykhan Saftar kyzi Azizova (Teacher of "Information Economy and Technology", Azerbaijani State Economic University)




Formation of a flexible strategy motivation based on studies of the labor market


N.S.Bezuglaya (Candidate of Economics, Head of the Department of Economics and Commerce, The Institute of International Law, Economics, Humanities and Management named K.V. Rossinsky), A.V. Bezugliy (Deputy Director of Human Resources, Branch of CJSC "Management Company EFKO")




Organizational and economic approaches to formation of system of technical providing the agricultural enterprises


V.E. Skotsyk (Candidateof agriculture sciences, Associate Professor, Bilotserkivskiy national agrarian university)




Statistical and standardization issues if nanoindustry


A.V. Fesyun (Candidate of Economics, Head of Science, Innovation and Research Training Department, Volgograd State University)




The economic nature of resistance to competition production costs


V.V. Grigoreva (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Voronezh State university of engineering technologies), A.N. Polozova (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance)




Economic-mathematical model of technical maintenance of standards of armament and military technique on the state for diffusive-unmonotonous distributing of refuses


P.M. Yablonskiy (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor  of Logistic Air Force department, National defense university of Ukraine named of Ivan Chernyakhovskiy), S.A. Pustovoy (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief of programmatic-technical providing department, Company with limited responsibility  “Kotris”), P.V. Openko (Adjunct Professor of scientifically-methodical center of organization of scientific and scientific and technical activity, National defense university of Ukraine named of Ivan Chernyakhovskiy)




Methodological aspects of the analysis of social efficiency of urban policy


Y.N. Kulakov (Candidate of Economics, Senior Researcher, Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering), T.N. Silantieva (assistant, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)




Pricing strategy on the medical services rendered by military medical institutions


I.V. Chistov (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department for Arms and Equipment Production Economics Management and Repair, Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry), O.F. Kuzmich (competitor of the Department for Arms and Equipment Production Economics Management and Repair, Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry)




Tendencies and problems of formation of projects of complex building of the territory


A.G. Frolov (graduate student, State university of management)




Vocational training employees: the impact on intra firm mobility


E.A. Aleksandrova (Assistant professor, economics department, St. Petersburg branch,  National Research University Higher School of Economics)




Vocational guidance interdisciplinary approach: problems and prospects of research


A.L. Fursov (Research assistant, Volga (Saratov) Law School (Branch), Russian Academy of Law)




Factors, principles and steps of creating clusters in the Russian defense industry


A.S. Abdulkadyrov (candidate of economic science, Associate Professor, applicant, State Academy for advanced studies and retraining for the construction and municipal housing complex of Russia)




Methods of promotion of  book production. Accounting of the address mailing and unaddressed mailing of advertising materials


E.V. Kouzmina (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Research University Higher School of Economics)




Intra-marketing tools in Russian universities


A.E. Eroyan (Candidate of Economics, Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and Management, Kuban Institute of International Business and Management)




Bank’s capital requirements raising: problems and solutions for Ukraine


E.I. Rozhkova (Junior Researcher, Institute for Economics and Forecasting  NAS Ukraine)




Livestock industry – a basis of economy of the Kazbek municipality of the Republic of Dagestan


I.B. Hapaev (Candidate of the philosophical sciences, Assistant professor, Karachay-Cherkessia branch in Cherkessk, Russian State Social University)




Evaluation of creativity of subjects management system monitoring


I.V. Shamrina (SeniorLecturer, Lipetsk department, Institute of Management,Marketing and Finance)




Mechanism of continual improvement in the quality management of customs control


O.G. Kukharskaya (Head of Planning and Analysis Department, Privolzhskoye Customs Directorate; Post-graduated student, Russian customs Academy)




The concept of providing a flexible development of the organization in order to increase its competitiveness and innovativeness


B.M. Zhukov (doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Southern Institute of management)




Improvement management of business processes the holding "Helicopters of Russia"


M.V. Kolgan (Postgraduate student, Don State Technical University), S.M. Krymov (PhD in Economics, professor, Don State Technical University)




Problems and specificity of use absorption theory in an education sphere


L.V. Mezhonova (prorector, Vladivostok state university of economy and service)




Multidimensional approach to the determination of the place and role of intellectual activity in the enterprise


Zh.A. Mingleva (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm State National Research University),  L.N. Deputatova (PhD student, Assistant Professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)




Maltuziansky trap and the power concept - I


Shuhrat R. Saifullaev (president, JSC «Peter the Great»)




Successful management of the organization on the basis of the Appreciative Inquiry approach


Zh.V. Korol (candidate of historical Sciences, Surgut oil and gas Institute (branch), Tyumen state oil and gas University)




The intellectual capital of high-tech companies: the practice of creating, developing and implementing


J.V. Yastrebova (applicant, State Academy of Training and Retraining for Construction, Housing and Public Utilities)




Diversification of activity of the agricultural enterprises and adaptation to it labor potential


A.N. Pivovar (assistant, Zhitomir national agroecological university)




Balance models and their use for management purposes the construction industry


N.G. Verstina (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering), Y.N. Kulakov (Candidate of Economics, Senior Researcher, Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering), T.N. Silantieva (assistant, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)




Corporate reporting of agricultural holding in the IFRS format: methodological and procedural aspects


V.V. Govdya (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University), Zh.V. Degaltseva (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University), А.А. Remezkov (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University)




The mechanism of investment support innovation construction companies


D.M. Khizhnyakov (Head of group certification of specialists, ANO UMC "Tehkranenergo")




The system of innovative development of the region on the basis of human capital (Rostov region example)


M.G. Alimirzaeva (assistant, Don State Teсhniсal University)





Activation of entrepreneurship and improving the efficiency of agricultural production of small farms in the countryside


I.Y. Sklyarov (Doctor of economic sciences, professor, Stavropol state agrarian university), J.M. Sklyarovа (Doctor of economic sciences, professor, Stavropol state agrarian university), A.R. Shaulov (graduate student, Stavropol state agrarian university)




Strategy of increasing business activity of entrepreneurship


A.S. Golovina (Director for General Affairs and personnel, Ural Branch, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)




The questions of increase the efficiency of the use of intellectual property by small innovative enterprises


Zh.A. Mingleva (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm State National Research University)




Development direction of outsourcing in the practice of international business


O.V. Nikulina (Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, Kuban State University), S.G. Muradyan (Graduate student, Kuban State University)




Characteristics of development of internet business in Russia compared to global tendencies


D.V.Vyazovov (Master of Economics, Instructional designer, «Dagger and Prime»)




Formation of vertically integrated enterprise structures in agriculture


A.A. Zhigir (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Berdiansk state pedagogical university)




The competition as a source and the experienced pledge of increase of productivity and quality of life


Julia Ursaky (graduate student, Ternopol national economic university)




The institutional analysis of business in the agrarian sphere


S.E. Shiyanov (Candidate of Economics, Associate professor of finance, taxes and accounting, North Caucasian social institute)




Methods of forecasting financial results of the activity of economic entities


A.N. Borodulin (Candidate of Technical, Associated Professor, Tver State Technical University)




The state and development trends of the retail trade in Ukraine


I.N. Sevruk (Postgraduate Student, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics)




Hypothesis of innovative collapse and instrument of inventive selection


I.V. Bogdashev (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, St. Petersburg institute of foreign economic relations, economy and rights)




Monitoring of the subject-object infrastructure security business


L.V. Oveshnikova (Candidate of economicsciences, Associated Professor, Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov)




Organizational and economic mechanism of attraction and use of a manpower by small agrarian business


E.O.Oleynik (graduate student, Poltava state agrarian academy)




Formation of a control system by risks and possibilities of standardization of management of them


A.V. Fedosina (Postgraduate, senior teacher of  Management and Innovations chair, Moscow state university of civil engineering). )




Insurance marketing in Russia: current state and development problems


B.Kh. Aliev (Doctor of economic sciences, professor, Dagestan state university), A.M. Filin (applicant, Dagestan state university)




Scientific and practical bases of the organization of trade network in the regions


I.A. Krasjuk (Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of «Organization of production and marketing», Don state technical University)




Russian option of formation and development of the market of information technologies

D.S. Dolgushev (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Volga state academy of a water transport)




Technical analysis as a tool for solving problems of professional real estate market


A.R. Moiseenkov (Assistant, Department of technology, organization, economy, and property management, Kuban State Technological University)




Application of the theory of clusters in tourism. Analitic review


N.S. Martyshenko (Candidate of Economics, professor of chair of marketing and commerce, Vladivostok state university of economy and service)




Features of targets of high performance sport as a professional and mass sports


M.V. Igoshev (Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport, Perm State National Research University)




Measures of measurement of cost of labor - 3


Shuhrat R. Saifullaev (president, JSC «Peter the Great»)




An analysis of the current state and development trends of the world market of leasing services


O.R. Berezovska (Postgraduate student on the Department of Industrial Marketing, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University)




Analytical assessment of a current state and tendencies of development of world fishery and aquaculture


I.P. Bogomolova (Doctor of Economics, Professor, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology), A.Y. Arkhangelskiy (Postgraduate, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology)




Methods of economic estimation of human capital


Zh.V. Korol (candidate of historical Sciences, Surgut oil and gas Institute (branch), Tyumen state oil and gas University), S.S. Bednarzhevskiy (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Surgut oil and gas Institute (branch), Tyumen state oil and gas University), D.A. Zhosan (general Director, Limited liability company "Universal Service Company")




Experience and consequences of state regulation of a grain complex taking into account decrease in enterprise risks


T.Y. Ulchenko (competitor, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology), A.V. Bogomolov (Postgraduate, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology), I.V. Plekanova (Postgraduate, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology)




Organizational principles of economic analysis of monetary assets


V.V. Skorobogatova (Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, KerchState MaritimeTechnical University)