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Vol. 3 Nom. 4
Religion, mass media and culture of the world. Ljubisha Mitrovich Abstract. In the given work the author investigates value of religion in transitive societies for expansion of culture of the world, mutual understanding and solidarity globalisation. In the analysis centre there are relations between three factors - religion, mass media and culture of the world. The author starts with that hypothesis. That socialism explosion in the majority of postsocialist societies has generated a cultural shock owing to what people are nowadays in an anomy and trauma condition. In the conditions of disintegration of former system of hegemony and absence new which mechanisms else arise, the religion and mass-media can play as positive, and destroying role to stimulate conflicts or stabilisation. On an example of the Balkans and Yugoslavia, the author it is developed proves this position. In analysis focus there is a research of a positive uniting role of religion and mass-media during the postdisputed period when they have opened ways to mutual understanding and cooperation between the various people and cultures. Keywords: religion, mass media, culture of the world, Balkans, Yugoslavia, solidarity, mutual understanding globalisation.
Essence and the maintenance of business reputation of the organisation. S.V. Gorin Abstract. In article the business reputation is considered from the historical, social and economic point of view. Reputation and image communication is shown. The essence and the maintenance of business reputation of the organisation are specified. The reasons of accruing attention to business reputation of the modern organisations are established. Keywords: image, reputation, business reputation of the organisation, company reputation, corporate reputation, reputation management.
Periodic table of waves of a passionarity of earth dwellers for 50 centuries of written history of mankind. The law of 9 century waves of a passionarity of earth dwellers with quantitative check for and XVIII, XIX and ХХ centuries.B.I. Iskakov, A.B. Iskakov Abstract. The article presents the periodic table of the waves passionarity earthlings for 50 centuries of written history of mankind. Added check of Law 9 secular waves passionarity for XVIII, XIX and XX centuries. Keywords: world history, history of Russia, Chizhevsky's hypothesis, cosmo-socio-economy, socio-economy, statistics, noosphere, passionarity, ethnoclasses, space, biorhythms, electromagnetic radiation, biosphere, human, historymetrics, biothat, Sun, Earth, solar activity, cavity of Rosh.
Visual effect in dialogue. V.M. Shepel Abstract. In article the material from the new book of professor V.M. Shepel «A trade the imagemaker» is presented. The self-presentation maintenance is described. The communicative mechanics is investigated. Methods of influence, model of behaviour, the technician of charm are described. Keywords: self-presentation, charm, methods of influence, model of behaviour, technician of charm, image, technology of image, professional image, image creation, imagemaker, public relations.
The released world. M. Kalashnikov Abstract. The exit from global crisis lies through development of technologies of the Sixth way. For all - for us, for Europe and for the USA. But it will mean huge political shocks. Such transition - in itself dangerous crisis. After all resurso - and labor-save technologies of the next era will make unnecessary huge weights of people. There, where ten workers today are necessary «Sixthway» technologies will leave one-two. We will face absolutely new realities - and rather dangerous calls. Keywords: historical development, government, international relations, energy, economic crisis, new technologies, social system.
Education system in Russia as area of collision of class interests. T.V.Panfilova Abstract. In article educational strategy is considered as a part of the general strategy of the country. It is shown that the bureaucracy in an education sphere is on guard of interests of a ruling class. Availability of formation in Russia is investigated. Keywords: education, educational strategy, classes, class interests, science, bureaucracy, government.
The cult of market and consumption in the system of сapitalocracy. S.A. Stroev Abstract. In article the logic and the purposes of transformation of public valuable systems and reference points for the purpose of an artificial binding of all socially significant values to bank notes as to a universal valuable equivalent which, in turn, as a result virtualization the finance and assignment of the right of emission of money by private bank structures without obligations on their maintenance is transformed into a control device and the authorities is considered. Article is a book fragment «Toolkitсapitalocracy» (S.A.Stroev, SPb, Publishing house of Polytechnical University, 2009). Keywords: сapitalocracy, virtualization of finance, ownership, market, value system.
Literary reputations. Overdue glory (about Tyutchev). I.N. Rozanov Abstract. The material of the book of the known literary critic and the expert on Russian poetry I.N. Rozanov «Literary reputations» is presented, for the first time published in Moscow in 1928. In I.N. Rozanova's given work bases of new areas of a science - theories and stories of literary reputations are put. Reproducing a book material, Journal «Reputiology» aspires to inform modern readers one of the first works on a theme of literary reputations in the Russia which have become now by a rare book. Keywords: reputation, attraction, pushing away, inertia, I.N. Rozanov, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Pushkin, Gogol, Nekrasov, Zhukovsky, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Tolstoy, Bryusov, Mayakovsky, Block. |