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Rep. Vol. 4 Nom. 5-6


intereconom@intereconom.com, intereconom@mail.ru


Vol. 4 Nom. 5-6




Imageology: the author's concept of research and development

V.M. Shepel

How to resolve cross-cultural conflict

T.V. Panfilova

The strategy of transformation of the Russian economy: the political dimension

A.V. Martynov

Migration as the weapon in the war against civil society

S.A. Stroev

The study of the organizational culture of the holding

O.U. Isopeskul, M.A. Shakina

On the morality of Western media. Reflections on a book: Слободан Вуковић «Етика западних медиja»

A.N. Samarin

«Life management» and ortobiotiс in the manager activity

V.M. Shepel

Cultic and anecdotal. Trickster who is always with us

S.A. Stroev

Transition to health saving up innovative economy

E.G. Bryndin

Analysis on the key influential factors of Graduate s’ employment in China

Fuxiang Liu, Yunfeng Wang, Delin Lin

PCR Analysis about Industrial Structure Adjustment Influencing on Rural Labor Transfer

in Liaoning Province

Qingli Li, Fuxiang Liu


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