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Vol. 5 Nom. 1-2



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Vol. 5 Nom. 1-2

About a conceptual model of economic system transformation. A.V. Martynov

Abstract. The article is devoted to forming the updated concept of  economic system transformation and its realistic modeling. By the author’s conclusion the synthesis of number of structural shifts models is preferable to investigate the phenomena of economic system transformation.

Keywords: economic system, system transformation, concept, Leontief model, models of structural shifts, institutional changes, technological changes.

Philosophy of education: a self-determination problem. V.I. Beljaev

Abstract. Article is devoted theoretical questions of philosophy of education as sciences. Communication of philosophy of education with pedagogics is shown. It is shown that the central question of philosophy of education is definition of its object and a subject. A substantiated conclusion that the philosophy of education refracts and reinterprets achievements of all social sciences with reference to pedagogics and education, projecting ways of construction of new alternative innovative pedagogical systems.

Keywords: philosophy of education, self-determination, pedagogics.

The civilization of comfort against universum of sacrifice. S.A. Stroev

Abstract. In article the principle of a victim as universal the human culture, being a necessary basis of its reproduction is considered. On examples of various traditional cultures the thesis that the sense of sacrifice consists not in pragmatical achievement of favor of "gods" and spirits or an equivalent exchange with them, and in the victim as that, keeping order and intelligence in a universe practically to the character to which it is brought is illustrated. Experience of the modern utilitarian civilization which rejected principle of sacrifice and have replaced with its valuable installations of pragmatical benefit and comfort is analyzed. It is shown that the given revolution with inevitability conducts to destruction of all cultural basics, keeping a society in unity, to loss of the purposes and senses of social being, to degradation of sociopolitical system, a science, art and culture as a whole. Finally, replacement of a principle of a victim with a comfort principle undermines mechanisms of social reproduction of the person and leads introduction the pathological society which has admitted such replacement, and, hence, to its replacement by societies of normal traditional valuable orientation.

Keywords: sacrifice, culture, traditional society, civilization.

International economic solidarity. E.G. Bryndin

Abstract. The general Assembly of the United Nations in the resolution devoted to carrying out of the first Decade of the United Nations on struggle for liquidation of poverty proclaims the international day of solidarity of people (the Resolution № A/RES/60/209). It is marked annually, on December, 20th, since 2006. Poverty liquidation on a global scale probably to carry out in a format of the international economic solidarity by a Christian principle of a uniform prosperity.

Keywords: regulation by economy and social sphere, economy modernization, health saving economy.


Methodical instructions «Intellectual property management. Creation  (acquisition), a recognition, the account and intellectual property use (public regulations)». G.V. Fokin

Abstract. Methodical instructions are developed on the basis of requirements of the international, national standards of the Russian Federation and supervising documents of system of quality management on STO.9001-08-2011 in the field of quality management and organization resources. They are public regulations of management of intellectual property, can be used as the supervising document of system of quality management «as is», with «cover change» or with necessary adaptation to industrial, financial and economic, enterprise problems of managing subjects.

Keywords:, intellectual property, information technology, license agreement, intellectual property management, quality management, non-material actives, research and development, certification, FINAS, copyright certificate.


Business reputation of the organization: bases of legal regulation. S.V. Gorin

Abstract. In article features of legislative regulation of business reputation organization are considered. Communication legislative and statutory acts is shown. The conclusion that the legislative base regulating business reputation, is at a stage of active formation and has no uniform terminology that complicates its use is drawn.

Keywords: reputation, reputation management, corporate reputation, reputation protection.


Human  competence - an actual problem teachers postgraduate education. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. Actual problem of increase of professional reputation of the teacher is the exit for frameworks of psihology-pedagogical competence. A variant of the decision of this problem is introduction in postgraduate system pedagogical education subject «People competence of the teacher».

Keywords: professional thinking, professional competence, people competence, mentalityology, ortobiotic, people technologies.

Factors of formation of image of the officer modern Russian army in military collective. D.S. Krutilin

Abstract. In article priority factors of formation of image of the officer in military collective are analyzed. The author provides the data of polls characterizing motivational and valuable structure of personnel structure of army and fleet of Russia.

Keywords: image, officer, Russian army, military collective.

Temptation to surrogacy. S.A. Stroev

Abstract. In article the attractiveness and prestigiousness phenomenon of surrogacy in system of values of a modern society is considered. The civilization-historical and culturological analysis of world outlook roots of this attractiveness is presented. Communications between a rejection of traditional religious values and surrogacy social values, identity and relations are revealed.

Keywords: surrogacy, estates, casteness, gender, ethnic identity, religious identity.

Innovative trends of structural and managerial activity Russian Railways leaders at various levels at the present stage of development. O.V. Arkhangelskaya

Abstract. In article local changes in management of the Russian Railways in process of structure modernization are presented. The existing structure of holding is considered. The model corporate competitive holding is described. The characteristic of an image of the head is given.

Keywords: perfect of management, structure modernization,  human resources, development of managerial and professional experience, professionals and personalities abilities, inside corporations communications.

Soap bubble of software business. G.V. Fokin

Abstract. Automation was included into economy and management — "Communications", «Network sales», «System of one window», «Digital money», « Electronic government». The world and domestic economy «leaves their crisis». Sales of software products and services of «author's support» their operation accrue. However, under all it the mine of the slowed down action — a recognition, certification, legal use of intellectual property and observance of the intellectual rights is put. If you don't have non-material actives yours «box licenses» and license agreements are insignificant. When it happens with your enterprise? — Solve. In article it is shown what to lower risks of the legal owner intellectual property management on the standardized algorithms will help.

Keywords: software business, intellectual property, non-material actives, research and development, know-how, certification, registration policy, FINAS.


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