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Vol. 4 Nom. 1-2


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Vol. 4 Nom. 1-2



Information processes: struggle for the control over mass consciousness. Zoran Jevtović,  Zoran Aracki

Abstract. In article possibilities of use of the information for the control over mass consciousness are considered. The control over the information is considered as a condition of management by others. Features of modern information wars are defined.

Keywords: information processes, mass consciousness, public opinion, reputation, information war, mass media.

Results of year 2010: sunset of "Revolution of the 60’s". S.A. Stroev

Abstract. In article the analysis of phenomena European ideological «is offered revolution 60» and the subsequent long-term prevalence so-called «new left» in social and political thought of the West as destructive agencies of a civil society at transition of world capitalism from an imperialism phase in a phase globalism. Intrinsic affinity – despite declarative contrast of the form – modern "antifascism" (ideology of tolerance) and fascism as ideologies in сapitalocracy system at different stages of its development is shown. On the basis of events of the last 2010 the conclusion about possibility of change of a long-term trend in political ideology of the West and end of the trajectory set in the late sixties of the XX-th century becomes.

Keywords: Year 2010, «Revolution of the 60’s», tolerance, political correctness, multiculturalism, «New Left», revolution.

Technological modernisation and structural reforms. A.V. Martynov

Abstract. In article features of structural reforms are investigated. Technological modernisation is considered as a priority of economic transformation. It is shown that a solving condition of overcoming of the developed technological backlog of Russian economy is the prompt introduction of effective institutes of venture business.

Keywords: economy modernization, technological modernization, structural reforms, economic transformation, economic reforms, technological progress, privatization.

Principles and factors of  business reputation of organization management. S.V. Gorin

Abstract. In article principles of business reputation of organization management are defined: aiming at achievement of final practical result; dependence on the past and the account of base strategy of the company; a combination perspective, flowing and operational planning; monitoring of level of business reputation, flexibility of management. Major factors of business reputation of the organization are united in corresponding groups: economic, legal, administrative, organizational, financial, technical and technological, ecological, psychological.

Keywords: corporate reputation, reputation management, company reputation, business reputation of organization.

Problems of family education in the works of Komensky. T.A. Savchenko

Abstract. The article reveals the concept of the family education by the main aims, ideas, principles and methods. The problem of cooperation between family and school in the educational process is presented from the author’s point of view. The main aim of the education he considered to be the perfection of the human nature. There should be a close connection between a family and school in the educational process. The respect of the kid’s personality is the core principle of the whole concept.

Keywords: family, maternal school, education, principle, cooperation between family and school, morals, spirituality.

Father’s reputation in family. A.V. Kotlyar

Abstract. This article examines the concepts of reputation and authority of the father in a family, which is compared in the context of the traditional and modern Russian family. The ideal image of a modern father is considered as a role model and absolute authority in the family. Challenges faced by modern fathers and ways to overcome them are analyzed in the article.

Keywords: father's reputation, father's authority, traditional family, modern family, good father, qualities of a good father.

Formation of the priority personal and professional qualities of the manager. O.V. Arkhangelskaya

Abstract. In article results of an estimation of strengths and the restrictions, disturbing an effective management are presented. They are revealed as a result of railway transportation managers and experts questioning. Factors which interfere with full realization of all personal possibilities are considered. Results of the research directed on revealing of administrative and personal qualities of the manager are resulted. The decision of strategic problems and functions of "Russian Railway" personnel potential development is possible in the presence of professional qualities of its each worker within the limits of an effective control system of company personnel potential development. Professionalism is defined by ability to work with people: the rate on the human factor as a condition of  strategic targets and mission «Russian railways» realization.

Keywords: personnel potential, professionalism, human competence, professional work restrictions, manager personal qualities, administrative work, erudition, Russian Railways.

Conflictological competence of the class teacher as a necessary component of its professional image. S.A. Volodina

Abstract. In article there are value conflictological competence of the class teacher of formation of its positive professional image is considered. Formedness conflictological competence allows to anticipate and structurally to resolve pedagogical conflicts, that promotes increase of reputation of the class teacher as one of the basic subjects of teaching and educational process at school.

Keywords: conflictological competence, conflict, professional image, reputation, professionalism.

Reform of higher education of Serbia. Milan Uzelac

Abstract. The article examines the reform of higher education in Serbia under the Bologna Process. It is shown that the Bologna Declaration is of a purely socio-political and economic nature. The reasons for the poor state of higher education in Serbia are considered.

Keywords: higher education, reform education, SerbiaBologna Process, Bologna Declaration, universities, democracy.

The relevance of monitoring the «Civic being of the people». V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the situation in a village Kushchevsky against problems of a modern Russian society is considered. Necessity of carrying out regional and federal monitoring «Civil state of people health» is proved. Components of civil state of people health are described. Practical offers on monitoring realization «Civil state of people health» are given.

Keywordsmonitoring, civil state health, personal state of person health, social state of person health, public state of person health, expectation, trust, optimism, pessimism, village Kushchevsky.

Transformation of social space in modern Russia. A.N. Samarin

Abstract. The Transformation of the Russian society can be named the chronic degradation, or fundamental involution of society which has captured all sides of our life. Within two decades such significant features of a public life, as deindustrialization, demodernization, deintectualization, decivilization and total corruption went deep. As the initial precondition which has caused all these phenomena, was criminal privatization and as it contradicted and contradicts vital interests, even to an opportunity of a simple survival of millions ordinary people so far as after two revolutions 1991 and 1993 in Russia there was an abrupt authoritative shift in a political life which in the course of time more and more amplifies.  Really, since October, 1993, in Russia authoritarianism which masks nowadays under specific "sovereign" democracy prevails. Weak elements of democracy at a level of oligarchical corporation really are in that measure in what its members own TV-channels, radio stations or press or can influence them. But the same rather limited democracy only for the supreme layer of oligarches and politicians (as an example of its limitation even for the supreme corporation, we shall recollect Khodorkovsky's case) turns around practical tyranny for the enormous majority, de facto deprived hardly probable all rights.

Keywords: reforms, development, the right, democracy, authoritarianism, privatization.

The elections results of year 2010 in the countries of Europe. S.A. Stroev

Abstract. The article discussed the results of parliamentary elections in 2010 in the NetherlandsBelgiumSwedenGreat BritainHungaryCzechRepublic and Slovakia, as well as elections to the regional councils in France and of presidential elections in Poland. Based on an analysis of their results revealed the main general trends. Firstly, the growth of anti-immigrant sentiment, in fact, led to the breakdown of previous paradigm of "political correctness" and multiculturalism, bright success of a number of nationalist parties, the transition from the scope of anti-immigration alarmism marginality in the lexicon of leading European politicians and parties. Secondly, against the background of the general crisis of the system of political parties and parliamentary democracy as such notes the relative success of "center-right" and the complete failure of the Social Democrats. This paradoxical in the context of the global financial crisis, the reaction of voters can be considered as a kind of "no confidence" policies and methods of distribution social state budget. It is concluded that a deep systemic crisis, the existing socio-economic and political system of capitalism.

Keywords: year 2010, elections in Europe, "turning right", nationalism.

Regional peculiarities of formation of the legislative authority political leader reputation. N.V. Gaak

Abstract. The maintenance of political reputation is investigated. Technologies of political leader reputation formation are designated. Elements of a positive strategic image of the political leader are described. Features of  political leader regional level reputation formation are revealed.

Keywords: political reputation, reputation formation, legislature, regions, leadership.

The Russian-Swedish cooperation in the field of telemarketing. V.I. Beloglazova

Abstract. Sweden and Russia – old trading partners, since times of development of northern territories and Peter I exit to Baltic sea. Since then value of Sweden in the European market has sharply changed.Swedes show to the world high technologies in the field of mechanical engineering, the automobile, telecommunication industry. For Russia it is favourable and important to have Sweden the partner in the field of telecommunication services. Firm Tele2 represents the competing company in St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region.

Keywords: Sweden, telemarketing, competition of countries, telecommunications, innovative development, Ericsson, Tele2.

Сhemical trail - destruction of life. L.K. Fionova, I.V. Ermakova, A.N. Samarin, S.V. Bojarintseva

Abstract. Great amount of data about dispersion of aerosol containing aluminum, barium, strontium by USA airplanes (сhemical trails) is reviewed. The officially declared reason of aerosol dispersion (global worming prevention) does not coincide with the real results: poisoning of air and soil, degradation of plants. The version about intentional destruction of natural biosphere by megacompanies, producing genetically modified organisms, is considered. Connection of downfall masses of birds around world in January 2011 with сhemical trails is discussed.

Keywords: chemical trails, dispersion of aerosol by airplanes, downfall masses of birds, genetically modified plants, poisoning of soil, destruction of biosphere.

Dangerous speculation for the fall of human advantage. V.S. Stepanov

Abstract. Speculation for the fall of human advantage thanks to which world political elite provides comfort of a modern society and its controllability, will by all means end with accident which will ruin a civilisation much earlier, than exhaustion of a source of raw materials.

Keywords: human advantage, conscience, information environment, material benefits.


Literary reputations. Literary destiny of the first poet from workers (about Alipanov). I.N. Rozanov

Abstract. The material of the book of the known literary critic and the expert on Russian poetry I.N. Rozanov «Literary reputations» is presented, for the first time published in Moscow in 1928. In I.N. Rozanov's given work bases of new areas of a science - theories and stories of literary reputations are put. Reproducing a book material, Journal «Reputiology» aspires to inform modern readers one of the first works on a theme of literary reputations in the Russia which have become now by a rare book.

Keywords: reputation, attraction, pushing away, inertia, I.N. Rozanov, Alipanov, Benediktov, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Pushkin, Gogol, Nekrasov,Zhukovsky, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Tolstoy, Bryusov, Mayakovsky, Block.


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