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ISR Vol. 13 Nom. 3-4


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Vol. 13 Nom. 3-4 Open-Access




O R I G I N A L  A R T I C L E S




Determination of the current oil saturation in oil deposits based on the results of hydrodynamic studies


A.A. Bykova (LLC "RN-Krasnoyarsk Npineft"), M.S.Korolev (Siberian Federal University)



Development of residual oil reserves by return injection


V.O. Kanzychakova (LLC "RN-Krasnoyarsk Npineft"), T.S. Suhonosova (LLC "RN-Krasnoyarsk Npineft"), G.N. Chaykin (LLC "RN-Krasnoyarsk Npineft")



Determination of downhole pressure in wells with a large gas factor


A.A. Bykova (LLC "RN-Krasnoyarsk Npineft")




B R I E F  C O M M U N I C A T I O N




Strategic natural resources and their role in the Russian Economy


A.M.Koroleva (Siberian Federal University), D.A.Vorobyev (Siberian Federal University), I.V.Ilina (Siberian Federal University)



Methodology for assessing the economic potential of renewable energy resources in the region


S.-M.I.Musaev (Assistant of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and National Security, A.A. Kadyrov Chechen State University)







Preface to the book “Viktor Shepel - scientist, publicist, teacher”. M.: AIM. 2020.300 p.


E.Petrova (Doctor of Psychology, Professor, President of the Academy of Imageology)



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