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ISR Vol. 5 Nom. 1


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Vol. 5 Nom. 1





Property and privatization in rural and urban economy

O.S. Sukharev




Labelling as tool of consumer protection and fair competition: issues of harmonization and approximation of the European and EurAsEc legislations of pasta labelling

Natalia M. Lashkevich, Massimo Di Martino, Angelo Cichelli




The analysis and the accounting of specific features of strategic planning and management at the fishery enterprises when developing strategic plans and forecasts

M.O. Gryaznova



Problems of regulation of labor migration in Russia

V.A. Chevychelov



The analysis tendencies of wheat imports at the EU single market

Natalia M. Lashkevich



Ecology-economic information as a factor in economic negentropic

S.M. Sukhorukova



Agriculture and economic security of Russia: retrospective research

Mikhail V. Fyodorov, Evgeny A. Kuzmin



Animated effect of behavior of a control system of financial and economic activity of fish branch

O.V. Demchuk




Voronezh Nickel project:  benefits and environmental risks

Yu.A. Lissovsky, A.N. Samarin



Process Cost Model “Quality and Food Safety Controlling” along the food chain” and the economic-cost estimation systems as effective tools of the quality economics implementation

Natalia M. Lashkevich



Transition to health saving up innovative economy

E.G. Bryndin



The nature and origin of stability in economic processes

Evgeny A. Kuzmin





Timber resources of the Russian Far East and the problems of their effective utilization

V.V. Reimer, N.S. Маnakov



Relationist Approach to International Political Theory

Igor Janev



Solution of problems of resources, ecology, health and poverty

E.G. Bryndin



The conceptual model of innovative development of enterprise under the criteria of sustainable development

E.V. Gnitetskyi




Children’s Rights and the Future of the Humanity

T.V. Panfilova



Why natural scientists philosophy?

O.T. Palamarchuk



Choice of strategy of marketing risks management in case of investment projects implementation

A.V. Ovchinnikova



Model of strategic management of food industry enterprise business reputation

S.V. Gorin, А.V. Pavlov



Marketing aspects of portfolio businesses management

K.Y. Yavorskaya



The territorial organization of the use of land resources in agriculture

N.N. Telnova, O.P. Grigoryeva



Current status and trends of agricultural development of the Stavropol Territory

I.Y. Sklyarov, J.M. Sklyarovа, A.R. Shaulov



The economic mechanism of the use of export revenues in the agrarian sector and its effectiveness

Elnur Abil oglu Mammadov



Problems of development of potatoes grocery subcomplex and the direction of their solutions

V.I. TrukhachevN.V. BannikovaE.G. Pupynina




Formation of the spatial localized systems in agrarian sector of economy



Y.S. Skripnichenko, N.N. Telnova




Organization and increase of efficiency of internal control of auxiliary productions of the agricultural organizations

E.I. Kostyukova, A.Y. Muhina



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