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Vol. 2 Nom. 3-4


Ortobiotic as life philosophy. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the material from the new book of professor V.M. Shepel «Mentality of the manager. Administrative thinking» is presented. The major philosophical question «For what the human is born?» is considered.  The effect of spiritual self-organising is described. Bases of ortobiotic as vital philosophy are considered. Some principles of preservation of health and longevity achievement are revealed.

Keywords: ortobiotic, life philosophy, health, health-saving technologies, outlook, ability to live, human body, physical health, spiritual health, sincere health, relaxation, recreation.


The New Bourgeoisie and its Pseudo-Elite in the Societies of Peripheral Capitalism (A Sketch for a Sociological Portrait). Ljubiša R. Mitrović

Abstract. The paper analyses the changes in the class structure of the post-socialist societies under the influence of the neoliberal development strategy and the restauration of peripheral capitalism. It especially focuses on the changes that have taken place in the very composition of the ruling neobourgeois class, of its fractions and elites. In particular, it analyses the social profile of the comprador bourgeoise and its political elites, as well as the detrimental effect they have on the future and the development of the Balkan societies. Through uncritical acceptance of the neoliberal strategy of dependent modernization and obediance to their Western mentors, the satellite pseudo-elites have contributed more to the processes of destruction than those of creation. They have brought about the peripherization of economy, society and culture and have pushed Serbia and the Balkans into the zone of peripheral capitalism. The paper explores the social position and the role of the given groups in the social structure, in the system of the division of social power and in the current social changes in Serbia and the Balkans. It also compares the changes in the class structure that have occurred in the Balkan societies to those that have taken place in Latin America and Asia, pointing thereby to the relevant similarities and differences. The common denominator turns out to be that all of those societies in the various parts of the world are dependent societies of peripheral capitalism in the global system. They are ruled by the comprador bourgeoisie and satellite lumpen-elite. They are heavily segregated and exploited societies, they are deeply devided, and full of risk and conflict. The paper concludes with a paraphrase of a thought of Rene Dimon (expressed in his Neocolonial Rule in India): without a change in the development strategy and the social structure, that would strip the comprador bourgeoisie and all the corrupted elites in both the cities and in the rural areas of their power, Serbia will never be able to make any progress!

Keywords: peripheral capitalism, dependent modernization, comprador bourgeoisie, pseudo-elite, lumpen-politics.


Seven social-economic programs of assistance to development of a civil society. E.G. Bryndin

Abstract. Social movement «MORAL RUSSIA» offers seven social-economic programs of assistance to development of a civil society: 1) the program of development of innovative ecological economy with filled resources; 2) the program «Development health of saving up medicine and public health services system»; 3) the ecological program «Pure air, pure water, pure food, a net energy, a pure city and village, the pure Nature»; 4) the program of formation of fair democracy as society way of life; 5) the program of the complete interdisciplinary innovative formation; 6) the program of a peace, humane policy; 7) the program of civil education of a spiritual life for a sustainable development.

Keywords: civil society, social-economic programs, Moral Russia, innovative economy, ecological economy, public health services system, ecological programs, democracy, innovative formation, humane policy.


Suicides of young people in Serbia: the main trends. Goran Penev,Biljana Stankovic

Abstract. In Serbia in 2008, a total of 507 young persons aged 15-24 died, out of which every ninth, i.e. exactly fifty five committed suicide. The paper presents an analysis of statistical data on suicides of young people in Serbia in the period of 1966-2008, an overview of risk and protection factors, as well as the possibility of prevention of suicidal behavior in young people. Data shows that the number, rates and share of suicides in total youth mortality are less unfavorable than 40 years ago and that, in terms of the value of the suicide rate of young people, Serbia is in the lower section of the list of European countries. Nevertheless, there is a need and possibility to prevent suicides, especially among young men, where the number of suicides is only slightly smaller than 40 years ago, and current rates per 100.000 inhabitants are almost three times higher than for girls. The school should play a significant role in preventive actions, through general programs that promote a range of protection factors, or through specific programs focused on concrete problems and risky behavior. The improvement of the methods of identification, treatment and monitoring of suicide attempts with young people deserves special attention.

Keywords: suicides, young people, risk factors, suicide prevention, Serbia.


Neoliberal fundamentalism against social solidarity. A.N. Samarin

Abstract. Liberalism as the economic doctrine and social-darvinism as its philosophical continuation, stimulate development of far right tendencies, both in the world, and at us in the country. The main target of the neoliberalistic a line in the theory and in practice become solidary relations between people, their readiness and ability
to mutual aid. Atomized people, devoid of collective meaning of existence and mutual support, or doomed to extinction, or become easy prey for the right of totalitarianism.

Keywords: anomie, neoliberalism, social Darwinism, totalitarianism.


Gender bias in sport journalism. Pirsl Danica

Abstract. The relatively low percentage of women and minority sport journalists suggests dynamics of exclusion. We used J. Acker’s (1990, 1992) theory about gender and organizations to examine several interrelated processes in the construction of gender and ethnicity in sport journalism. Acker named 4 processes that inform these constructions: division of labor, images and discourse, interactions, and identity work. We held semistructured interviews with 15 experienced journalists/ editors who worked in the sport departments of either national newspapers, commercial television, or public television. The results indicate that, although the journalists asserted that the meanings given to their ways of doing journalism are ideologically neutral, these 4 processes do construct gender and ethnicity in overlapping and interrelated ways. In the discussion, we place these results in their context and focus on this contradiction between desirable and actual neutrality.

Keywords: gender, exclusionary practices, journalism, organization, sport.


Family Model of Education and Socialization by J. Lock. Т.А. Savchenko

Abstract. The article presents the educational model of “bringing up the gentleman” by John Lock, who is known to be the wrecker of the feudal ideology. He came out against the theory of “congenital ideas”. One can bring up the true gentleman exclusively within the family.  The process goes in the three directions - physical, moral and intellectual.

Keywords: gentleman, education, ideology, family, society, conviction, game, example, dialogue, exercises.


To the institutional theory of economic growth: problem of macrodisfunction and monetary range O.S. Sukharev

Abstract. The article contains theoretical attempt to understand the modern economic growth processes, proceeding from the generalization of the institutional problems of economic systems transformation. In this article the concept of macroeconomic disfunction and monetary range of the institute function is developed and some principles of the institutional theory of economic growth and features of such a growth are concluded and settled according to this concept. The used term “disfunction” is borrowed from biology and means a breach, functional disorder of  any organ, system, mainly of qualitative character.  With the help of the quantitative  estimation of the institutional changes potential, the description of economic development tendencies according to degree of aggregational disfunction of economic system is given in the article. The trends of subsequent investigation of economic growth problems are concluded in the article according to the institutional and evolutional macroeconomics positions. An important issue in the modern economic knowledge is “evaluation” of institutions, i.e. assessment of their efficiency. Economic systems and institutions tend to change or lose their qualitative characteristics with time. Why does this happen and, more important, what can be done to trace deterioration in system/institution quality (efficiency)? This issue acquires special importance in the time of controlled institutional modifications, reorganisation of Russian economy, when new rules affecting agent behaviour and dictating his choice of resources, products and technologies, come into play in the economic process. In the long run, it is the rules of behaviour and technological routines that influence competitiveness and economic development on the whole. It is important to understand that rivalry extends not only to products, technologies, information, companies and countries, but to individual institutions as well, i.e. the rules responsible for efficient – or inefficient – organization of economic life. Old and new (offered to society by certain political forces) institutions are also in competition with one another. These processes directly affect the economic development trends, but the relationship has been poorly studied in modern literature and there is a limited number of methodologies which can be used to evaluate the quality (efficiency) of particular institutions or assess effectiveness of institution replacement. The North-Thomas approach to determination of cross-sector behaviour of an economic system is based on the proportion of transaction and transformation expenses. However, this approach addresses neither assessment of the institutional structure nor the quality of institutions and loss of qualitative (efficiency) properties – the things that are discussed in this paper. The author has tried to demonstrate application of the use value technique for evaluation of the quality (efficiency) of newly adopted institutions. Surely, this is an analytical approach based on expert assessment, which is, however, both its merit and shortcoming, especially considering that there are no precise models in this field; moreover, they can hardly exist at all. The problem of institutional efficiency is discussed here as a problem of system quality, and institution is treated as a product created because it is needed.

Keywords: institutional theory, economic growth, disfunction, macroeconomic disfunction, monetary range, models of growth and development, neoshumpeterian ecpnomics, economic policy.

Information dependence of the stock markets. K.A. Torzhevskiy

Abstract. In the article is considered sensitivity of the stock market to the information factor in a stable and crisis phase of development is investigated; comparison of reaction to the information of the Russian and American market to use of dynamics of indexes of RTSI and Dow Jones is carried out. The received results are based on methods of the correlation and graphic analysisWork is executed with financial support of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the project № 08-06-00163 «Theoretical and methodological base of analysis by using neuronal networks».

Keywords: information factorinternational stock markets, correlation coefficientsgraphic analysis.



The theory of economy efficiency: organizational, institutional and systems view of the problem. O.S. Sukharev

Abstract. The article deals any questions by institutional, organizational and systerms ifficiency. Author are offer to evaluate the ifficiency of economic systerms for degree her disfunction. In paper offer axioms of the theory of efficiency against classical pozition to the theory of efficiency.

Keywords: institutional efficiency, ecenomic systerms, disfunction, X- efficiency, organizational efficiency, synergetic efficiency, formal and nonformal institutions, transaction cost.



On the Establishment of KPI Performance Evaluation System. Xu Zhenting, Liu Fuxiang, Li Weixing

Abstract. This paper centers on the establishment of KPI Performance Evaluation System, which can make performances of individual employees and organizations link an enterprise's strategies interactively workable. The enterprise can enhance its overall performance if the top-down strategy is transmitted and the bottom-up performance is improved as well. This, as a consequence, not only maintains but also stimulates the core ability of the enterprise.

Keywords: performance evaluation, system, key performance indicators.



Credit reputation of Russian companies: formation and use in the world financial crisis conditions. S.V. Gorin, А.V. Pavlov

Abstract. Credit reputation of a company shall be regarded as a part of credit status. The significance of credit reputation of a company against the backdrop of a global financial crisis is shown as also particular issues associated with its formation are determined. The role of credit bureaus in creating credit reputation of a company is investigated.  The ways of using credit reputation amid the global financial crisis are determined.

Keywords: reputation management, corporate reputation, credit reputation, credit status, credit bureaus.



Research on the Indexes Weights of Performance Evaluation by AHP.Xu Zhenting, Liu Fuxiang

Abstract. The establishment of scientific index evaluation system, including index weight, it is the key to improve the reliability and validity of the performance evaluation system. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) provides a feasible way to determine the exact evaluation indexes weights. This paper centers on the weights of performance evaluation indexes by using Analytic Hierarchy Process.

Keywords: performance evaluation, weight, analytic hierarchy process.



About realization of Strategy of development of an information society in educational sphere of courts of subjects of the Russian Federation. V.A. Niesov

Abstract. One of key problems of judicial reform proceeding in the Russian Federation is increase of professional level of judges and workers of devices of courts, their qualifications and specialization. This problem is especially actual for courts of subjects of the Russian Federation. Being based on a critical estimation of dissociation of activity of subjects of Federation in sphere of improvement of professional skill and retraining of judges and realization of Strategy of development of an information society by them in the Russian Federation in the given sphere, the author of article gives reason for necessity of working out of the project of the inter-regional target programof creation of interuniversity system of information-methodical maintenance of improvement of professional skill of judges of 83 subjects of the Russian Federation and workers of their devices. In article concrete organizational-legal measures which could promote maintenance of unity of judicial system of the Russian Federation in information educational space of judicial system are offered.

KeywordsInformation-methodical base, remote training, inter-regional target program,  interuniversity system, improvement of professional skill of judges, courts of subjects of the Russian Federation.



Natural Сomb-System of the Chemical Elements. B.N. Gerdev

Abstract. This article is about "Natural Comb-System of the Chemical Elements", which is another, newly invented (by text author) way to display chemical elements in ascending sequence of atomic numbers without gaps. Comb-system is powerful tool to detect and research elements' patterns and relations, the ones that cannot or hardly can be researched through periodic table by Mendeleev. The article contains description of system itself, its attributes, its possibilities to analyze and forecast. This is the very first publication about system. Author is young Russian inventor.

Keywords: chemistry, quantum physics, periodic table.


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