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ISR Vol. 5 Nom. 2-3


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Vol. 5 Nom. 2-3





International agricultural specialization as a new phase of innovation development of the regional economy


I.V. Taranova





Legally Prohibited Target-Marketing Aimed at Children and Adolescents


Stefan Heinrich





Оrganizational and economic instruments and formation of clusters in agricultural economy of the region


B.M. Zhukov, V.S. Pankov





Agro-industrial integration as a factor of social and economic efficiency of the agar of entrepreneurial


O.N. Kusakina, M.V. Ponomarenko, E.V. Skiperskaya





Education of long-term unemployed reasoned philosophy of constructivism, pragmatism and postmodernism


Rasa Rudžinskienė





The mechanism of providing service service to the enterprises food and processing industry on management of delictual risks with use of tools and methods the delict management


G.P. Starinov 





The cluster approach to the development of a regional agro-industrial complex


T.G. Gurnovich, L.V. Agarkova, H.D. Amandurdyyev





Investment in fixed assets of the food industry: characteristics of financing


Z.Sh. Babaeva





Innovative approaches to the development of agricultural insurance


O.N. Uglitskikh, Y.E. Klishina





Development of integration interaction of the subject agroeconomy adjacent areas


B.M. Zhukov, N.A. Kolesnikova




Problems of formalization of systems of information procedures of management of financial and economic activity of fish branch of Ukraine

O.V. Demchuk



Organizational and technological support for expanded reproduction in agriculture in the region

L.V. Agarkova, T.G. Gurnovich,  A.S. Bezlepko



Problems of investment and development «human capital» to the agricultural areas

O.S. Sukharev




Improve the management system of inter-regional integration and interaction of subjects AIC

B.M. Zhukov, N.A. Kolesnikova





Methods and models of quantitative justification in the course of development of innovatively focused strategy of the food trade enterprise

E.M. Kripak, D.N. Timofeev, T.N. Timofeeva





Formation of an optimal structure of financial resources of agricultural organizations in the development and of improving the risk management system

I.I. Glotova, E.P. Tomilina




Biochemical indicators of blood of the broilers who have been grown up with a various density of landing

R.Z. Abdulhalikov





Cytological analysis of tetraploid maize and its relation to grain productivity cob

E.B. Hatefov




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