ISR Vol. 4 Nom. 1-2 |
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Vol. 4 Nom. 1-2
Philosophy: system of universal rules of cognition. V.M. Shepel, PhD, professor of the Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, Russia Abstract. The publication provides a summary of a textbook published by the V.M. Shepel, "Philosophy of scientific research". The study of cognitive activities of eminent scientists and philosophers from Russia and abroad, testifies to their high philosophical culture and excellence of their minds. As a result, it is arguable that their educational level, creative and special abilities, purposefulness, ability to take the "backblows of fortune" and discernment of recognition by the public with dignity have successfully taken shape in real achievements. Keywords: cognition, philosophy, scientific research, mind.
Contemporary science between disciplinary chaos and transdisciplinary challenger - The plea for a radical way of overcoming the present state crisis of the so-called “normal science” - Tatjana Mitrović, Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia Abstract. This paper discusses certain characteristics and tendencies of the contemporary science development with a special focus on the implications that the expansion of the scientific analytical mind has on the phenomenon of extreme science specialization (in the form of “disintegrated work”) and disciplinary chaos and their gnoseological and deontological consequences for the development of contemporary science and scientific and professional ethics. The analysis focuses on the advent of science in the second half of XX century and the position of a scientist in the professional division of labour, on the criticism of the pragmatically limited science, of the neglect of philosophy and humanities, but it also represents a plea for the openness of all sciences, for a new integrated approach (to natural, social and technical sciences), for intensifying interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary international cooperation, as well as for the creation of an integral panscientific and philosophical paradigm which would help overcome the disciplinary chaos and improve the development of contemporary science through the synergy of scientific results. Keywords: science, scientism, disciplinary chaos, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary cooperation, integral paradigm, science progress.
The geopolitics of the Balkans in the 19th and 20th centuries – between national emancipation movements and geostrategic games of the great powers. Ljubiša R. Mirović, PhD, Prof., Faculty of Philosophy University of Niš, Serbia Abstract. The paper analyses the geopolitical processes in the Balkans in the 19th and 20th centuries within the theoretical and methodological approach offered by historical sociology and from the perspective of contemporary geopolitics. It first problematizes the question of the production of historical events in the dialectics of history, pointing thereby to Brodel’s and Marx’s research of history as a complex, structural and contradictory process. Then it presents a sociological analysis of the geopolitical position of the Balkans and its bloody fate – as a cross, a crucifix, a crossroads at which different cultures and civilizations intersect and produce a ‘’surplus of history”, which makes the Balkans a ‘’powder keg” and a region of the culture of death and incomplete peace. It especially focuses on the bloody Balkan geopolitics in the 19th and 20th centuries, solving the Eastern Question, the national liberation movements, the rise of the old and the new imperialism in the Balkans and the implications of the given processes for peace, stability and development of the Balkans. It also analyses the geopolitical transition of the Balkans at the beginning of the new millenuim, as well as the possibility of the renewal of the movement whose guiding idea was ‘’the Balkans to the Balkan nations” in the era of globalization. The paper makes the point that the future of the Balkans does not lie in rewriting the past but in the culture of peace, in democratic integration and cooperation of the Balkan nations. Keywords: geopolitics, the Balkans, historical sociology, regional conflictology, the culture of peace.
Institutes of social development and their efficiency estimation. O.S. Sukharev, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Abstract. Estimation problems of social development institutes’ efficiency, such as educational system and human capital are considered in the article. A number of social efficiency criteria is introduced together with the known approaches, models which expand interpretation of social efficiency and help consider institutional features and the effects of separate social systems organization, and, in particular, education, etc. are offered. The problems of social development are considered in terms of academic aspects, the author mentioning the stands which are considered poorly within the limits of certain criteria. Efficiency criteria of institutional systems are suggested and social effect estimation of innovative development is given. Keywords: institutes, development, social system, efficiency, education, innovations.
The analysis of national food control system of Italy. Natalia Lashkevich, Master of Economics, PhD-candidate, The University “G. D’Annunzia” Chieti-Pescara, Italy, Department “Science” of the School of Advanced Studies, Massimo Di Martino, PhD-candidate, The University “G. D’Annunzia” Chieti-Pescara, Italy, Department “Science” of the School of Advanced Studies, Angelo Cichelli, full professor in “Commodity Science”, The University “G. D’Annunzia” Chieti-Pescara, Italy Abstract. During the past two decades the EC faced with such commercial challenges as how to ensure food safety, to increase competitiveness of domestic foodstuffs and provide mutual access for business operators to markets of the EC and third countries. In this case Member States try to achieve national strategical goals in accordance with the EC strategies. That is why National Strategy, Multi-annual control plan and national food control system are main elements of sustainable development. The analysis of them will allow to find perspective measures to strengthen food safety and increase the effectiveness of national food control system. Keywords: Single Market, food safety, quality control system, EC, Italy, Canada, strategy, concept, strengthening, merging, harmonization, effectiveness.
Studies on Reference of The western Transnational Operations Theory to Chinese Enterprise. Jing SUN, Associate Professor, Business Management School, Shenyang University Abstract. The developed country existing foreign direct investment is that carry on the foundation of the home industry structure melts highly; the home industry structure melted highly has created the advantage for each microscopic economic subject establishment international production system. But Chinese present stage foreign direct investment does not have the precondition or the superiority which the home industry structure melts highly; On the contrary, must through to establish the international production system, impels the home industry structure to melt highly, the home industry structure's superiority will be the foreign direct investment result, but is not its premise. This specific macro economic background, had decided China develops the foreign management goal not to limit merely to the microscopic economic subject own economic gain growth, meanwhile must manifest the objective request of the country industrial policy, reflected that the macro economic development general goals, namely lead Chinese industrial structure reorganization and optimization through development foreign direct investment. Keywords: multinational corporation, foreign direct investment, transnational operations theory.
International credit: economic nature, essence and kinds. O.Y. Dolinovskaya, postgraduate, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev Abstract. The article presents a study of the nature of international loans as well as its features and effects. Government loans formation features and their main type are described. Keywords: international credit, governmental credit, national debt, state credit, debt obligations, credit relations, state loan.
International economic solidarity. E.G. Bryndin, Research center ESTESTVOINFORMATIKA, Social movement «MORAL Russia», Novosibirsk Abstract. The general Assembly of the United Nations in the resolution devoted to carrying out of the first Decade of the United Nations on struggle for liquidation of poverty proclaims the international day of solidarity of people (the Resolution № A/RES/60/209). It is marked annually, on December, 20th, since 2006. Poverty liquidation on a global scale probably to carry out in a format of the international economic solidarity by a Christian principle of a uniform prosperity. Keywords: regulation by economy and social sphere, economy modernization, health saving economy.
Human resources development as an innovation economic growth. S.T. Kulzhanova, master of a specialty "Management of projects», Kazakh National University by al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan, A.N. Turginbayeva, Doctor in economics, Kazakh National University by al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan Abstract. This article is about research of science sphere and innovative activity in Kazakhstan. There were identified the main science and preparation of specialists problems based on statistic data. In the solution of these problems the emphasis was human capital, quality degree of life, innovations and quality education in the country. In conclusion, there were suggestions for preparation highly qualified specialists and smart experts in the innovation economy. Keywords: human capital, innovation economic, science.
Macroeconomic theory outlook and world financial crisis. O.S. Sukharev, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Abstract. During the world financial crisis of 2008-2010 the tools and formulas of neoclassical macroeconomics demonstrated low efficiency and discussion concerning the principles of new macroeconomics became sharply aggravated. P.Krugman and J. Stiglitz supported the necessity of the revival of Keynesian methods of economy regulation, creation of new financial mathematics and financial policy in opposition to neoclassical school. G. Akerlof and R.Schiller’s viewpoint on the “behavioural” macroeconomics which takes into account the irrational basis in agents’ behaviour and trust is considered and the conclusion about the necessity to start with the structural correlation in the development of economy’s sectors while planning financial policy is made. Stereotype tools of financial policy (the types of financial and monetary policy) are examined for which it is suggested to consider the models change of agents’ behaviour within the limits of economy sector structure and current institutional mode. Keywords: depression, financial policy, structure, behavioural macroeconomics.
Global economic stabilization. E.G. Bryndin, Research center ESTESTVOINFORMATIKA, Social movement «MORAL Russia», Novosibirsk Abstract. The International Monetary Fund, World bank, the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Euroasian economic club addressed to scientists to take part in development of recommendations about global economic stabilization for countries «G-20» developing at the summits of the decision in a format of the international meetings of heads of states, Ministers of Finance and heads of the central banks. Keywords: modernization of economy, fiscal rules, health saving economy, economic stability, social stability.
Comprehensive investigation of geo-ecological conditions of the thermal power plants areas in the framework of engineering and environmental surveying. A.F. Bryukhan, Candidate of Sci. in Engineering, Moscow State Technical University Abstract. Thermal Power Plants (TPP) are a serious source of the environmental pollution and their construction and reconstruction provides a detailed geo-ecological investigation of the areas adjacent to the TPPs. Engineering and Environmental Surveying produced in recent years on a number of TPPs areas can build up a paradigm of such an investigation. The article summarizes the experience of Engineering and Environmental Surveying for the construction and reconstruction of TPPs. The features of the environmental impact of Mobile Peak Gas-Turbine Power Plants operating in a peak loads compensation regime in the electrical networks are discussed. Keywords: thermal power plant, technogenic impact, pollution, environment, engineering surveying, landscape.
Studies on Japanese and South Korean Business Transnational Operations Enlightenment for Chinese Enterprise. Jing SUN, Associate Professor, Business Management School, Shenyang University Abstract. Chinese enterprise accumulates few experience in the transnational operations and the international competition, the reserve of capable people is also very insufficient, these realistic situations hindered Chinese enterprise to enter the overseas market, therefore, the Domestic enterprise must study and profit from the other country enterprise transnational operations successful experience and pattern, reduced risk of the transnational operations as far as possible. Keywords: globalization, multinational corporation, transnational operation, international competition.
Corporate reputation in the law of the Russian Federation. S.V. Gorin, Cand. Econ. Sci., editor-in-chief, А.V. Pavlov, independent expert Abstract. The article describes the features of the legislative control of corporate reputation (business reputation). The relationship of legislation and regulations is represented. The methods of business reputation protection as provided for in the legislation are discussed. It is deduced that the legislative framework administering the corporate reputation is under active development, has no common language, making it difficult to use. Keywords: reputation, reputation management, corporate reputation, Russian Federation law.
The armoury of spirit (leader influence as opposed to managerial). Armen E. Petrosyan, PhD, Prof.; Director of Institute for Business Consulting, Tver, Russia Abstract. Studies aimed at testing well-known theories and concepts of leadership and giving them some measure of rigor and precision, as well as comparative ones showing the manifestations of leadership under different conditions and circumstances are widely represented in the literature. But it is much harder to chance upon fresh insights and broad generalizations. Meanwhile, new ideas and fruitful approaches are required to integrate separate conceptual patterns and empirical data within a single and whole framework. Just such an attempt of systematizing the available material and making the outlines of a comprehensive theory is undertaken in the present work. The main components of leadership are scrutinized: visions as vague but attractive pictures of future; belief and suggestion which constitute the mechanism of inspiring and fascinating people; and the key factors of “exemplification” and embodiment of the “right” behavior adopted by followers as predominantly dependent persons. The leader “toolkit” is exposed in comparison with the managerial; their common ground and opposite directedness are emphasized. The author’s theory allows managers, executives, politicians, public figures, and statesmen to understand and master the basic instruments of influencing people as well as provides teachers with a more realistic model of effective leadership. Keywords: leadership, vision, inspiration, embodiment, management.