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Vol. 4 Nom. 3-4


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Vol. 4 Nom. 3-4


The prestige of office and authority of the individual. V.M. Shepel

Abstract. In article the material from the book of professor V.M. Shepel «A trade the imagemaker» is presented. Questions of authority of the modern manager are staticized. Necessity of conformity of post prestige and authority of the person is shown. Substantive provisions meritocracy as forms of government are described. The characteristic of image of the modern manager (principal) is given.

Keywords: person authority, post prestige, corporate image, meritocracy, principal, manager, manager image.


Critique of egalitarianism. S.A. Stroev

Abstract. Abundance as a condition of communism: the critique of egalitarianism. The first sketch of the theory of communism. The paper addresses the problem of equality of wealth during the transition to socialism. We give a critique of the egalitarian concepts in terms of historical materialism and an overview of the views of the classics of Marxism research on the subject. The necessity of saving incentive under socialism, and, consequently, wage differentiation and preservation of wealth inequality, reflecting the inequality of natural abilities and of the contribution of every member of society. It is concluded that the removal of inequality may not achieve the earlier state of complete abundance. 

Keywords: egalitarianism, social equity, abundance, socialism, communism, wages.


At the root of domestic pedagogy (to the tercentenary of the birth of M.V. Lomonosov). V.I. Belyaev

Abstract. The article presents brief biographic data of Lomonosov M.V.. It also characterizes the main pedagogical ideas of the scientist, first of all it is the national character idea.  The article analyses the key directions of his pedagogical understanding, presents its main principles, scientific and methodical bases. The author reveals the attitude of the famous scientist towards the principle directions of bringing-up and educational processes, which are – moral, labor, physical, intellectual and esthetic directions; their correlation and interference.   The article gives socially-pedagogical views of the scientist, namely:  the influence of socially-political system onto the education of the citizens, the Russian traditions of building a new family in the society, the family influence onto the bringing-up of the young generation, etc.  The article characterizes the innovator’s view towards the organization and content of the education in grammar school and university in Russia. The educative and methodical work of the teacher is also presented here. The conclusion: Lomonosov M.V. is the founder of the scientific basis of the Russian national pedagogics. 

Keywords: pedagogics, bringing-up, education, thinking, creativity, national character, national way, native language, grammar school, university.


Conflicts round a Russian education: its degradation and sociolabor consequences. A.N. Samarin

Abstract. In an education system of any society is incorporated he matrix of its reproduction On abrupt historical turns the success or failure of transformations depend on perspectivity of change of the contents of education nd updating of his structure in many respects. In the states where reforms have excelled, progress in business of education was one of the major levers of rise of economy. 

Keywords: education, reforms, degradation, conflicts.


Regulation of the innovation economy. E.G. Bryndin

Abstract. Presently Russia greatest challenge is to build innovation economy. National innovation system development will be based on building and efficient functioning of the regional innovation systems. An important role in addressing the challenge of building innovation economy is given to science and education. Educational content and technologies, organization of the academic process at the university are all oriented at harnessing professional teams that would be ready immediately upon graduation to start working at innovative enterprises, to joint project groups for fulfilling R&D tasks and engineering assignments, to become part of business teams. This will require enhanced integration of science, education, science – intensive industries as well as strengthening cooperation with commercial institutions. The present stage implementation of innovation strategy of Russia arises out of necessity to further develop scientific, educational and innovation complex for producing competitive technologies, new models for training personnel for science – intensive enterprises primarily to supply resources for Russia, for enhancing efficiency of commercialization and international competitiveness, for building a system of taking science – intensive products into international markets. In the recent years new institutions and mechanisms for developing small innovative businesses emerged at the federal and regional levels, such as business incubators and venture funds, R&D commercialization offices and technology transfer centers. Today many constituents of the Russian Federation hold extensive experience in effective implementation of innovations, acting as leaders of this process and as centers distributing unique ideas, technologies and developments. The main implicit goal of innovations is to improve the quality of life and the level of prosperity on the territory of the Russian Federation. Development of innovative economy demands regulation on all aspects economic, financial, organizational, social and economic activities.


Keywords: innovations, innovative economy, human capital, human potential, intellectual capital, economy state regulation.


Human needs and the production process: mutual influence. O.В. Sheveleva

Abstract. The article considers the essence and classification of human needs, investigated their relationship with the development of the production process. The dynamics and the structure of final consumption to household in the Russian Federation are given.

Keywords: physiological needs, wind needs, scientifically substantiated structure of consumption, production process.


Features of the Russian scientific journals reputation formation. S.V. Gorin

Abstract. The article reflects the results of research reputation of the Russian journals, conducted in 2011 by written questionnaire among the staff, students and graduate students of Moscow universities. Reflects the results of the responses to 19 survey questions. Key findings: 1) the most important factor for the reputation of a scientific journal is the quality of scientific articles; 2) "Science and Life" - a Russian scientific journal with the best reputation; 3) information published in Russian scientific journals, trusted; 4) quality performance edition - the main way to improve the reputation of a scientific journal. 

Keywords: scientific journal, journal's reputation, reputation formation, research papers, citation index.


Problems of companies intangible assets. G.V. Fokin

Abstract. Increased property complex in intangible assets of enterprises, the application of VAT exemptions and investment through joint-stock value of intangible assets holders is not possible without proper documents to prove the existence and use of intellectual property without infringing intellectual property rights. Intangible assets - highlight high-tech high-tech business and the problem of accountants who do not have the original (primary) documents for inclusion on the balance sheet. With the advent of standards, typical of local regulations of enterprises and teaching aids series of "Intellectual Property" rights-holders to manage risk has become easier.

Keywords: copyright, intellectual property, intellectual rights, copyright, quality management, intangible assets, valuation, patent holder, technical regulation, risk management, FINAS.


Transformation and evolutionary dynamics of a subject railroad train of the market of educational services of the Russian Federation. M.V. Grechko

Abstract. In the article the author's approach to the analysis of evolutionary dynamics and transformation of a subject railroad train of the modern market of educational services of the Russian Federation is presented. It is revealed that in modern economy the market acquires character of polyfunctionality – besides the basic function – an exchange, it carries out a number of others which realization in a society acquires the social importance: it is information, valuable, communication, stimulating and other functions. In the article dependence of change of a subject railroad train of the market of educational services on a state policy and imperatives in an education sphere is shown also. Results of the analysis can be used public authorities at development of an educational policy and adjustment of activity of subjects of the market of educational services. 

Keywords: service, educational service, the market of educational services, the subject of the market, «economy of knowledge».


The influence of modern elites in the development of society. Y.A. Lisowskiy, A.N. Samarin, L.K. Fionova

Abstract. The  article shows that the catastrophic situation in Russia - the result of the governing elite. The authors argue that the government plans to resolve the crisis are unrealizable. It was concluded that Russia's political system is a sham democracy. The principles and methods of construction of a new type of society. Usage of modern information technology to build a new society.

Keywords: elites, social development, imitation democracy, modern information technology, socio-economic crisis, welfare state.


Specifics of the partnership between Russia and China. A.A. Khramchikhin

Abstract. The article analyzes the political and economic relations between Russia and China. Identified actual problems of partnership between two great countries. The prospects of development of bilateral relations and the possible geopolitical implications. 

Keywords: China, Russian-Chinese relations, foreign economic activity.


Konstantin Rudnev. On the 100th anniversary. V.N. Ilyin

Abstract. Article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of outstanding scientist Konstantin Nikolayevich Rudnev. Made to estimate the contribution to the creation and development of instrument-making industry. Discussed ideas for the new economic management methods and experience of their implementation. Describes the main achievements in the science and practice. 

Keywords: K.N. Rudnev, instrument industry, economic management methods.


Intellectual assets of enterprises and the legalization of Intellectual Property. G.V. Fokin

Abstract. The article deals with economic and legal aspects of the formation of intellectualassets of enterprises. The opportunities of the legalization of intellectual property. It is shown that intellectual property and proprietary intellectual property rights have become part of the economy and determine the direction of innovation.

Keywords: copyright, intellectual property, intellectual rights, quality management, intangible assets, valuation, patent holder, technical regulation, risk management, FINAS.


Conditions of consumption "to each according to his needs". S.A. Stroev

Abstract. Terms of use «to each according to his needs»: the full automation of the necessary labor and «hyperxerox».  The second sketch of the theory of communism. The possibility of a communist distribution of the products of social production by the principle "to each according to his needs" when the level of development of productive forces that ensure replication of the product from approaching zero labor costs as an example of free copy of information in electronic form. Done futurological forecast of a possible transition to a similar product free replication properties of the material production. Formulated assumptions about the possible ways to reduce the scope of the capitalist-ray production, and expanding the scope of the communist relations as technological progress.

Keywords: "to each according to his needs", automation of labor, free copying.


The utilization of active learning theory in preparing future managers for agro-technical activities. C.М. Nesterenco

Abstract. The article shows how by using the theory of active learning special production problem solving skills are acquired on the basis of synthesis obtained in the process of learning, systemic vision of the object or requalification. It is necessary to reorganize the educational process so that the acquisition of professional knowledge has become a personal system of value orientations for students. The ultimate goal every manager is to create and develop own social and occupational activity. The findings show the ways and means to improve the educational process. 

Keywords: active learning theory, manager of agricultural production, learning process, cognitive activity, positive motivation, practical tasks.


Management of agriculture in Moldova in conditions Europe economic relations. C.М. Nesterenco

Abstract. The article reflects: the concept of efficient use of managers and professionals work in the conditions of the emergence of European economic relations; psychological and pedagogical approach to the selection, training and reinforcement of personnel and specialists in production; the theoretical aspects of the managerial style in European economic relations. On the basis of studies, practical recommendations and conclusions have been made.  

Keywords: management of agriculture, European economic relations, recruitment, psychological pedagogical approach, process management, quality management, competence manager.


Literary reputations. The canonization of the classics. I.N. Rozanov

Abstract. The material of the book of the known literary critic and the expert on Russian poetry I.N. Rozanov «Literary reputations» is presented, for the first time published in Moscow in 1928. In I.N. Rozanov's given work bases of new areas of a science - theories and stories of literary reputations are put. Reproducing a book material, Journal «Reputiology» aspires to inform modern readers one of the first works on a theme of literary reputations in the Russia which have become now by a rare book.

Keywords: reputation, attraction, pushing away, inertia, I.N. Rozanov, Alipanov, Benediktov, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Pushkin, Gogol, Nekrasov, Zhukovsky, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Tolstoy, Bryusov, Mayakovsky, Block.


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